"Area 3 on fire - Area 3 on fire——!"

The loud sirens pierced the night sky, and the fire truck rushed to the scene with warning lights flashing.

Kitsune stood on the street, holding the setting sun in her arms, with Karachi standing beside her, and Crusoe hidden in her pocket. Behind her stood a round robot.

Flames were billowing in front of her, and a blue eagle was circling in the night sky. Dark clouds gathered above its head, pouring down rain like a waterfall.

However, the fire was not extinguished. Instead, the scorching flames rose higher and higher, and the heat wave rolled.

"There were no casualties at the scene!"

"Why is the fire getting bigger and bigger?!"

"This is a sacred skill, and water skills can't kill it. Captain Yang, where's your shadow sand lizard? We need a dark one!"

Someone on the ground called out to the phone.

Not long after, a purple lizard came quickly. It was more than three meters long, with sharp horns on its head and deep dark purple scales all over its body. It opened its mouth and spit out a black sandstorm with a sinister aura. The sandstorm spread out like a large black cloth, forcibly covering the flames!

Shadow sand lizard, dark & rock, high-level beast pet.

Soon, the flames went out, leaving only the burnt black house, and faint explosions were heard from inside the house.

But from the outside, except for the broken windows and the bulging doors, the house itself was not seriously damaged.

""Clang!" With a loud noise, a cube-shaped pet used telekinesis to remove the door, and a team of fully armed pets followed and entered one after another.……

"Hello, I am your tenant. Something happened to your house in District 3. There was a fire.……"

On the other side, seeing that the fire was out, Kitsune Shichi quickly contacted Xu Fei and told him that the training was suspended today, and then contacted the landlord and communicated with the latter very skillfully (...) about the compensation.

To be honest, Kitsune Shichi knew that there would be such a day! Whether it is Perfect or Crusoe, they both look very well-behaved on the outside, but in fact they are a demolition team!

Fortunately, she thought of it at the time... Just in case, and also for the convenience of training and not to disturb the neighbors' rest, she rented a bungalow and deliberately chose the most remote location, far away from the neighbors, so that there were no casualties, and she only needed to compensate the landlord for the loss.……

"Meow……"Crusu shrank into a quail egg, listening to the clamor and noise outside. Feeling guilty, he could only hide in his pocket, not daring to show his head or move...

And Kitsune Shichi had no time to deal with it for the time being, as she still had to accept the police's interrogation and investigation.

Fortunately, there was Karachi.

By the time they had done everything, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and everyone could finally stop and take a break.

The previous house could no longer be lived in.

The hotel was not safe either, but the good news was that Kitsune Shichi had just ordered a solar-powered cabin in the afternoon, and it was delivered at this moment.

This cabin is only 60 square meters, with two floors. The upper floor is used for sleeping, and the lower floor contains a living room, bathroom and small kitchen. It also has everything, including a washing machine.

"When did you buy the house?"

The house was a bit too big. Karachi tried several times before he succeeded in compressing it, turning the four-meter-high two-story cabin into a small ornament as big as an apple.

"……I bought it this afternoon. I seriously doubt that this is God's will. Let's go buy some things first, and then go to the Liuying Desert. This time we must wait until level 20.……"

Kitsune Shichi muttered to himself as he dragged Karachi to the supermarket to buy a bunch of daily necessities. He paid at the last second before the supermarket closed, and piled the bags into the cabin.

Afterwards, without stopping for a moment, they bought tickets and rushed directly to the Liuying Desert.

At this moment, it was already late at night in the real world, and it was freezing cold. But in the secret realm, the sun was shining, and the vast desert was as hot as ever. Looking into the distance, there was white sand one after another. A gust of wind blew, and the sand waves rolled, but silently.

Learning from the last lesson, Karachi's transformation this time was much more low-key. He first coiled up his roots to make a platform, and then put the cabin on the platform. When the house was balanced and stable, he coiled it again and wrapped it into a big ball.

Anyway, his body is white. As long as he restrains his king-level aura and puts it in the white desert, he will almost blend into the desert.

"Oh, it's so hot.……"

As soon as he entered the house, Kitsune Shichi instantly relaxed. He took the instruction manual of the wooden house, studied the refrigerator and air conditioner, and released Perfect from the beast control space. He also put Crusu and Xieyang on the table.

Crusu was fine, but Xieyang was covered in fur and was so hot that he stuck out his tongue. The whole rabbit lay on the table, completely depressed.

The space in the house was limited, and Perfect turned into a small silver ball, producing oxygen while swallowing the heat in the air.

The ultimate level of [Swallow] can already do"point and hit", even"heat" can be accurately picked out. The only drawback is that occasionally it will be distracted and accidentally swallow other things...

The window opened, and a white vine seedling came in, like a thin little snake, cruising around the house, and finally took out a glass vase and planted itself in it.

Hmm...? Kitsune Shichi looked over and felt that his guess was right. Karachi really paid attention to the quality of life. Even if he had to sleep on the table, he would find a beautiful vase for himself.

"This house looks good."

Karachi waved his leaves and was in a good mood.

More than good, the sun was shining outside, and his body was basking in the sun. The sand below was also fine and soft. In the dark sand bottom that no one knew, countless blind desert snakes were rushing over and were caught and entangled by the spider-web-like roots. The delicious flesh and blood melted silently and turned into his nutrients.

Although he could drink water, blood was also good.

On the table, Karachi's vines swayed gracefully, pure and white, like a holy object. You had to look closely to see the traces of blood red in the rhizomes.

"Xieyang, we can only live here recently. There is a toilet with automatic purification over there. If you are thirsty, ask Karachi for water. We can go out after we contract with Krusu."

Fox Seven rubbed Xieyang's ears.

There was no other way. Krusu made too much of a scene this time. The white-gold flame shot straight into the sky. At first glance, it was just an ordinary sacred flame, but in fact it was not that simple.

Fox Seven frowned.

【[Holy Light Purifying Flame]: A sacred flame, extremely hot, with the power of purification, which can eliminate all negative effects of evil and filth. In addition, the burned creatures will not feel pain, and are prone to fall into a sweet dream, creating a happy illusion.

No one reacted for a short time, because no one was burned, but... This skill is the same as [Dawn Blessing], and it is also a legendary skill. It is too rare.

"So, Susu, how did you awaken your skills?"

Fox Seven finally remembered to ask, and took out a light screen of the same model as the Venus Aurora and placed it next to the little black egg on the table.

"Stop pretending to be dead! Luckily, I, your master, made a fortune today, otherwise I would have hung you out to dry like a dried octopus."


Crusoe then stretched out his tentacles and paused guiltily, but after a few seconds, he accepted his fate and poked quickly.——

"What?" Kitsune's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what he saw.——

"You think you need fire for your cultivation, so you put yourself in the stove... to absorb the fire?!"

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