"Hey, see? There's a guy flying in the sky! He just passed by!"

"Oh, it's probably a transformed pet."

"No way, will pets wear school uniforms?"

"I just want to experience the feeling of going to school, isn't that okay? Are you excited by seeing a pretty girl? Why don't you try staring at her legs?"

"Eh? You're jealous, right? Hehehehehe, don't worry, I love you to death and I'm devoted to you!"

"Get lost! No one would believe that!"


On the sidewalk, a young couple was walking, pushing and shoving, and flirting.

Kitsuneya Qi closed her eyes, her body paused in the sky, and the spreading mental power formed a large sphere with a radius of several hundred meters with her brain as the center. Everything within the range of this large sphere was displayed in her mind like a 3D movie.

The disadvantage is that you can't see colors or smell odors, but you can feel the brightness and distinguish the difference in sound quality.

Of course, closing your eyes is not for show, but because the wind in the air is too strong, and forcing your eyes to open will make you burst into tears...

Kitsuneya Qi doubts that she also has the skill proficiency, because just now, a hot current surged into her mind, and then the radius of [Perception].……It actually expanded three times!

So she stopped flying and hung in the air to study her own changes with great interest.

Wanmei was quietly beside her. Her upper body seemed to be motionless, but in fact her tail was slowly attacking her and was about to roll over her...

Kitsuneya Qi floated and accurately avoided the"strangulation".

Wanmei was stunned, her mind was working slowly, and after a few seconds... Snap, the big tail fell down completely, swaying in the sky like a hangover, and her short life (?) had come to an end and lost hope...

Kitsuneya Qi suppressed his laughter and dubbed it in his heart:

——Wake up, it's hunting time!

But soon, she had to pay the price for this slap in the face, and compromised to ride on the big tail of Perfect, who also tried to prove his strength to her.

It sprinted!!! It rushed and rushed!!!

A strong wind rushed through the sky, rubbing against the air, making a sizzling sound that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, more exciting than riding a roller coaster...

The sky was clear and bright, and they were about to reach their destination. Kitsune Shichi pinched her throat and her face turned blue. She was so shaken that she wanted to vomit. Fortunately, she reacted in time and let Perfect wrap her up and fix her for a while, otherwise she would definitely fall from the air.……

"My son...Mother...I am a mortal being……"

"We can't do this anymore.……"

She fell to the ground, her steps were unsteady, and she forced herself to suppress the dizziness and opened the information panel:

【[Soaring]'s proficiency is only 20, still low-level, [Sprint] is already high-level!

No wonder...

There is a toilet next to the competition registration center, and Kitsune Shichi stumbles in:... Ugh...

At this time, a few voices fell into her mind. They were the people who just passed by below, who were still a few hundred meters away from her, and were talking.

" Look! There's someone riding a mermaid in the sky!"


"It just passed in a flash."

"The transparent one is a mermaid?"

"It must be expensive, forget it."

"Okay, how much energy supplements did you bring?"

"80 groups"

"Take more. The Bone Rot and Heart Erosion Mushrooms are in season. There will be a lot of wild pets around them."

"Let's try my luck. My ghost shrimp also needs to be upgraded.……"

"It doesn't matter, I have prepared a strategy. The Green Eclipse Secret Realm is only A-level, so it won't be too dangerous if you go a little deeper. The inside has already been explored by the big guys."

"There's no good stuff."

"Hahaha, you still want to get a bargain? Watch less TV dramas."


Kitsune Shichi washed her face three times, and after pouring the cold water on her face, she felt better and her heart was no longer beating like a drum.

Perfect, who was forbidden to enter the women's restroom, stood guard at the door, eagerly waiting for her owner, wagging her tail non-stop.

Deep in her soul, she was madly swearing to Kitsune Shichi, promising that she would practice [Soaring] more in the future, become an unparalleled good driver, and take her to travel the stars.

Kitsune Shichi:...

What should I do? I don't want to dampen her enthusiasm.

So when she came out of the restroom, she had a grim look on her face, and her little face was tense, as if she was owed tens of millions. She strode into the registration center for the competition, and she made her school uniform look like a military uniform.

……In fact, it was just because I had just vomited and was exhausted.

The hall was seriously divided into two levels. There was a queue at the left window, and there were only two or three kittens at the right window.

Fox Seven listened and found out that it was because the competition registration center and the secret registration center had just been merged. It was said that because the land in the city center was very expensive, the land of the secret registration center was rising rapidly, so it was demolished to build a shopping center.

Large amounts of property were publicly displayed on the Internet. Fox Seven subconsciously checked with her mobile phone. Damn, the owners of these two centers and these two large plots of land were all surnamed Zhou...

Damn. Damn. Damn.

No wonder she had to be transferred away from the city...

For a moment, Fox Seven felt terrible. She looked around at the hall that was wide enough to run horses, and the staff in beautiful uniforms coming and going...

Once again, she felt the difference between the two worlds.

In the previous life, this was definitely a public unit.

But in this world, due to the extraordinary martial arts and extraordinary status of the beastmaster, privatization is serious.

The rules of this world are simple. If you have power, you have everything. The strong are respected, and it is not just talk.

Kitsune Shichi touched her chest, her heart was still beating wildly. She was standing still, but it was beating faster and faster, with no sign of calming down.

Until this moment, she vaguely realized that the value of her soul strength of SSS might be much more important than she thought...

Such a rich young master was so kind to her, not only did he lend her the island, but he even helped her with her schooling. It was absolutely impossible to say that it was because he was attracted by her beauty.

Kitsune Shichi understood too well that no one was a fool when it came to interests. Young Master Zhou could only do this because he thought it was worth it.

In other words, in Freddy's heart, although Kitsune Shichi was penniless now, he could make a judgment with certainty: sooner or later, she would step into his circle and would soon be rewarded with resources.

That's why he was so happy to be friends with her.


Kitsune Shichi slowly exhaled, and several thoughts quickly turned in his mind. The final conclusion was: She must go to school and must get in touch with society.

Otherwise, she would be fooled by others without knowing it...

Even if she wanted to live a carefree life and travel around the world, she had to wait until she was really capable...

The hall was too noisy, and Kitsune Shichi looked around but didn't see Freddy. She thought that the young master would not queue up to do business, so she sent him a message.

Freddy replied quickly: [3rd floor 305, come up directly, password 8788952]

……As expected, there is a privileged passage.

Kitsune looked at the people queuing next to her, pursed her lips, followed the sign to the elevator, pressed the third floor, but it didn't light up. She looked around and pressed the password on the left password disk.

"Ding, the elevator is going up, please stand firmly and hold on……"

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