"Guest, here are your five cups of star-studded"

"Guests, this is your Guiyiqixing"

"Dear guests, this is Cangshan Fuxue, a special gift from our bartender for you.……"

When the 15th glass of wine was drunk, everyone looked calm. Kitsuneya Nana even tried to stop them from continuing, but her dissuasion seemed to have the opposite effect and no one paid any attention to her!

"You have to drink. I'm going to say this today. One of us must get out of here! But... theoretically, Xu Fei, you are the youngest, so you will definitely fall first!"

The light was dim, the colored lights flickered, and the air was filled with a strong smell of alcohol.

Freddy was completely excited and even started to add fuel to the fire. He was now breathing in a breath of alcohol, but his eyes were brighter, and a hint of emerald green flashed faintly.

——This is the exposure of his aura, but it does not mean that he has no control, but it is a popular trend, which can make people look cool and domineering.

"Well, maybe so."

Xu Fei smiled and did not deny it.

On the surface, it was indeed the case.

Xu Jinbai and Xu Yinli were three-star beastmasters, Hu Shiqi and Freddy were two-star beastmasters, and everyone had advanced beast pets, except Xu Fei himself, who was a one-star beastmaster and had only a primary beast pet.


Hu Shiqi looked reluctant and dared not look at Freddy's confident handsome face again - brother, you don't understand! The three Xu family members in front of you are human-animal hybrids! Xu Fei's physical strength... Anyway, she won't explode even if she swallows thirty or forty pills!

Hu Shiqi dares to guarantee: Not counting herself, the first one to fall must be Freddy, a pure human!

"Hello, guests. These are the pineapple ice cream, mango ice cream, cantaloupe ice cream you ordered... 5 servings of each. Please enjoy."

This time, the waiter brought a huge plate that covered the entire table. The plate was covered with ice cubes, stacked like a small mountain. Dozens of wine glasses and small plates filled with snacks were piled on the ice cubes, layered and shaky, but maintaining a delicate balance.

White mist filled the air.

Of course, the wine list was not just about wine, and Freddy said"everything", which of course also included alcoholic smoothies, wine-flavored cakes, wine-filled chocolates, and specially cultivated wine-flavored fruit platters.

The above, 5 servings of each.

……So, what everyone is competing for is actually the stomach capacity and digestion ability? Kitsune Shichi couldn't help but complain in his heart, and the topic at the table had long turned to the StarCraft Cup finals.

After all, this is a famous interstellar event. The preliminaries of each planet start in early July, and the planet competition starts in early August. The top players from hundreds of planets will compete against each other every three days until the beginning of December to decide the champion.

This year's finals venue is also set in a place that Kitsune Shichi is very familiar with: Orpheus - a famous neutral planet, whose leader is the Emperor Storm Silver Dragon King (hermaphrodite). It is said that it has just transformed into a female dragon and laid a few eggs.

"The first one will definitely get a dragon egg."

Freddy's tone was firm, but he didn't have much envy. Thanks to Karachi, he had successfully disenchanted dragons since he was a child. The growth period of dragons was too long. Without sufficient resources to support them, it might take hundreds of years for them to be promoted from advanced to general level.

"Rumor has it that Storm Silver Dragon King has a new boyfriend. The time interval is so short, those dragon eggs may not be pure-blooded dragons."Xu Jinbai answered.

Fox Seven was not interested in this topic. Although she had watched the video, it felt like watching"Godzilla Wars". There was a sense of distortion when watching a movie, and she forgot it as soon as she turned her head.

Compared with the Star Cup, she actually cared more about the snacks in front of her... Seeing that no one else took action, Fox Seven was strangely silent for a few seconds, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, silently picked up the fork on the fruit... and quietly sent Perfect back to the Beast Taming Space

——Send it back temporarily.

‘Perfect, I'll eat a cake first……’

Fox Seven explained to her own sweetheart.

She didn't like to drink, and these snacks also contained alcohol... but they were so beautiful that she was very moved.

So while everyone else was chatting, Fox Seven began to show off the cakes crazily. These snacks were cute and delicate, and each one was a mouthful. She seemed to reach out slowly, one by one, one by one, with her cheeks bulging...

After ten minutes, Fox Seven was at a loss. On such a huge ice plate, she couldn't find any snacks that she hadn't eaten. She actually finished her own share!

Angry, shaking, cold!

Wait, is it too quiet?

Brothers, can you continue chatting?!

Looking up again, Fox Seven found that everyone was eating silently, especially Xu Yinli opposite her, who was slowly sucking the cream snow top, as if he noticed her gaze. His naturally upturned eyes instantly stared at her fiercely, like a fox with bared teeth and fur. Then

, Xu Yinli lowered his eyes, pursed his lips as if he was not very happy, and continued to suck the smoothie in the cup.

……If he turned into a fox, he would be very cute.

Kitsune Yachi secretly thought that she could only pretend that she had seen it wrong. She looked at Xu Jinbai again - this man was also eating cake. He cut the small cake into smaller pieces accurately (?), and ate every bite very carefully, without getting any cream outside his lips. The most terrifying thing was that he suddenly raised his head and smiled at her, without even getting any cream on his teeth!

——Brother, don’t you even need to chew?!

At this moment, Hu Shiqi felt like a rough guy from the countryside, and her lips suddenly felt itchy...

There must be something on the corner of her mouth!

These people were so considerate of etiquette that she felt ashamed of herself... How embarrassing!

Hu Shiqi quickly looked around and found that even Xu Fei had become like this, and could eat it in one bite.���Chocolate, he actually wants to cut more... Big families are too scary, right?

Throughout the scene, only Freddy is down-to-earth. He is eating fruit cubes in a cup, with a circle of fine cream around his mouth, and some smoothie is on the table.


Kitsune Shichi finally feels like he has found his organization.

""Hmm? Not enough? I'll give you another one?"

Freddy, who was being watched, asked in confusion, then looked at the plates he had brought over, pointed at the remaining icebergs with his fork.——

"You can eat mine first. I ordered too much."

"It's too much, no need to add more, here's the paper."

Kitsune Shichi handed over the wet wipes kindly, and took one for himself, successfully wiping the corners of his mouth.

""You are so virtuous." Freddy took the wet towel and teased casually, but suddenly he shuddered and felt a chill on his back.

He subconsciously looked across and saw that the three Xus were all eating with their heads down. Their uniform movements made people suspect that they were attending a grand banquet. For a moment, Freddy suspected that he had eaten too much ice and had hallucinations. So he didn't take it seriously.

Soon, the iceberg iron plate on the table was removed, and the waiter brought new wine...

There were more than 300 kinds of wine on the wine list, and less than 1/10 of them were served at this moment.

The night was long, and the challenge had just begun...

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