The fox... turned back into human form?

Kitsune Yashichi was a little surprised, but when Pudding Bear turned her head, she grabbed the pair of black claws and pinched the tender pads accurately, pinching!

So elastic, cute, and adorable!

?! Pudding Bear subconsciously put away her sharp and dangerous long nails, and lowered her head in confusion, only to see the human beastmaster in front of her staring at her face with shining eyes, showing her a charming and happy smile...

Wait, no... what are you doing?

Is there something wrong with this human aesthetic?

Pudding Bear, a real beast who had never been treated like this, fell into deep thought at this moment.

""Hey! I told you to get out!"

The man next to him was ignoring him with a red face, gnashing his teeth and looking a little distorted. Sweat kept running down his forehead, wetting his hair.

The slightly curly black hair stuck to his forehead and cheeks, and some of it even went into his mouth, making him look even more embarrassed.

"Oh, you finally woke up?"

Fox Seven turned around and said something nonsense. She pretended not to notice Pudding Bear's doubts and continued to squeeze the paw in her hand.


Doesn't this guy understand what people are saying?

Xu Yinli's face flushed, and he frowned when he heard the words, with obvious anger on his face.

But this is not the Xu family, so his appearance naturally has no deterrent effect.

"Hello, Xu Yinli, I am Hu Shiqi who was deceived by you and lost everything. We are ten years apart in age, so we can barely be considered peers. For now, there is no need to address each other with honorifics. Do you remember what happened before?"

Hu Shiqi calmly held the bear claws, pinched them, and summoned the perfect one outside the house.

Although the opponent was a three-star beastmaster, he had contracted three flame babies and was struggling to stand up.

To be honest, this combat power was nothing to be afraid of.


On the bed, Xu Yinli clutched the quilt tightly in his hands, his knuckles slightly whitened from the excessive force.

Of course he remembered what happened.

These mixed-bloods were originally half-human, half-beast monsters. After transforming into the form of foxes, their thinking and behavior would be affected by the blood of the beasts, becoming younger and more emotional, unable to withstand temptation and provocation... Otherwise, how could he... just... for two pills?

This woman even bit his ear!

Xu Yinli pursed his lips, and suddenly raised his hand to touch his ear, but he only touched it with great restraint, and then began to press his temple without revealing any flaws.

"Remember a little bit... So what?"

Xu Yinli sneered. The energy in his body had not yet been digested. The strong sense of joy and humiliation surged up in waves, making him breathe rapidly and even more annoyed.

The night was deep, and the temperature outside was below zero. Because Hu Shiqi opened the window for ventilation, the temperature in the room was getting lower and lower.

"You [charmed] me, and ate more than fifty of my little candy balls, but now you ask me [so]? Then guess... what am I going to 'so' next?"

Kitsune Shichi asked back with a smile without getting impatient.

Suddenly, Xu Yinli frowned even more. At this moment, his mind was in a mess, the heat in his body squeezed, and his ears were filled with the"booming" sound of strong air currents colliding. He couldn't think calmly at all. He just wanted to break the jar, completely give up his humanity, and do something to liberate his animal nature.

"……What do you want me to do? Just tell me."

"Let me ask you a question first. Did you know me before?"

Kitsune Yachi asked directly. Although there was a strange panda next to her, she didn't need to keep it a secret in her current situation.

""I know him," Xu Yinli answered quickly, his tone was very cold, his chest rose and fell violently with his breathing,"You are so ostentatious, your name is everywhere in the news headlines, how could I not know him?"

"No, no, you misunderstood."

Hearing this, Kitsune released the panda's claws and slowly walked a few steps closer, blocking the moonlight shining on Xu Yinli.

Because she had just been fed back by Krusu, her pupils were dark and deep, and because she remembered the tragic ending of the original owner, she couldn't laugh, so she could only smile hypocritically.……

"I mean, did we know each other 10 years ago?"

At this moment, even Pudding Bear was frightened and took a step back, staring at the human's backlit profile, thinking of this person's"great achievements" in the Star Cup qualifiers, his hair stood on end, and he muttered in his heart,"This is so scary!"……"

"I don't know him!"

Xu Yinli's mouth drooped slightly, and his body tensed.

Don't know him? Kitsune Shichi was silent for two seconds.

She actually guessed wrong? Could it be that the creature in the dream was not the white fox in front of her?

At first glance, the fox was probably telling the truth, but her intuition was screaming wildly, making her feel weird.

"By the way, my friend's child is going to take the high school entrance exam."

Kitsune Shichi suddenly spoke up, took out a notebook and a pen from the space, threw them on the bed, emphasized his tone and doubled his politeness, and faintly revealed a meaning that could not be refused.

"So, I would like to ask Uncle Xu for a small favor... Can you just write something to send a blessing?"

"Your friend's child is taking the high school entrance exam, what does that have to do with me? Who told you that I'm a top student? Aren't you close to Xu Fei? Go find him and write it!"


Kitsune Shichi took a half step back.


Because of its small size, Crusoe, who was particularly inconspicuous, jumped up and spit out a flame from his mouth! Its speed was as fast as light, making it impossible to avoid it!

In an instant, Xu Yinli bent down, his throat choked, tears came out of his eyes, and his skin turned red!

"You lunatic, you call this purification?!"

Xu Yinli gritted his teeth and roared.

The dark energy lurking in his body exploded when it encountered light, just like giving a spark to an oil barrel, like a surging sea wave, raging waves, layer upon layer.

He shouldn't have come out from under the fountain in the first place!

Why on earth did he take the pill in her hand!

Why did he continue to use skills to seduce her!!!

Why why why?! It's all because of this damn bloodline, half human, half beast, it can only produce idiots!!!

"This is purification. Write it down when you don't feel uncomfortable anymore. Hurry up. It's just a blessing. Is it that difficult?"

Fox Seven didn't feel any guilt.

Crusoe's flame and the perfect heart-eating flame are two extremes. There will be no pain after being hit. Besides, Xu Yinli is a three-star beastmaster and has the blood of the moon fox. He is a fire-type beast pet. He will not be injured if he is burned for a short time.

In the corner, Pudding Bear was forced to watch and shivered.

She saw Xu Yinli was so ashamed and angry that he was forced to write down the"blessing" with heavy breathing and shaking arms. The sweat on his forehead fell on the paper and blurred the handwriting.

This... this...

Pudding Bear burst into tears.

What kind of game is this? Dr. Karachi, your master... obviously looks cute and quiet, but you can't judge a person by his appearance! He is so perverted!!!

"Can't see clearly, rewrite it."

Kitsune Shichi picked it up and read it for two seconds. She still remembered the handwriting of the letter and wanted to compare it, but Xu Yinli was shaking too much, could it be that he was deliberately covering it up?

"I'll go to you——"


"Stop! I'll write!!!"

Two seconds later, Kitsune frowned again.

"Just two words 'Keep it up'? Who are you trying to fool? Write more!"

"He and I——"


"——What do you want me to write? You tell me! Tell me now! I’ll write! I’ll write!"

Finally, after a few rounds of back and forth, Kitsune Shichi got the words she wanted, both written with the left hand and the right hand. As for the possibility of"the mysterious man writing with his feet", she put aside the possibility for the time being.

She put a few pieces of paper together and compared them. The highest point, the lowest point, and even the habit of ticking the characters in Xu Yinli’s handwriting were all different from those of the mysterious man, but the size and space distance of the handwriting were almost the same.

……It's hard to judge.

Fox Seven thought for a long time, then took a step back happily, turned around and glanced at Pudding Bear - Hey, giant panda, why are you hiding in the corner?

Help! As expected of a giant panda, even the shivering look in the corner is so cute!

Fox Seven, with pink bubbles all over his body, grabbed Perfection, who was lying on the ground like a pancake, and walked over to grab Pudding Bear.

"Pudding left. By the way, Uncle Li, do you still need Pudding to treat you?"

Before leaving, she still asked politely. After all, Pudding Bear was here to treat people, but……

"No need!" Xu Yinli exploded,"You are not allowed to call me uncle! I will never be your uncle even if I become a ghost!!!"

Great! Hu Shiqi turned and left."Then you take care of yourself, but don't tell others that I bullied you."




So when Karachi got home, he found that

Kitsune was holding Pudding Bear and caressing his paws. The man and the bear were so close, oblivious to the others, they just sat on the sofa and watched TV together.

On the table, the once mighty (?) Slime had collapsed into a silver tablecloth, dripping onto the ground, silently expressing its protest with its shape.


So as long as he became a girl, he could watch TV like this? Then why couldn't he? ???

In this situation, Karachi digested it for a long time before choosing his first question - to Pudding Bear:

"It's time to get off work, why don't you leave?"

In the bedroom, there was a smell of a fox in heat, and the smell was so strong that it almost choked people to death.

It would be fine if Pudding Bear just refused to leave, but what was going on with the fox in the bedroom? Why didn't he get rid of it? Why was the fox still in heat?

""Doctor Karachi! I'm sorry, your master and I have become friends!"

Pudding Bear said proudly with her hands on her waist.

That's right, after Kitsune's brief sweet talk attack - she, Pudding Bear, has completely betrayed!

"From now on, I will call you Doctor Karachi, and you will call Qiqi Master. Qiqi and I are of the same generation, and we three will have our own affairs!"

Pudding Bear waved his paw heroically, and���She met Kitsune's doting eyes, and immediately, her heart was even happier.

Who could have imagined? She had been ferocious and terrifying since she was a child, and had never been praised by humans, nor had she been called"little sweetie" or"little baby". Even her master's expectations of her were to"carry the front and tear the enemy apart with her claws". She never expected that in her lifetime, she would actually meet a human who treated her as a little cutie?

She praised her as"the cutest"~!

Although strength is the most important, which beast would hate being praised for being cute?


Karachi took a deep breath and decided not to bother with the little bear who had just become a high-level pet.

He turned around and walked into the master bedroom without any expression, but closed the door and came out in less than three seconds.——

"Let's go, get out, let's open a new room"

"OK, that's exactly what I was thinking. I was just waiting for you to come back in case you couldn't find me."

Finally, Hu Shiqi noticed that Karachi's complexion was not right. After all, Karachi was a mysophobe... The room was horrible.

She went in again later because she heard something wrong inside. She found that Xu Yinli turned into a human and a fox over and over again, rolling around on the bed. In the end, he didn't even have the strength to struggle. His mental and physical strength were all drained. It was so miserable that Hu Shiqi couldn't bear it. Despite Xu Yinli's hoarse and weak resistance, she forced his mouth open and fed him two sips of water.

"What is he doing in there now?"

Kitsune looked at the door of the master bedroom.

"Fell asleep."

Karachi replied briefly.

"OK...wait, I'll leave him a message.……"

Kitsune Shichi jumped up, wrote his contact information on a piece of paper, took some cash, and put it in front of Xu Yinli's bedside table.

After all, this fox was forcibly taken out of the Xu family by her. After turning into a human form, he was naked and penniless, and couldn't even renew the room.

"Let's go downstairs, no, let's go to the bar next door.���"

After doing all this, Kitsune Yachi had no regrets. She turned around and smiled like a flower, and asked in a cheerful tone:

"By the way, Pudding, will your master care if you stay out all night? Tonight... do you want to sleep with me?"

Pudding Bear:"Eh? ? ? But I don't sleep very well, my claws are very sharp, and my teeth are also dangerous.……"

Kitsune Shichi:"Oh, don't worry. If you don't believe me, try it with my hair. I just tried it with a knife, and it couldn't be cut!"

To be honest, Kitsune Shichi didn't expect that Susu's feedback was so powerful. They had just signed a contract, but ordinary scissors couldn't cut her hair. Is this considered an alternative way to obtain the passive [Invulnerability]?



Anyway, this noisy night finally passed peacefully.

The next day, Kitsuneya Nana got up at six o'clock as usual. She hadn't been to class for more than half a year, and she went to school again with Perfect and Crusoe.

On the other side, a completely forgotten fox also woke up slowly under the sunlight, and with a crackling sound of bones, it regained its human form.


Xu Yinli pulled back the quilt, supported himself with his hands and barely sat up, his face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip from it.

His body felt like it had been run over by a truck, and there was no muscle that didn't ache, and...

Xu Yinli's pupils suddenly shrank: on the table, there was a thin piece of paper with a phone number written on it, pressed at the bottom of a stack of banknotes!


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