Repaying kindness is a very profound knowledge.

The pet repayment accepted by ordinary people is ordinary, without any superpowers, nor any discoloration or deformation of the body.

At most, it can improve some physical fitness or mental strength.

The repayment learned in books is also specifically the kind accepted by ordinary people.

As for Miss Alice, she originally had black hair and black eyes.

After contracting the rose elf, she suddenly became pink hair and pink eyes.

It is rare for the eyes and hair to be the same color after being repaid.

Alice is the only one in the young generation of the entire Blue Star.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand.

If you don't understand, just ask.

Kitsune Shichi chose to call Ling Beile

——She has a teacher now, so it would be a sin to leave the Eight-Star Master unused!

As for what time it is now, this question is not important.

The Eight-Star Master is no longer a human being. He does not need three meals a day, nor does he need to sleep ten hours a day. His daily life is based on his own will. Even if he does not eat or drink, he will not die even if he lies down for more than ten years.

The phone rang five times before it was picked up.

"What?! Say it again, you took a whole vein of ore to feed the slime, and the slime was promoted to general?"

Ling Beile was shocked. He was lying on the bed half dead and listening to music. When he saw the call from Hu Yaqi, he didn't want to answer it.

No, who would call at five in the morning? It was him, who didn't need to sleep every day...

But after listening to Hu Yaqi's complaints, Ling Beile turned off the speaker directly, and sat up straight from the bed with a"thump".

——How could someone take a whole vein of ore to feed the slime? How did she come up with this idea?

The key is that someone actually sold it to her! Amazing!

Ling Beile also flipped through the news. The earthquake in Qianming Mountain Range in Huangyou Province... lasted for more than five hours.

"Your hair and eyes have turned into the color of slime? Its spiritual power should be blue, right?"

Ling Beile confirmed again.

Even though he was well-informed, he was speechless at this moment.

"Yes, this color actually looks good on Slime, but I... I'm not good at it, it's too non-mainstream. Its color is changing now, I feel like I'm wearing a wig, and the key is that I can't cut it.……"

Kitsune Shichi was almost worried to death, holding a bunch of colorful hair in her hand, and next to her was a pair of scissors, the sharp edge of which had been worn into two notches by her.

The situation this time was different from before.

Kitsune Shichi still remembered that at the beginning, when she had just made a perfect contract, blue light would flow in her eyes. That blue light was the energy she leaked, and she could control it herself.

But this time, her color seemed to have been perfectly changed. It was not a problem of energy leakage... but her color was completely changed from the essence.

How to say it?

Kitsune Shichi actually didn't want to describe herself like this, but at this moment she really didn't look like a human being.

"There is no way to dye it in this case, right?"

Kitsune asked without hope.

"Yes, it can't be dyed. Congratulations, this is called [Excessive Feedback]. This is because the energy fed back to you by the slime exceeds your tolerance limit. If you go to the hospital for an X-ray, your bones should also change color."

On the other end of the phone, Ling Beile clapped his hands. Listening to the sad tone of Kitsune Shichi on the other side, he felt happy for some reason, and even a little gloating.……

"Congratulations, the good news is that this kind of good thing only happens once in a thousand years. The bad news is that if you can't sign another black spiritual power beast pet and perform [Extreme Repayment] again, then you will have to keep this color forever."


Kitsune thought for a long time. When she signed a contract with Crusoe before, her hair suddenly became longer and black, and her eyes also turned pure black... Could it be that [Extreme Repayment] was also】?

"【Are there any specific benefits of"Exceeding the Limit to Feed Back"? Why do I feel that I haven't changed much?"

"The types of pets of different races that feed back are different, you can look it up in a book yourself."

Ling Beile rolled his eyes and replied, but after a pause, he added:

"Slime is an elemental being, so it must be feeding you spiritual power... No, shit! What did you say? Slime is feeding you spiritual power to the point of [exceeding the limit]?"

Kitsune Yashichi is an SSS-level talent, and the solidity of her soul... can be described as rock-solid.

No, no, no, that's not the problem!

Ling Beile stared at the screen of his mobile phone, and suddenly felt that his knowledge was not enough - he was not an academic to begin with, and he thought he had lived for more than three thousand years and had seen a lot, but who would have thought... that he would encounter such a situation in his lifetime?

"Yes, didn't I say that at the beginning? Slime has been upgraded... No, it has been perfectly upgraded. Why do you insist on calling it Slime? It obviously has a name, okay?……"

Fox Seven Tucao

"Is the name the key point?"

Ling Beile also wanted to complain.

But fortunately at this moment, he finally remembered that he was a teacher, so he looked at the time first.

"Where are you? Don't you feel anything? I've never heard that the cultivation limit of SSS talent is three stars. The slime swallowed a whole vein of minerals.……"

"Actually, it's 3/4, and it's a micro vein. The Bai family isn't stupid, so how could they sell me a large vein?"

Kitsune Shichi corrected.

"No, don't interrupt me, I mean……"

Ling Beile exhaled and expressed his guess:

"Go test your mental strength after daybreak. You have just upgraded continuously, so your soul may be unstable. You should not be able to build a new beast control space in the next two days.……"

Huh? Kitsune was stunned for a moment, his eyes sparkling.

"Really? You mean I might be promoted to three stars?"

In fact, she thought she might be promoted from the beginning, and wanted to build a new beast control space. After all, perfect feedback... is really exaggerated.

But she failed and couldn't build a new space. She originally thought that she didn't have enough energy and was a little disappointed, but she turned around.……

"No." Ling Beile sighed, scratched his hair with some uncertainty, frowned and expressed his guess.

"I mean, you're probably... four stars."

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