[Karachi, Xiao Xiangyu's general-level evolution form, extremely rare, bloodthirsty, warlike, quiet, has a certain chance of evolving into a king-level [Moon Kara], with combat power comparable to that of a dragon.]

Bloodthirsty... warlike... the main body is a rattan ball monster with a diameter of eight meters...

Fox Seven sat on the bed, silently looking at his phone. On the screen, a ball of emerald green vines was killing all around, beating a bear-type beast pet to the point of having no power to fight back. What's even more perverted is that it also has healing skills, which can heal first and then abuse, and can also use super-power skills to prevent the opponent from escaping... until the opponent's beastmaster shouted to admit defeat, and the man and the beast collapsed together...

This was the beastmaster league more than 40 years ago. The surname of this Karachi beastmaster was Zhou, and his name was Zhou Yuye...

Is it a coincidence? Of course not. Fox Seven searched the keywords on the Internet directly: [Karachi] [Zhou], and these video streams popped up directly!

However, according to Fox Seven's understanding, plants can be poisonous, but they should not be water-based... unless they are hydroponic plants?

But plants also have fire-based! They can spit fire!

Besides, isn't Xiao Xiangyu a tulip? Such a cute and pure little flower, twisted into that after evolution... No wonder it is a rare evolution type...

Kitsune Shichi felt like an illiterate, and had a hundred questions to ask. She was also very curious about the Karachi next door, but she didn't dare to speak out.

Yes, she had been sitting on the bed for fifteen minutes. Even though there were matching tables and chairs next to her, she didn't dare to pull out the chair to sit down. What if there was a noise? She was afraid of being torn apart.

And the humanoid Karachi was suspended in the air next door, like a gorgeous statue of the Virgin Mary.

Just now, when Kitsune Shichi went to peek at it for the first time, it was hanging upside down with its eyes closed; when she went to peek at it for the second time, it rolled in the air; when she went to peek at it for the third time, it was hanging upside down and teleported in front of her face, mouth to mouth, almost kissing her, and its jade-like eyes stared straight at her... Kitsune Shichi was so scared that her heart stopped and her brain went blank


So she never dared to peek again.

Ten minutes passed, and she finally finished watching the video. When Kitsune Shichi looked up, she found that Perfect was squatting in the corner, but her body was getting shorter and shorter...

At this point, it was really great to have it.

Kitsune Shichi sighed, walked down quietly, and saw that, as expected, Perfect's body had stretched behind the wall, covering half of the bookcase.……

""Ah." Kitsune couldn't help but cover her face, and lay on it and sobbed,"Wow, it's mommy's useless... Mommy can't afford to raise you.……"

Perfect stiffened, its soft body trembling subconsciously, but before it could give up the big bookcase, Kitsune Shichi suddenly raised her head again, and after two fake tears, she felt much better, just to vent.

Hold on! Freddy said that Karachi won't hurt people!

Tsk! Everyone dies since ancient times, it doesn't matter since it's beautiful... Karachi will be a romantic ghost even if he dies!!!


Because of the connection between souls, it vaguely understood what its master meant: as long as it is [good-looking], it can...

It remembered the training that human gave them when they were just born——

【Article 1: Killing is not allowed】

【Article 2: Do not eat living things without permission.

But when it looked at Kitsuneya Nana again, even if it didn't pass through the Soul Bridge, it could feel her love for it, so it became happy again...

As for what other creatures said, it was all... in the words of its owner,"bullshit", so don't worry about it.


【Article 1: Good-looking.

If you don’t look good, your owner will be scared.

【Rule 2: Evolution is necessary.

If you don’t evolve, you will be killed together.

It can only remember these two rules. If you don’t, you will forget them.


The huge room was as quiet as a tomb.

Kitsune Shichi glanced at her phone again. She had just scheduled an online class for herself, but she didn't have headphones, so she had to go out to listen.

Illiteracy is terrible, so she still has to learn.

Kitsune Shichi secretly changed her clothes, put on a new skirt and new shoes, and finally got rid of the school uniform. She glanced at the door again and whispered,"Let's go! Mom will take you to eat fish!"


The outdoor world is a free world, but Kitsune Shichi still kept her mouth shut. She didn't forget that Karachi was a psychic pet. She had perception, and it probably had it too. If it had, its range would only be larger than hers, and its eyes looked like decorations...

Thinking about it this way was even more creepy...

Kitsune Shichi held Perfection tightly, but the eerie feeling was soon defeated by the beautiful environment. The person and the pet gradually relaxed, and then quickly let themselves go. First, they jumped around on the pink beach, and then went around to hook up with mechanical butterflies, attracting nearly fifty butterflies to fly around them.

Originally, they came out to learn, but it turned out to be pure play. Kitsune Shichi took countless selfies and was exhausted from posing.

She even wanted Perfection to take pictures because she couldn't take a panoramic photo and she didn't bring a selfie stick.

Perfection: ? ? ? ?

It tried hard n times, but the perception skill couldn't recognize the screen. This was too difficult... But the proficiency of perception has increased a lot.

The sun gradually sank, and the chef went to the island to cook, and brought the food directly to the beach. People and pets shared a barbecue feast. When it was getting dark, Kitsune Shichi was tired from playing and eating too much. He still had some fruits and snacks in his hands. He knew that this amount of food was not enough to fill his teeth, so he resolutely threw the latter... into the dark sea.

"Don't run too far!"

She had tried to recall it by force before, and it worked. The Internet also said it was fine, so she threw it down without any worries.

Ten minutes later, the system interface changed, and the [Devouring] skill started: +1+1+1+1+1+1………

It looked like he was enjoying the meal, and his soul feedback was also very pleasant... No big problem.

Kitsune Shichi closed the system interface with peace of mind, and watched an online course next to the artificial plants under the light of the landscape lamp, starting from the attribute classification, as excited as reading a novel... until...……

"It's too late, humans need to sleep."

A burst of cold fragrance came to her face, and Kitsune Shichi tried not to shiver. The beautiful Karachi squatted in front of her out of thin air. Even if she squatted with her knees hugged, her legs looked extremely slender.

Kitsune Shichi couldn't help but touch Karachi, but Karachi didn't react, so she touched him again, but Karachi still didn't react.

Touching her legs didn't react!

Isn't this a very good temper?

"Does Karachi need to sleep?"

Kitsune Yashichi's courage suddenly grew. Think about it, although the beast pets in this world are powerful, they are still very cute in nature. In addition, she is purely curious, and the information on the Internet is not so detailed.

Karachi is an extremely rare evolutionary direction, because Xiao Xiangyu's nature is gentle, delicate, and peace-loving.……

"No need." The beauty replied, her eyes turned, so lively that they didn't look like decorations at all,"Are you stupid? Xiao Xiangyu doesn't even need sleep. I'm the strongest evolutionary type."

But when she said this, Karachi's tone was not arrogant at all, but rather revealed a bit of gloom.

Kitsune Shichi immediately knew that he had touched a nerve. It was also written on the Internet that Karachi had a very high self-esteem and was a combat-type beast pet comparable to a dragon, but it had a fatal problem, which was that it could only evolve to the king level, and the highest point was [Moon Kara], which was incomparable to the dragon that could evolve to the emperor level by surviving.

Moreover,"comparable to a dragon" itself means"not as good as a dragon".

The Zhou family is so rich that they can buy a dragon sooner or later... Besides, dragon beast pets are not that rare, Xu Fei has one.

People here seem to be very obsessed with"power".

Kitsune Shichi thought. People are like this, and beasts are also like this

"It's time to go back to bed."Karachi said again, his blond hair melting into silvery white in the moonlight, his voice was cold, and the lingering sound drifted in the air,"People will die if they don't sleep, they must sleep."

It always feels like it has experienced... sudden death from staying up late?

Kitsune Shichi didn't dare to refute. She nodded quietly and put her hand on Karachi's open palm. The system was activated instantly, and the golden light screen was blinding, followed by a familiar space rotation, which made her want to vomit.

Gold again?!

Kitsune had a vague premonition, and there was no time to think about anything else. She quickly turned the pages, without even looking at Karachi's skills, and went straight to look at its [Evolution Path]:

Xiaoxiangyu - Blood Yu Vine - Bloodthirsty Crazy Explosion Vine - Karachi - Yuekala——???——???

Hey, isn't this... there are two question marks?

Internet rumors are not to be trusted, they are a lie!

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