Kitsune's private messages were flooded, but she looked at the mobile app for a long time.……

——"You were born before I was born","The crowing rooster","The best multi-grain pancake in AAAA No.3 Middle School","Don’t baa, I love you""……

Who are these people?

Former, why don't you change the note?

But most of the messages sent by everyone are greetings, such as"Where are you playing?""Who is that handsome guy?""What beast pet did you sign?"……And so on;

Some people sent their congratulations:"Congratulations to the beautiful girl for finding a handsome guy, and have a successful love and career~";

Some people seemed to be sarcastic:"There are many kidnappers recently, so be careful if you meet someone of unknown origin. Why would a handsome guy with money and good looks like us!"


Kitsune Shichi looked through them one by one, but found no useful information. Her predecessor had deleted all the chat records. Although it could be restored, Kitsune Shichi thought about it and decided not to do so.

She did not reply to anyone either. The original owner was not very popular in the class, and the more she spoke, the more mistakes she would make. Besides, in fact, no one wanted to hear her bragging, and no one wanted her to live a good life. They just wanted to make sure that she was not living as well as they imagined.

It doesn't matter, it's human nature.

Kitsune Shichi doesn't care about such things. Not to mention this life, in the previous life, her half-sister would be jealous that she was prettier and better at studying, and she would instigate her mother to reduce her living expenses.

So she had another sweet dream all night until dawn, and a new day began when the alarm clock rang at nine o'clock!

"Ring Ring Ring——"


Kitsune Yashichi suddenly opened her eyes and skillfully pushed the big tail in her arms aside - Hey, hey, hey, why did it get into the bed this time?! Forget it! Help! SOS!

She rushed over quickly, turned off the alarm clock on the bedside, calmed down and breathed a sigh of relief... She was saved.


Kitsune Shichi grabbed the alarm clock and slowly turned his face. His calm eyes made people's hair stand on end. He was a true disciple of Karachi... Perfect explosion!

It shrank into the corner and curled up, leaving only the trembling tip of its tail outside.

"Who told you to set the alarm?……?"

Don't you know that your great sister Xiangxiang [Xijing] is working hard to [cultivate her character]?】……Kitsune

Shichi took another deep breath, and just as she was about to get out of bed, Karachi floated into the room again, and finally changed her clothes - a dark grey cotton and linen long skirt, which was extremely loose and made her look thinner than paper.

So Zen, so simple, and so elegant!

"Where is your wardrobe?" Fox Seven couldn't help asking

"I set the alarm for you."

Karachi still had a cold face and answered irrelevant questions. He was floating in the air condescendingly. If it weren't for his golden hair, at first glance, he looked like the Black Impermanence coming to take his life.

"Thanks……"Kitsune Yachi immediately changed his expression to one of gratitude and melancholy.

"Sigh, maybe I haven’t been feeling well lately. I don’t know why, but I’ve been getting up later and later.……"

This is absolutely a lie. She just wants to stay in bed and not get up. She even wants to transform into a bed-squirming beast, just lie in bed and evolve, and never be a human again.

The point is, she is on summer vacation, and she is not allowed to sleep in? This is an island, a holiday island!

"You can sleep." Karachi turned his head and looked at the pile in the corner,"but your slime needs training. If you don't get up, it will do nothing and stick to you all day long."

Blue Star is not a dangerous secret place.

How can the pet stand guard while the master sleeps? Karachi was convinced.

If it were any other pet, they would not be able to stand sticking to the master all day long - the name of the master means supervision, monitoring and control.

There are punishments for mistakes and rewards for good deeds, but the only thing that is missing is freedom.

The pet is the power of the beastmaster.

The first lesson after becoming a beastmaster is [How to make the pet obedient].

But Kitsune Shichi contracted a slime, and the latter only wanted to stick to the master crazily, and did not need anything like"evolving into xxx" or"becoming the first in the xx league" to affirm himself.……

"It has been evolving for a whole day, and it has not practiced its new skills once. It is not anxious, so are you not anxious too?"

Karachi is anxious! It didn't have the nerve to mention it yesterday, but these two can really keep their composure... They watched TV all day, took photos at night, and went to sleep directly after coming back!


What's wrong with this woman?

Has it been autistic for too long, and the weather outside has changed?

"Your pet has evolved, but you can't find it online, and you don't know if it has opened up a new evolutionary path. You don't report it, register it, or check what skills it has.……"

Karachi crossed his arms and listed the charges one by one, his tone was as cold as an ice knife.

"I have seen its skills, it is fish……"Kitsune Shichi groaned,"It just got upgraded, so it's normal to celebrate for a day. I got zero on the test and need to rest."

She waved to Perfect, who was immediately overjoyed, rolled up his huge body and"swooshed" onto the bed, hugged his little master and put him in his arms, and wrapped his tail around him, forming a ball.

The Zhou family spent a lot of money, but the bed didn't collapse, only the cushion fell down a bit...

Kitsune Shichi rolled his eyes, only showing his head, pretending to be relieved,"……Look, it looks like strangulation.……"

Karachi is a black line

"Watch your appearance, you are both in breeding season!"

"It's okay. Slimes reproduce by self-division just like you. I... may be more perverted than you, but I won't attack males. You two are both safe.……"

Kitsune Shichi was also in a daze. Two hermaphrodites plus a female, with more yin than yang, the person on this island who was most likely to be tempted by beauty and go crazy was actually herself.……


This woman is really out of her mind.

For the first time in his life, Karachi felt pain—not physical pain, but psychological pain like headache, baldness, heartache, etc. So, for the first time ever, he slowly flew out, pressed the communicator, and asked the butler to deliver fresh plasma to the island.

……Eat something good and slow down

……Otherwise, I would really be pissed off to death by her.

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