"Legend has it that if you sit in the fountain when the moon appears, a kind person will appear and help you practice."

The snow fell, and the girl in the pool raised her head, with water dripping on her face. Her dark eyes stared straight at Kitsune Shichi and asked:

"Are you that kind person?"

"……Where did you hear this legend?"

Fox Seven was also very calm. What on earth was going on with the Xu family? Xu Fei and Xu Yinli didn't seem like the kind of people who would talk nonsense... How did a"legend" appear?

"This legend has existed for a long time, but everyone just treats it as a joke."

"With a"splash", the girl stood up from the water. She was wearing a torn black training suit that was slightly shiny because it was soaked in water.

"I am Xu Rao, Xu Fei's sister"

"Hello, I am Kitsune Shichi."

Kitsune Shichi replied. He should have left quickly, but his eyes were fixed on the girl's fox ears uncontrollably, and his feet seemed to be glued to the ground.

"Xu Fei has made rapid progress recently. Did you help him?"

Xu Rao asked, and then she climbed out of the fountain. The fire flashed, and the vast white mist rose up. All the water marks on her body dried up, and even her ears stood up furry.

"He has been working very hard, and this has nothing to do with me."

Ears... Fox Seven reluctantly withdrew his gaze and stared at the wound on Xu Rao's wrist again:

"Why are you all soaking in cold water with wounds? Does this spring water have special functions?"

"This fountain is made of a whole piece of Changsheng cold jade. If you get close to it, you can calm your mind and it also has a slight effect on promoting recovery. In addition, there are legends about good luck and blessings, so people occasionally come in to sit."

Xu Rao looked up. She was petite, half a head shorter than Hu Shiqi, with fluffy ears on top of her head, which made her little face look particularly delicate.

"If you are curious, you can also come in and try it."

"So that's it... No, I won't go."

Fox Seven suddenly realized.

Xu Rao also breathed a sigh of relief. She thought Fox Seven would be difficult to communicate with.

"The wishing mantis said that Xu Fei's fortune was in Qilin Province, which seemed to mean meeting you."

So Xu Rao brought up Xu Fei again to guide the topic, then raised his head expectantly, waiting for Hu Shiqi to pick up the conversation

——That's the Wishing Manta! Normal people would ask a few more questions when hearing the name of this mythical beast!


Fox Seven: Xu Yuansun?

Which elder of the Xu family is this?……?

"In fact, I really didn't do anything. It's up to the individual to cultivate. And Xu Fei also helped me a lot.……"

The smile on Kitsune's face almost disappeared.

Really, forget about luck. She still couldn't figure out why Xu Fei's evolutionary path became shorter.

If a shorter evolutionary path means degradation, then why is the color of his system interface still red?……

"Xu Rao, let's add each other as friends."

Hu Shiqi took out her phone. She wanted to go back and check the information.


Xu Rao replied, her eyes changed slightly, but she restrained her expression in an instant and took out her mobile phone.

She never expected that Hu Shiqi would not be interested in the wishing macaque. Could it be that this person has reached such a state of no desire? That would be difficult.

Everyone can see how much Xu Fei has changed in the past six months. Originally, he was at the bottom of the clan competition, and everyone was used to having him at the bottom. As a result, this time he suddenly made it into the top ten of the youth group and dared to challenge Xu Jinbai...

Xu Rao frowned. Because of the draw, she was unable to fight Xu Fei. She only saw that after Xu Fei's opponents came down from the ring, they were all distracted, as if they were bewitched.

Xu Fei must have gotten something good!

Just like that, the two of them became friends. Xu Rao was still unwilling to give up. When she was about to speak again, she was interrupted by Hu Shiqi:

"I sent you a link. Everything you want should be listed there, with clear prices... But you know the side effects of combining fire and dark elements. Don't blame me if you take too much.……"

Then, Kitsune Shichi directly took out the business card of [Invincible Criminal Smuggling Group] and handed it to Xu Rao.

Xu Rao's eyes lit up, and he couldn't control his emotions, and his two big ears flicked back happily!

"Thank you!"

Then, Xu Rao looked directly at the product list:"Hot Powder 1st Generation""Hot Powder 1st Generation Plus"》……

Hot Spicy Powder, what a strange name!

And the advertisement is also... hard to describe.

On the pop-up screen, a fire-type double-ring snake wearing a suit and sunglasses, rolled up the fiery red powder with its tail and drank it all in one gulp. After the lightning special effect, its body became larger and broke through to the emperor level! The mountains collapsed and the earth cracked!

The double-ring snake howled to the sky and split into countless double-ring snakes. They all danced the snake dance in unison, each holding a bottle of the largest hot spicy powder, and shouting the slogan loudly:

"I want hot powder! It's hot and spicy~!!!"

? ? ? ? ?

Xu Rao couldn't help but read it again...

Could it be that Xu Fei relied on this thing to become stronger? Otherwise... Otherwise, she should rely on her own efforts... Medicines are three-point poisons, and taking too much is not good……

"……Did you send the wrong link?"

"This... Actually, this advertisement... is an accident……"

When was this commercial filmed?!

The corners of Fox Seven's mouth twitched. She hadn't paid attention to the company's development for a while. She never expected that it would turn out like this...

No wonder only the Xu family placed orders. Who would buy such a weird thing!!!

‘Susu, Susu, come out! Did you write this ad idea? Come out! '

Kusu was madly calling out to him from the depths of his soul, but this guy...actually pretended to be dead!

Also, during the job interview, didn't this double-ring snake say that he was very introverted and shy?! And... introverted and shy?! That's it???

‘Brother Xiang...Double Rattle Snake, it's the company's finance. '

In the beast control space, Crusoe pretended to be dead while weakly replying���, secretly opened one eye and looked up at the sky

‘It seems that it was because it was the end of the month and the company was busy.

Brother Wanmei was also tied to the company's environmental protection indicators and needed to submit a lot of materials, so Brother Xiang went crazy.

It was too late to recruit people temporarily.

I had no choice but to increase Brother Xiang's salary and let him hold on.

As a result...

Brother Xiang happily upgraded to a multi-ring snake and split into several...

I simply didn't continue to recruit, gave it a few more salaries, and let it do it all.


Kushiya Qi was speechless. The double-ring snake was originally a high-level pet, and now it is a general...

Su Su, you are only a junior, and you are enslaving a general-level pet like this. Aren't you really afraid?

However, you can complain in your heart. As a human being, the most important thing is to face reality - for example, Xu Rao, the eldest daughter of the Xu family, may have never seen such an advertisement in her life.

But now, the young lady's horizons have been broadened. Now, as if she were poisoned, she keeps playing the commercials over and over again. Although she has no expression on her face, her ears on top of her head are shaking to the rhythm of the commercials...

Kitsune Shichi is very embarrassed, but family disgrace should not be made public. If she wants to beat Su Su, she can only do so when she gets home.……

"Otherwise, I'll give you a sample first."

Kitsune Shichi tried to keep her tone as normal as possible, and searched through the space. She still had quite a few first-grade pills in her hand.

"The one I have is the first generation. The first generation Plus is a 1-liter bottle with a large tube. The"Hot Powder Generation 2" will be launched soon. The second generation is more effective. Eating too much will have aphrodisiac side effects, and even intermediate pets can't stand it."

"Uncle Li eats the second generation?"

Xu Rao asked indifferently.

"Hey, how did you know that?"

Kitsune Shichi asked stupidly.

""Oh, because I saw it," Xu Rao replied,"We had a morning training session, and that morning he came back disheveled. The smell on his body was so bad that we could smell it from 800 meters away. We all said he must have been exhausted."

"……Actually, no……"

Kitsune Yashichi's mind went blank - Xu family, do you have no privacy?

"It doesn't matter if he has it, he has a good temper."

Xu Rao took the pill and should have given a gift in return, but she didn't have anything good in her hand. After all, she was only A+ qualified and was considered a transparent person at home.

Hu Shiqi was the heir of Shengxu. Looking at Xu Jinbai, he was probably too arrogant and looked down on everything.

So Xu Rao thought for half a second and suddenly asked:

"Ah, by the way, although our clan competition has ended, the clan competition of the elders is still going on. They have also invited some high-star beast masters to help. Do you want to go and have a look?"

No, forget about this kind of excitement. I just borrowed three foxes to have a scandal, and then I turned around to watch their competition...

Fox Seven was about to shake his head to refuse, but heard Xu Rao say again:

"By the way, isn’t your Karachi the pet of the Zhou family? I remember that Zhou Yuye also came this time."

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