Second-grade bone-forging pills... 100?!

This was such a big deal that not only Freddy was breathing fast, but even Xu Jinbai's pupils shrank slightly!

Everyone has seen pills. They are expensive, but not very expensive. The key point is that there is no market for them because there are too few alchemists.

Alchemy takes time. Those who can become alchemists are all talented at S level or above. The failure rate of novice alchemists is extremely high. They keep the good stuff for themselves. Even if there are a little extra, they will definitely not be enough to share among relatives and friends.

The key point is that the big guys don't have time to make 100 copies of the same low-level medicine - they are the bosses who sell pills. They use pills to exchange for your favors and make some extra money.

Normally, if you provide 100 medicinal materials to the alchemist, it would be good if he can return you 20 finished products!

"Are you still a pharmacist?"

Xu Jinbai spoke first. After a brief moment of surprise, he returned to normal, but his eyes were still glancing at the huge gift box.


Fox Seven replied calmly.

Xieyang also wanted to take the martial arts class of the Moon Wolf, so if Xu Jinbai wanted to pretend, she could only pretend with him, although she didn't know whether Xu Jinbai knew that she was an alchemist... The recipient"Xu XX" could also be Xu Fei

"Am I getting on well with someone?"

Freddy was in a daze, his handsome face flushed with excitement - Kitsune Shichi's original words were"he made something delicious" and insisted on delivering it to him personally - he originally thought it was a dessert, but he never expected that it was actually a pill! Of course, he knew why - it must be because of the 4 billion yuan in the beginning. To be honest, he had said it, and he couldn't possibly not give the money, but he never expected that he would receive such a return gift!

In terms of value, 4 billion might be able to buy dozens of boxes of such pills, but the key is that even if you take out 40 billion, no one will be free to help you refine them!

""Okay, okay, hahaha, from now on, I finally don't have to envy you anymore."

Freddy was very proud, he patted Xu Jinbai's shoulder, raised his head and laughed at Hu Shiqi:

"But you don't know, there is definitely a wall between me and this guy. Every time he receives a gift, it's a star or a paper crane that he folded by himself. If it's me, I either receive condoms or underwear!"

"……As long as you like it."

Kitsune Shichi picked up the wine glass, controlled the twitching of his mouth with great difficulty, and tasted the rainbow-colored liquid.

So, giving pills as a gift... is very artistic?

"Don't take too much, and don't mix it with dark attributes, otherwise the effect will explode."

Koushi Qi couldn't help but remind him:

"This bone-strengthening pill really strengthens bones. If you eat too much, your whole body will ache, just like the feeling of your bones being broken and then growing again... It's best to give it to your pet.……"

"I understand, don't worry, humans are also animals. What, do you still look down on humans?"

Freddy asked with a smile, not caring about the seemingly serious consequences. If you want to become stronger, you have to suffer. Anyway, there is a king-level healing system at home, let alone forging bones, even if he loses his head, he can save it.

"I don't dare, I just don't want to deal with after-sales."

Hu Shiqi told the truth.

On the other side, Xu Jinbai took a sip of the wine glass, his long black eyelashes trembling, covering the red light floating in his eyes.

Hu Shiqi also noticed the red light. Ever since Xu Yinli tricked her, she has been particularly sensitive to red light. Seeing Xu Jinbai like this... she quickly looked up at the light bulb above her head... First, confirm the color of the light source to avoid accidental injury.

However, the light bulb above her head is blue and green.

——It turned out that I was not mistaken!!!

Fox Seven glared at Xu Jinbai, who just smiled at her, but a flash of red light flashed across his eyes as if provoking her.


At that moment, Hu Shiqi felt that Xu Jinbai in front of him was more than a hundred times more handsome, and the familiar facial features suddenly took on a different kind of charm. His deep dark eyes made her dare not look directly at him, and his lips stained with transparent wine also exuded a kissable luster...!!!!

In just two seconds, Hu Shiqi returned to normal. He finally came back to his senses from that weird feeling, but found that his heartbeat was accelerating, his mouth was dry, and his whole body was hot.

? ? ? ?

Hu Shiqi gritted his teeth, and remained calm on the surface. Under the table, he suddenly raised his leg and stepped hard on the left front - Xu Jinbai's foot!

Xu Jinbai did not react at all.

He was suddenly hit hard, but he was calm and still drank by himself. Not to mention crying out in pain, even the wine in his cup did not ripple.

Hu Shiqi... She crushed! She stepped on! She stomped wildly!

You are a high-level beast pet, you are amazing! Make you awesome!

"So what did you sign with the second one? If you sign with Karachi, I don't think they will be able to play in your province's games... Hmm? What's wrong with you?"

Freddy realized something was wrong and paused.

"No, it's okay."

Kitsune Yashichi instantly retracted his legs and smiled. Seeing that Freddy didn't seem to believe it, he had to add:

"My legs are numb after sitting for a long time. Move around.……"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Jinbai on the opposite side laughed out loud, which was particularly abrupt. After laughing, seeing that everyone was looking at him, he apologized slowly:

"Sorry, I was distracted, you guys continue."

Fox Seven: ????

Freddy rolled his eyes at Xu Jinbai. Just at this moment, a phone call came in. He took a look and saw that it was his father. It was probably about the blind date for the weekend... Damn it.

Freddy couldn't help but frowned and stood up.

""He's a bastard, ignore him. I'm going to go out and take a call and have a cigarette. I'll be back soon." As soon as

Freddy left, the scene became quiet.

So Hu Shiqi also started playing with her phone. She was still angry at the moment and didn't want to pay attention to Xu Jinbai. She paid the bill for the three glasses of wine and prepared to leave when Freddy came back.

After all, this was a party she arranged. How could she let Freddy, the one being thanked, treat... her?

There was a light kick under the table. Hu Shiqi immediately lifted the tablecloth and looked down, only to find that Xu Jinbai's pair of brand new white shoes... had been stepped on by her and turned black and gray.

It's not that she didn't clean the soles of her shoes, but that she had just been to the ghost market, and the floor there was not very clean.

Looking up again, Hu Shiqi saw Xu Jinbai reaching out his hand to her again, his palm facing her, his wrist slightly bent, and the protruding purple veins winding and covered by his sleeves.

He almost handed his hand to her.

"What are you doing?"

Kitsune Shichi asked unhappily, but within half a second of the words coming out, the slender human hand on the table turned into a furry red claw, and the paw pad was still fleshy and milky brown.


After a few seconds, Kitsune Shichi lost her anger, and took out a pill of second-grade Flame Xuan Dan from the space, carefully put it into the upward paw, and pinched the soft and elastic meat pad twice with lust (?)... Never mind, anyway, the purpose of her refining this medicine is to feed the fox, as long as she feeds it, it doesn't matter which one she feeds?

Not to mention this world, the three-tailed fire moon fox is a high-level beast pet. Even in the last world, ordinary cat food is more expensive than human food!

Thinking of this, Kitsune Shichi raised his head and looked over with burning eyes.——

"How do you calculate the ears?"

Hurry up and clearly mark the price, rub him bald!!!

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