Liuheng Fuchuan Beast Taming Competition Center.

This is a building with a shape like a wave, the main body is dark blue, the ticket checkpoints are arranged in 16 rows, and eight intelligent robots are floating in between. Their transformation today is the mascot of Qilin Province: the water fairy.

From a distance, those water fairies are like soft water silk, flying in the air, very light, and they are really similar to slimes.

Fox Seven followed behind Xu Fei, and with her perception open, more than 100,000 people were talking at the same time, which made her headache.

……There's no need to force it.

She thought to herself, and retracted her outward mental power into her body, trying not to rub against the various pets, flying in the sky, crawling on the ground, tall, short, and strange in shape.

Suddenly, a lizard with purple lightning on the tip of its tail scurried by and brushed past Kitsune Shichi's trouser leg, scaring her tailbone and causing it to turn around and glare at her.

Kitsune Shichi was in a daze, thinking back to those rice-sized red eyes. She never expected that she would be scammed by a pet.

"Is this a zoo?" she muttered.���

"Hmm?"Xu Fei turned around

"Nothing." Fox Seven shook his head quickly, trying not to look at the oval-shaped beast pet in front of him on the left.

The beast pet looked like a big potato, with short green fur on its head and legs, and eight eyes moving around, each looking in a different direction. It looked scary.

Fox Seven was tense all over.

Xu Fei was obviously a frequent visitor to the Beast Taming Competition Center. Fox Seven wanted to check out the map of the venue, but as soon as she hesitated, she turned her head and found that Xu Fei had already walked far to the left.

She had no choice but to follow

"That is definitely not from our Qilin Province."

Kitsune Shichi suddenly pointed at a pet that looked like a camel with two horns on its head. She couldn't help it and quickly withdrew her hand.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she was stunned again. It had only been a few days since she traveled through time, and she started talking about"our Qilin Province", and she said it so naturally.

Could it be that the soul of her previous life was merged with her?

"That's a demon camel." Xu Fei replied,"It's mostly produced in Ning'an Province, and it has good attack power."

He naturally knew about the feat of Hu Shiqi's eight subjects reaching 100.

Hu Shiqi nodded. She was now accustomed to the way the young master spoke. Since he said it was good, it must be quite strong, the kind that would kill if hit. There were beast pets everywhere that she didn't recognize.

But then again, what was said on the Internet was true. The beast pets in the five provinces of Blue Star each had their own characteristics.

Qilin Province was hot and humid, with a long coastline and abundant water systems; Jinwu Province had many aerial constructions and many flying winged beast pets; Ning'an Province had many forests and was a paradise for walking beasts; Jiuwei Province had white hair control per capita, and there was fur everywhere; Huangyou Province was cold and barren, belonging to a gray area, and people who were afraid of ghosts could hardly move.……


In general, the journey was an eye-opener for Kitsune Shichi.

Soon, they arrived at the waiting area for the contestants. The marble floor was bright and clean, and it was obvious that a lot of money had been invested in it.

People, people, people, people, people, people... it was full of people.

Not to mention finding a seat, even if you wanted to find a place to squat, someone would dislike it and get in the way.

The air becomes polluted when there are too many people. Kitsune Shichi put on a mask and handed one to Master Xu. Xu Fei took it, said thank you, and put the mask on his face as well.

"Come on, come on! Make way! Make way!"

There is another door in the front. A uniformed administrator is blocking the door with a loudspeaker. Then a huge gray-brown centipede crawls in with difficulty, carrying five or six large instruments on its back.

Kitsune's scalp tightens again. Just a glance from such a distance, the whole person feels as if he has been electrocuted, and he is cold.

Why are there so many big bugs?!

In fact, small bugs are okay, but the bugs here are two or three meters long, with bumps all over their bodies, and many pairs of eyes moving around.……

"Due to the large number of applicants, the organizers added eight new machines in case everyone would have to wait too long! Please wait for a moment, you can waive or change your account in the relevant module!"

The administrator shouted at the top of his lungs with a loud speaker.

A boy next to Kitsune Shichi was watching the live broadcast of the competition. He was not very old. After all, the competition was limited to junior high school beastmasters, who were the pride of the world in any school.

"There are really some shameless people." The boy sneered and said to his companion with disdain,"The champion now is a repeater for five years. As soon as he came out, I felt something was wrong. He really had the nerve to go up there."

"He has a water-type Lolo Carp, probably for the grand prize." The boy's companion answered

"One is intermediate and the other is beginner. The extra one is crucial and really hard to beat."A girl nearby joined the conversation.

"You are Jin Feifei, right? I met him at a party before. But overall, this guy made a profit. He passed 13,000 people."

"Isn't this great? All the vegetables have been filtered out. Look at the huge crowds of people lining up to give up."

"Hey, Xiaoshan, don't be so mean"

"If you knew your food, you shouldn’t have come, but I didn’t expect there would be so many people.……"

"It's because of the Xu family incident."

"So you saw the people from the Xu family?"

"No, I'll look for it later. I heard that except Xu Rao, everyone in their generation looks similar to Xu Jinbai."

"Haha, the strength is one is worse than the other."

"I'm running out of ink as I grow older, hahahaha……"



Fox Seven wanted to drag Xu Fei away, but the latter shook his head at her instead. Because his face was covered by a mask, no one could see his expression.

At this time, several people passed by them and walked to the front of the queue, cursing the current champion for being immoral.

"He is 20 years old and still comes to the junior high school championship! This person is crazy, he doesn't have the ability but still wants to be famous, he is crazy!"

Then there was a series of Chinese curses, and he greeted the other party's grandparents and other relatives without a single dirty word.

Kitsune Shichi felt bad when she heard it, because her soul age was also in her 20s, even older than the boy on the stage. It looked like bullying a child, and she immediately felt a little guilty.……

""Oh, that's annoying! It's almost my turn!"

A girl with long bright pink hair rushed over through the crowd, her high-heeled Martin boots clacking on the floor, and her big eyes flashed with a golden pink luster.

Because the girl's pink hair was too conspicuous, everyone turned to look at her.

But she had a clear goal, and ran directly towards Xu Fei, waving her hands vigorously without caring about other people's eyes, and shouted:

"Xu Fei! I saw you! I got more than 40,000 numbers, and it will be my turn soon. Which number are you? My dad said he won't let me in unless he beats you to a pulp!"

"Number 110,000." Xu Fei's body tensed up.

Do they know each other? Kitsune Shichi curiously glanced at this straightforward and lively girl, feeling that she was very different.

Xu Fei also turned to look at Kitsune Shichi and introduced her,"This is Alice, SS+"

Then he turned back to look at Alice and introduced her briefly:"This is Kitsune Shichi, SSS."

This introduction was too hardcore, and the people around him were shocked.

SS+With SSS?!

Really? A peak encounter?

After Xu Fei said this, the girl named Alice gave up on him instantly. She blinked her beautiful eyes and turned her gaze to Kitsune Shichi's face, looking her up and down. Kitsune Shichi looked at her exquisite and perfect makeup and couldn't help but sigh that she was lucky to have bought new clothes instead of wearing her old school uniform. Otherwise, it would be a big mistake.

"Hello~ I have a level 16 spiritual power and an intermediate beast pet."

Alice smiled and stretched out her hand first, suspecting that there was something wrong with her database. She had clearly collected information about Liu Heng San Zhong, and none of them could fight, so how come an SSS suddenly popped up?

"Hello, spiritual power level 11, intermediate beast pet."

Kitsune Shichi also reached out and shook the girl's delicate hand,"Your hair is so beautiful, is it a reverse feeding mutation?""

Only level 11? Alice paused, but didn't show it.

"Yes, my pet is Rose Bell, what about you?"

"Sunshine Slime."

As soon as the voice fell, Kitsune Shichi saw Alice's pupils shrink, as if she remembered something, and her smile gradually disappeared

"Oh, it's you." Alice's mood suddenly turned cold.】【SSS】, these two keywords together, isn't it the one that's been hot lately


"Is your number plate also 110,000? How about we switch? My dad insists that I play with Xu Fei."

"Her father is Alex, eight stars."

Xu Fei added at the right time.

He knew Alex would not say such a thing, because Alice's target has always been Xu Jinbai. Every time she was defeated by Xu Jinbai, she would randomly pick one of Xu Jinbai's brothers or sisters to fight with.

"Sorry, I bet my number plate won all, so I can't exchange with you."

Kitsune Yachi politely refused, noticing the other party's indifference, but this attitude was what she was used to.

""Okay~" Alice tilted her head. Although she said that, anyone could see that she was in high spirits at the moment, which was in stark contrast to the impatience she had just shown when she rushed over.

Kitsune Yashi also smiled at her, but after she finished smiling, she remembered that she was wearing a mask and the other party could not see her.

"Then~ I'll go play the game," Alice waved her hand, and looked at Fox Seven again, raised her eyebrows, and asked in a long voice:"Number 110,000 is a little behind, you will wait here obediently, right?"

This is a blatant provocation.

It's just that this provocation... because there is no malice or murderous intent, it seems a little cute.

So Fox Seven nodded, completely replicating Xu Fei's politeness and taciturnity:"Of course."

Alice smiled with satisfaction and turned to leave

"only……"Kitsune Shichi spoke slowly again, looking at Alice who suddenly turned around, and smiled at her.

"If I were you, I wouldn’t let you wait too long~"

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