The sofa in the hotel was very wide. Kitsune Shichi lay down on it and fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

But as she slept, she felt herself gradually floating up to the sky, slowly falling into the clouds, and sinking down.

Everything around her seemed to be shrouded in mist, blurry and hazy. Her consciousness was also erratic, as if she was floating on the boundless ocean, swaying with the waves.

……Perfection... Where has perfection gone...?

Kitsune couldn't open her eyes, nor could she break free from the shackles of the dream, so she could only reach out with great effort.

A soft response came from the depths of her soul. Although she couldn't hear it clearly, she knew it was perfection.

‘……I'm here……’

But as soon as she caught it, it disappeared.

‘……I'm here……’

The dream was a blurry scene, everything around was empty. Kitsune Shichi moved, sleeping very uneasily, her body seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, and she grabbed another slender strip of perfection - but the touch was wrong, as if the perfection was wearing clothes... and it pricked her face.

Why wear clothes on the bed?

Kitsune Shichi frowned, she touched and touched until she touched something slippery, then she finally relaxed her brows, but before she could adjust her posture, the perfection in her arms"popped" and disappeared.


??? ???


At this moment, the weight and touch began to return, and Kitsune Shichi finally forced her eyes open, but a deeper sleepiness suddenly came over her - because she finally touched a slippery perfection, long and soft, as if it had no bones - yes, slimes don't have bones. The bell rang.

The bell stopped.

She also fell into a deep sleep.



It was already noon when Xu Fei woke up. The room was curtained, but fortunately he had strong night vision, but his vision seemed a little short, and his body was heavy, as if he was pressed down by something...

He turned his head instantly and found that only half of his face was exposed, and a thin waist was pressed down on his body.

? ? ? ?

Suddenly, Xu Fei was stunned, and his whole fox was motionless. He even forgot that he was pressed into a fox pancake...

Then, after thinking for a full 10 minutes, he remembered what happened last night... No, it should be this morning.

In fact, it seemed that it was because of drinking that he was thrown on the bed by Kitsune Yashichi, and then she came to the bed for some reason, rolled around, and hugged him tightly, and as a result, he was excited and... turned into a fox.

Then he crawled and crawled, and was crushed into a pancake.

……It seems like this

……It's over, I have to get out quickly, otherwise...

Xu Fei twisted his head and tried to break free without making a sound. After all, he was small in size and succeeded with a little effort. However, he finally got out, but was shocked by the scene in front of him...

First of all, why are my uncle and Xu Jinbai here?

Why are they all in the same room? Is it to save money? No... I remember, it seems that there is only one room left... Okay.

But... But...

Seeing the only pure human on the bed, with a fox on his head and a fox in his arms, this, this, this...?!

How can this be?! ?

Xu Fei's ears drooped, and his tail stood upright behind him. He ran around the bed with fox steps, and finally let go of Xu Yinli, who was used as a pillow, and squatted behind Xu Jinbai's... fiery red fox back.

Xu Fei stretched out his claws and poked, poked, poked, poked, and cried softly, but saw Xu Jinbai... didn't move at all!

Stupid, get up quickly, I know you did it on purpose! Don't let me expose you!!! How could you wake up slower than me when you are already advanced?! Get up, get up, get up!!!

Unexpectedly, Xu Jinbai not only pretended not to hear, but also swept his fiery red tail——

""pia!" Xu Fei was hit and flew out like a ball... He rolled several times in the air before adjusting his posture and landing on the ground.

Fortunately, the ground was covered with a thick blanket, so there was no loud sound.

Ouch! The angry Xu Fei jumped onto the bed again!

Before he landed on the bed, he was hit by the big red tail again,"pia!"~!"

Xu Jinbai's three tails were wagging in the air. Just by looking at the waving tail tips, you could tell how proud he was...

Then, the fiery red three-tailed fox turned its gaze to the little uncle who was lying like a white fox cake.……


In an instant, Kitsune Shichi raised her head steadily and slowly, and the white fox tail under her head was also sent out by Xu Jinbai's telekinesis, and replaced by a large pillow covered with fox fur...

Hot Knowledge: Before the beast pets evolve to the king level, their minds are not very mature, especially human-beast hybrids. At the moment of transformation, although they will gain a stronger body, they will also experience the feeling of"reduced intelligence"...

And most human-beast hybrids, when they are emotionally unstable or their own safety is in crisis, the body will be forced to transform out of the instinct to protect itself.

In addition, there is another situation of forced transformation, which is reproduction. Once the hybrid beastman has the mood to reproduce with the opposite sex, the biological instinct will cause their bodies to change to show their best and strongest side.

Strong and innocent are synonymous with hybrids.


The white fox was also thrown off the bed without mercy.

This time, a hornet's nest was stirred!

Xu Yinli was sleeping soundly, and the whole fox was still in an unconscious state, but he didn't expect to be rolled into a ball and thrown out!

Bang! He fell next to Xu Fei, and there was a trash can next to him! The trash can was very exquisite, and its shape was a small house with a pointed roof. If it weren't for the mouth of the trash can on top, it really looked like a doghouse!

? ? ?

Xu Yinli shook his head and got up. The world was blurry. He also felt dizzy and weak. He tried to open his eyes and found that everything had become bigger, and his current perspective... Why was the bottom of the bed opposite him dark?

Wait, why did he change again?!!

In anger, he ignored Xu Fei's obstruction, swung his white tail, and a ball of dark red flame condensed in his throat and sprayed out.——


Xu Jinbai used his tail to slap the fireball away!

The fireball fell to the ground, and in an instant, thick smoke billowed, and the flames burned fiercely!

Xu Fei, who was watching everything, said:"Ah!!!"

He turned around and rushed to the bar, but found in despair that there was no bottled water at the bar, only various alcoholic beverages.



"Fire alarm --!!! Fire alarm --!!! Guests in the room please evacuate immediately——!!!"

A few seconds later, a piercing fire alarm sounded!

Kitsune woke up confused, only to see the bedside table in front of her blazing with fire, and the flames were spreading. So she subconsciously summoned Perfection and swallowed the burning cabinet in one gulp.……

"……what happened……?"

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