Karachi's leaves froze, and instantly turned into a human form and sat next to him, his red eyes lit up.

"……Anything is fine."

Karachi coughed to hide his happiness, his mouth corners couldn't be suppressed, his whole face was shining

"Let's make some requests, this thing can't be changed... such as sunshine, ocean, beach, island?"

Fox Seven couldn't forget Karachi's original appearance.

Karachi used to have golden hair and green eyes, barefoot every day, wearing refreshing hot pants and small suspenders, showing off his beautiful figure, and casually touching his legs.

However, Karachi now, I don't know where he learned to dress, he wears more tightly than Xu Fei...

Fox Seven glanced down, and the vine turned into a human form in an instant, and it even wore socks.

Alas, since Karachi turned into a man every day, she became more and more embarrassed to touch his legs.……

"Sunshine, beach, and ocean?"

Karachi thought about it. In fact, he didn't care much about the beast control space because he hated being locked up.

"The sun is nice, the beach is ok, forget about the ocean, switch to shallower water, and the rest is up to you.……"

As he spoke, Karachi suddenly remembered the terrible aesthetic taste of humans, and quickly added:

"No plants! Especially flowers, no flowers!"

——If I were to see flowers everywhere as soon as I entered the beast-taming space, I would be devastated!

"Hmm~ OK~"

Fox Seven sucked another mouthful of perfect soul energy, feeling that he could try to build a beast control space soon.

Near the ring, a group of people were drawing lots. They obviously knew each other, and the scene was very harmonious.

Fox Seven looked at the audience, and her heart was itching, but now she could only close her eyes, relying on Karachi by her side, and directly entered the state of cultivation.

After rounds of feedback, Fox Seven's sensitivity to the energy between the surrounding heaven and earth became more and more acute.

Especially in this room, there are energies of various attributes, which are so rich that they are shocking. I am afraid that they have just experienced a battle, and the gathering of The gathered energy has not yet dissipated...

Kitsune Shichi calmed down. She was in a very good state at the moment, with a long and steady heartbeat. Considering Karachi's hobbies, the space should be fresh and beautiful, with sunshine, water, beach and land...

Deep in the soul, the invisible space was separated, and the new beast-controlling space began to be constructed: shallow, half-meter-deep water spread out, like a clear and transparent stream, hitting the stones.

The waterfall hung down from the sky, the cliff rose from the ground, the water flowed like silk, splashing pieces of water.

The sun was high, the rainbow was colorful, and the clouds were molded into the shape of stars and the moon.

The wide beach, the pink sand was in the sun Tiny shells and conch shells were scattered among them, like gems on the skirt of the Internet goddess.

Finally, there was the building.

A pure and transparent glass castle rose from the ground. The entire building was made up of countless pieces of glass. There was only an empty hall. There were no extra rooms or furniture. It would never block the sunlight, so people could see everything inside at a glance.

If everything was normal up to this moment.

However, soon, things developed in an unpredictable direction!

Suddenly, a cloakroom was added to the glass castle, and then, what was left in the heart of a certain earthling - she had seen it in her previous life, but The high-end clothing, shoes and hats that I have no chance to own (money) began to appear out of thin air.

One set after another, arranged by color, densely packed, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple... But before the orange color was arranged, the two-story cloakroom was no longer enough.

The glass castle suddenly expanded three times!

Clothes, clothes, clothes, shoes, shoes, lipstick, blush, eyeshadow palettes, sunglasses 12345...

All women's clothes? Men's clothes and children's clothes, too!

The glass castle suddenly expanded five times again!!!

At this moment, Fox Seven was like an old monk in meditation, with extraordinary calmness, fanatically building a new space...

At this time, with a"bang", the door was knocked open, and it was Liu Fuwen who was thrown out earlier. His face was ashen, and his clothes were no longer the same as before. He turned around and looked in the direction of Fox Seven!

""Koushichi, do you dare to compete with me openly? I'll give you three beast pets!"

For a moment, everyone was silent. They turned their heads to look at Liu Fuwen, and then looked up at the audience.

Unlike the young master of the Liu family who was about to be driven crazy by anger, the girl on the stage closed her eyes and looked indifferent. Not to mention raising her eyelids, even the tip of her eyelashes did not move at all.


But, Kitsune Shichi couldn't be considered to be completely motionless.

At this time, someone noticed that Kitsune Shichi actually raised his hand and pressed the arm of the white-haired young man next to him, forcing the latter, who almost stood up, to sit back down.

"you you……"

When has Liu Fuwen ever been insulted like this? He has been extremely talented since he was a child and is loved by his family. There are three alchemists in his family. Even the mediocre designated successor Xu Jinbai is very polite to him. But now he was thrown away and thrown out of the door!

Liu Fuwen gritted his teeth. If the opponent was not only one-star, he, a four-star beastmaster, really couldn't do anything to such a weak opponent. He wanted to rush up and take revenge now!

A dragon roar sounded, it was a dragon laughing, and then the giant dragons in the field laughed one after another, rumbling into one.

Someone came to smooth things over:"Xiao Liu, why are you competing with a high school student? She is only in the first year of high school. Otherwise, you can wait a few more years.……"

Liu Fuwen also reacted at this time. He frowned. He was so angry just now that he forgot that he was on someone else's territory.

Hu Shiqi was the designated heir of Shengxu. Since she sat here, she represented the attitude of the Xu family. The Xu family would not allow her to get into trouble in public.

"Forget it, wait until you reach 4 stars, and then we'll have another good match!"

After saying that, Liu Fuwen walked towards the team that was drawing lots.

Some people didn't like Liu Fuwen and deliberately fanned the flames, but because of face, they spoke in a very low voice, and only the people around them could hear it, and no one in the stands could hear it:

"Haha, that slime of Fox Seven is incredible, it can also rebound damage, Liu Fuwen, do you really want her to have three pets? Oh... I remember you happen to have a light-type general-level pet... Are you going to...……?"

The person who spoke was Bai Ning, a direct descendant of the Bai family. Her nephew went to the same school as Hu Shiqi, but unfortunately they were not assigned to the same class. The Bai family had just sold a mineral vein to Hu Shiqi, and their intention to take sides was already very obvious.

At this time, the most embarrassed were the Xu family. Logically, they should have been one-sidedly against Hu Shiqi, the"young master of the Holy Ruins", but the problem was that their own eldest master, Xu Jinbai, had a very subtle attitude.

""One woman guards three Xus" is still hanging on the Internet, and Xu Jinbai even responded. After all, they are young people, and everyone has been young. Those who understand will understand...

They are a group of four-star and five-star people. They can't even sit in the top three tables at family gatherings. It's better not to join in the fun.

So the Xu family members present pretended to be deaf, either with a blank expression or a frozen smile, and directly turned the home game into an away game. No matter how others fanned the flames, they pretended not to hear. There were several dragons in human form on the viewing platform, and they were whispering at this moment:

"That human cultivated pure white Karachi"

"I remember she was fifteen? Already a two-star? She was still a one-star when she participated in the StarCraft Cup a few days ago?"

"That should be half a year ago, right?"

"Her hair is obviously not dyed"

"Normal, after all, even slimes can be cultivated so well……"

"But it's too early to contract a dragon at this stage... My fourth child has already been reserved for the Xu family.……"


At this moment, a nameless wind rose.

Dark white energy surged out, mixed with blood-red, and the surging energy fluctuated endlessly, as viscous as seawater, almost turning into liquid!


A group of people were stunned and looked towards the audience stand!

"She’s in a contract!!!"

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