In the evening, Fox Seven came to Xujia Island again.

The Xu family's training farm is near the fountain. It is the shell shed by the emperor-level pet [Star Diamond Conch]. It looks like a delicate tower, spiral-shaped, and has been artificially painted black.

From the outside, this conch is very inconspicuous, just like an ordinary decorative sculpture.

However, once you enter the conch, people and pets will be automatically shrunk. The conch is not a room, but a miniature manor. The buildings and the ground are all made of shells, emitting colorful light.

There is also an artificial sun on the top of the conch.

Here, you can hear the gentle sound of waves by just putting your face close to any wall, even to the trash can on the street.

During this period, Fox Seven also met several people, all of whom were handsome men and beautiful women, all of whom were injured, and walked fast, as if they were in a hurry. Even if they passed by each other, they did not stop to say hello to each other.

To be honest, Fox Seven did not want to be a bumpkin, but her journey was really eye-opening.

Once, she thought the Zhou family was rich and powerful, but she heard Xu Fei's evaluation of Freddy as"ordinary family background".

At that time, she didn't understand.

But now... she really felt it.

So these people... such as the young masters and young ladies of the Xu family, and Miss Alice, why do they go to ordinary schools? Is it just to keep up with the times? ? ? It was already late at night outside, and Hu Shiqi walked straight to Xu Jinbai's training room. Xu Jinbai did not accompany her, but only gave her the room card. His moon-stepping wolf was about to evolve to the general level, and he was training madly recently.

The door was not closed.

Hu Shiqi knocked on the door in a proper manner. After three knocks, the door opened. The one who opened the door was a transformed beast pet with a neutral appearance and three pairs of arms, one of which was a pair of transparent crab claws.

It was a crab beast pet.

But the real martial arts instructor was actually the human standing behind, also a member of the Xu family, named Xu Shucang, a five-star beastmaster. He was short and had a smooth tendon.

This person had no makeup on, but his features were delicate. He was wearing a gray training suit and standing barefoot on the ground.

This training room looked like a football field, extremely wide. There was a row of doors in the corner, and there were ten of them at random. They should be built-in rooms.

"Xu Jinbai said there were two?"

Xu Shucang asked, his eyes coldly looking at him.

"Yes, teacher, two."

Kitsune Shichi immediately stretched out his hands, each holding a small fur ball.

The left one was gray, the right one was yellow, both had short legs, their eyes sparkled with water, they squatted dignifiedly, looking very cute.

However, looking at the Moon Wolf opposite, it was more than eight meters tall, with an elegant posture, long and white fur, narrow and charming golden eyes, and a slight glance with a slanted eye, aloof and arrogant.

……The little fur balls are no longer attractive.

Kitsune Shichi pinches his own rabbit. Actually, the Ghost Rabbit is also pretty good after it evolves. It will become a long-legged big rabbit, and its ears will also become longer. I just don’t know what the setting sun will look like… I still have to take more photos and record everyone’s appearance at each stage, otherwise it will be a pity.

"Give it to me. I will pick it up before five tomorrow."

The crab pet stretched out its hand. Its pretty face seemed to be transformed from a crab shell. It was straight and upright, without any fluctuations.

"Take off the mechanical legs and take them away."

Xu Shucang raised his eyelids and reminded

""Okay, teacher."

Fox Seven immediately did as he said, even though she couldn't imagine how Xieyang would train martial arts without a leg...

Two minutes later, Fox Seven was sent away by the crab, and the door was closed. The inside and outside of the house were two different worlds, and they didn't interfere with each other.

But she felt that Xu Shucang... was okay, not as scary as Xu Fei said. Maybe it was because of the face of the Holy Lord and Ling Beile... that they didn't dare to mock her?

Next, Fox Seven went to see A Long by the way.

Compared with Xu Jinbai, Xu Fei's training ground was very"small", only as"small" as a basketball court, and there were only two built-in doors on the wall.

Fox Seven was curious and went in to take a look, and found that these two rooms, a lounge and a bathroom... were very large, fully equipped, and could even accommodate several people.

Even Xu Fei was like this, the only daughter of the eight-star beastmaster, Miss Alice, her life... was really... I dare not even think about it.

In a trance, Hu Shiqi remembered that day - that is, the night when she finished the Star Cup qualifiers - the double-petaled turmeric king named Su Yi, and specifically mentioned the matter of Karachi going to work.

Originally in the Zhou family, he had no worries about food and clothing, he had an island to live on, and a housekeeper to follow him. As a result, after following her, he didn't even have time to rest. He worked 15 hours a day and had to hand over all the money he earned... It was even worse than Wang Baochuan, who was the daughter of the prime minister but insisted on picking wild vegetables!

Just like that, Hu Shiqi left Xujia Island, took the teleportation array back to school, and met Karachi at the school gate.

Karachi had a stern face and his arms around his chest. He had been standing outside waiting for more than half an hour.

He has not been contracted and is currently a wild pet. Rashly landing on Xujia Island would be regarded as a provocation, and he was too lazy to report, so he could only wait.

"Why are you so slow... Why do you look like that?"

Karachi frowned slightly, and felt that the person in front of him looked listless and unhappy. He was obviously quite happy when he came to pick up Xiyang just now... Could it be that he was bullied by the Xu family?

In an instant, his face darkened, the corners of his mouth pulled down, and a cold snort blew out from the tip of his nose.

"No, I just think you work too hard.……"

Kitsune Shichi sighed, and at the same time, he started to order tickets for the Liuying Desert. At the same time, he hardened his heart and ordered a large number of new alchemy materials. The alchemy materials would not arrive until tomorrow, and Kitsune Shichi simply made a training plan - in fact, it was just a matter of taking one step at a time, and only ensuring the general direction, details and so on... were not important.

"According to the plan, we will go to Liuying University first.���Desert, if I can't adapt, I'll switch to Youlin Valley."

On the other side, Karachi saw her order more than 600 fire-type materials, and his throat suddenly choked.

Those fire-type medicinal materials looked quite new, and they were not the varieties he had seen before. Could it be that……?

"Are you going to develop new varieties?"

"The first-grade elixir is too cheap, I have to get some high-grade stuff, how about [Fire Whirlwind]? I just got the prescription from Ling Beile... It also has a wind element, and Xieyang can also come with it."

""Meow?" Fire Tornado? Crusoe popped his head out of Karachi's pocket and said,"Meow meow meow!"~!"

While checking the precautions, Kitsune received Crusoe and comforted him casually,"Give it to you, and give it to you too."

Give it to the rabbit? Karachi subconsciously stopped him:

"Rabbits are prone to estrus. If they eat this, they can give birth to two litters a week. Slime can finally have food."

Gemini rabbits are easy to enter the breeding period. If they don't find a partner, they will even split themselves after a long time, and then do this and that with themselves. Even if the mother is single, it doesn't stop them from giving birth to little rabbits like crazy. But

Kitsune Shichi didn't take it seriously.

"It's okay, Xieyang said he wants to be sterilized, and I'm going to accompany him to the surgery this weekend."

What, sterilization?" Karachi opened his eyes wide, and after a few seconds, he forced the arc of his mouth down, but unfortunately he couldn't suppress it at all.

Kitsune Shichi looked up,"……why are you laughing?"


Karachi replied, took two steps forward, took out his phone and started to locate the Liuying Desert.

"It was quite sudden... I felt that the night was beautiful and life was beautiful."

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