On this sunny afternoon, Kitsune Nana laid down, turned off the internet, and looked up at the sky. She caressed the setting sun leisurely, as if she had already lived a wealthy, leisurely, and pampered retirement life in advance.

Everything seemed so harmonious and peaceful.

She closed her eyes with a smile on her face, and the phone suddenly rang.



"With a"teng" sound, Kitsune sat up. For some reason, she suddenly had a bad feeling.

She opened her phone and saw that it was Alice. This was one of the few people she had not blocked.

"Hello?" Fox Seven answered the phone

"Is your phone just for show? I sent you a message but you ignored me!"Alice was very unhappy

"There are too many people looking for me, so your message may have been pushed down." Kitsune Yashichi lay down again.

On the other end of the phone, Alice was noisy and clamorous. Countless people were walking around hurriedly, as if they were moving things, and the sound of heavy objects rubbing against the ground was constantly heard.

"Oh, forget it, I knew it... So can you open a few more phone numbers? Add unimportant people to another phone, so that you don't get bombarded with those crappy messages every day."

Alice was also speechless. Of course, she read the hot searches, but she didn't believe a word of what was said on the hot searches.

Fox Seven and Xu Jinbai, these two people together will only make lightning and thunder, but Xu Fei seems to be really interested in Fox Seven.

"What you said makes sense. I will go tomorrow."

It was so comfortable lying down, Kitsune was lazy.

On the other end of the phone, Alice also heard her laziness clearly, but she was not too surprised.——

"Oh, by the way, tomorrow's tea party has been changed to a training meeting. I'm going to the Liuying Desert to train. I'll leave in 35 minutes. Do you want to go? If you want to go, I'll pick you up!"

"Huh? Aren't you going to be level 20 soon? You should be able to level up before the game.……"

Kitsune Shichi was puzzled.

Miss Alice loved life and had previously complained about the poor conditions in the Ryuying Desert. What happened? Was she stimulated by her leveling speed?

""Haha," Alice pinched her waist and sneered,"How can level 20 be enough? I have already asked for leave, just wait, my father has prepared a pet for me, I will never come out before level 30!!!"

Level 30?! Kitsune Shichi was shocked. But isn't Alice only level 19 now? She is going to level up 11 levels in a row. Is she going to stay in the desert as an ascetic monk... She must have two pets that are hard to choose between.

"How long do you plan to stay in the desert?……"

Kitsune Shichi said weakly, suddenly getting anxious and feeling that lying flat was no longer a good idea.

Are all second-generation stars this hot these days?

"Not only me, but also my friends. Anyway, there is a time difference, so it is normal to practice for two or three years."

Alice answered as a matter of course,"When I come out, I may skip a grade, or go to another planet as an exchange student. You should also take some time to learn professional courses. Blue Star is too comfortable, and there are more masters out there than us."

Interstellar exchange student? Kitsuneya Nana was embarrassed. She had only seen this term in novels and had never thought of it in herself.

"Wouldn't it be nice to live a normal and peaceful life?……"

"Of course not. Also, [Easy Days] This is really not something you should say. By the way, are you coming? I have prepared a very beautiful room for you, hahahaha, next time in the league, I will definitely beat Xu Jinbai to a bloody pulp.……"

"I have an important date tonight. If I can resolve it, I will come to see you tomorrow. Also, if you want to go to the Liuying Desert, why don't you go back to the classroom and ask No. 17 if he wants to go. That's the big light bulb above our heads. That's his hometown."

"No, I think the less sun, the better. In addition, there will be three emperor-level groups this time, so don't worry about the safety factor. I have a network connection here, so you can call me anytime."


After hanging up the phone, Kitsune sat up, quickly picked up Crusoe who was swimming in the beef soup pot, and rushed into the house. Under the latter's puzzled gaze, he turned on the faucet and rinsed it clean.


Krusu looked confused, raised one tentacle and scratched his head, using only two tentacles to dangle the half-sucked Light Stone.

The colorful and gorgeous light screen unfolded, and Kitsune read it carefully.……

【Name: Crusoe

【[Attribute]: Light

【Level: Primary

【[Racial Level]: Myth

【Skills]: Blessing of Dawn (——)、Holy Flame (Low Level 25/200)

【Status]: Indestructible (——), Language proficiency (average)

【Evolution level]: 98%

【[Evolution Path]: Kitten Chapter——???——???——???——???——???——? ? ?

Kitsune sighed heavily.

The evolution degree was 98%, which seemed fast, but it was not, because the energy requirement for the best evolution type might be 200%……

"Susu, light-attribute energy minerals are too rare, and they may have to be imported from other galaxies, so these are all my belongings."

Fox Seven flipped through the space, took out the last three remaining stones of light, put Crusu in the middle of the pile of stones, and buried (?)

""Meow!" Crusoe is very confident, because it is about to evolve, it can feel it!

""You have great talent, don't worry about upgrading, I will help you control it, just don't worry."

As he spoke, Kitsune Shichi slapped away Perfection who was trying to jump onto the table and attack the Stone of Light. The latter rolled in the air, turned into a humanoid shape with grievance, and floated like a ghost, with his thin lips tightly pursed, as if he was very unhappy.

"Next, I will take Wanmei to buy ore. You belong to different races, so it will evolve faster. Susu, don't feel pressured, everything will go on as usual."

After hearing this, Wanmei was instantly happy, and even her silver-bright body became more solid.


That's right, it has already thought about it. This time it must evolve into a human form - the most beautiful and handsome, and it must be the kind that can talk!!!

So after everything was explained, Fox Seven quietly waited for Karachi to come home. During this period, she also cleaned up the new house on a whim - and resolutely pulled Wanmei who didn't even want to let go of the garbage!

Fox Seven:"Bao, we are rich now!"

In short, skip this episode... Fox Seven found that as long as she didn't study, even cleaning was fun.

And her good mood lasted until Karachi got home from work. Because the latter started laughing as soon as he entered the door, his deep red eyes seemed to be bleeding, and they narrowed into crescents.

Fox Seven rushed to greet him, but stopped on the spot! Wait, what happened?!

"Why are you laughing so horribly?!"

"It's nothing, I just want to say that I am also a beast, next time you drink, remember to bring me along and ride together."

Kitsune Yashichi: ???????

"Calm down! Karachi, wake up! All the rumors on the Internet are just rumors and gossips.——!"

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