This is getting rich overnight.

Fox Seven stared at the notification of successful withdrawal and pinched his face hard to make sure he was not dreaming.

After traveling through two weeks, he made 60 million...

Thanks to the original body's start-up capital, thanks to Master Zhou's on-the-spot advice, thanks to his perfect talent, and thanks to his own cleverness and boldness...

Fox Seven slowly exhaled, thanked everyone he could thank in his mind, and then followed the precautions mentioned on the Internet and stood motionless backstage in the arena, for fear that the casino's pet that delivered the check would not be able to find him.

After waiting for about ten minutes, there was a"pop" sound in the air.

A glittering golden slug pried open the space and crawled out of the teleportation hole, carrying a small envelope that was also glittering with gold on its back, and even the wax seal was in the shape of a gold coin.

"Thank you! You've worked hard!"

Kitsune looked up, greeted respectfully, took the envelope with both hands, took out the check and confirmed the amount.

——The first six or eight digits. No problem.

The slug wiggled its antennae above its head as if to say you’re welcome, then slithered away just as cleanly as it came.

……Awesome, you can tell at a glance that he has seen the world.

Kitsune Shichi watched the golden slug leave, and for the first time in her life - and from the bottom of her heart - she felt: this soft creature is so cute, so gentlemanly, and even his back is so reliable.

Then she stuffed the envelope into her bag, seemingly unconcealed, but in fact her perception was turned to the maximum, her whole body was in full bloom, and the smile on her face... that could not be hidden at all.

This corridor is so pleasing to the eye... even the air freshener smells so good...

Kitsune Shichi walked out happily, and Perfect Floating followed behind her. Seeing its master happy, it was even happier

"Let's go! I'll buy you something delicious!"

Fox Seven turned around and smiled at her eldest son.

Sixty million, as the saying goes, live today and enjoy life today, she will spend thirty million today to let Perfect eat to her heart's content!

Behind the scenes of the stadium, cleaning robots are gathering. Although the game is over, the work of the cleaning team has just begun. Missing person and lost property notices are playing on the loudspeakers, and there is a lot of noise everywhere.

In the corridor, some reporters sneaked in and were dazzled by the sight of Fox Seven, but then they saw that the aqua mermaid was always with her, cold and indifferent, condescending, and full of oppression.

Uh, forget about the interview.

So, Fox Seven walked through the corridor unimpeded and went outside. Before she saw the sunlight, she saw a person turning around at the door. It was Xu Fei who had just disappeared. The black-haired boy stood at the door, with an upright posture, but his expression was a little gloomy.

"Hi! Sorry to have kept you waiting!"

Kitsune Shichi didn't expect Xu Fei was still waiting for her, so she could only greet him warmly and pretend that she had forgotten what happened before.

In fact, it was nothing. He just said he would play normally before going on stage, but he didn't go on stage at all...

To be honest, it was a bit embarrassing.

However, Kitsune Shichi was not someone who didn't know good from bad. Xu Fei helped her a lot. If it weren't for his guidance, she would never be able to research"going up the bridge" and"co-tuning", let alone win the game handsomely.

The so-called going up the bridge means literally that the soul goes to the bridge.

The so-called co-tuning is a little complicated, but it can also be summarized as: human consciousness suppresses the will of the beast.

After co-tuning, people can tune Animal pets have skills, but there are limitations - in theory, there must be limitations.

For example, Kitsune Shichi really couldn't imagine what would happen if she forcibly launched [Tail Swing]...

Maybe she could try [Strangulation]? She was really curious, but the premise was to find a place where there was no one, because she really couldn't afford to lose face. With this in mind, Kitsune Shichi walked towards the door with a smile on her face, trying hard to find a topic.

Because Xu Fei looked like he was about to fail, could he be condemning him for escaping from the battlefield?

It is also possible that his animal pet was determined not to go on stage. In this case, he had no choice...

Kitsune Shichi racked his brains.

"……"I'm sorry." Xu Fei looked at her and said softly, with his back to the door, his left hand clenched hard in his pocket, the knuckles turned white, and he almost crushed the phone.

He was going to go up.

But not long after Fox Seven took the stage, his father, who hadn't shown up for a long time, suddenly called him, and the first sentence he said was:"Don't go up there and embarrass yourself!"

Xu Fei was... Actually, he wasn't too surprised.

It was just that at that moment, he really felt that he had lost, because he knew clearly what his father meant by calling, but he still answered the phone, as if he was expecting a word of encouragement.

He lost to his own fluke.

After so many years, why did he still have expectations?

——It was just a competition. If I lose, I lose. Have you never lost before?

Even this rebuttal, he could only think about it.

Xu Fei lowered his eyes. At this stage, he had no choice. Without the support of his family, he could not turn things around.

""Let me take it!" The small robots lined up and passed under the two of them, circling and sucking up the garbage on the ground.

Fox Seven felt even more embarrassed. Seeing that Xu Fei's mood was getting worse, he suddenly had an idea and found a topic:

"Oh, by the way, can you do me a favor?"

"What help?" Xu Fei answered.

Speaking of helping, he raised his head and looked less gloomy, but still in a bad mood.

"That is, do you know that kind of place... that is extremely expensive, extremely exciting, and extremely spendy? I want to go there to broaden my horizons!"

Fox Yaqi's eyes lit up, and she lowered her voice and asked in a very low voice.

However, her cautious, hidden excitement, and money-hiding attitude was destined to not be understood by Xu Fei, a wealthy young man with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Extremely expensive, extremely exciting?!

Xu Fei's eyes changed slightly,"Male model shop?"

Although they are adults, it is not impossible to have a wine carnival party, but why is he so happy?

Fox Yaqi's hands trembled, and his eyes widened,"Huh?"

For a moment, the two looked at each other.

"I mean, I just won some money from gambling, and I want to see some exciting places like casinos and auctions... things related to beast pets... I've never been there before."

Kitsune scratched his hair and said awkwardly

"Oh, ahem... Sorry, I misunderstood."

Xu Fei was also a little embarrassed. He raised his hand and touched his nose. Inexplicably, the sadness in his heart disappeared a little.

……This is the kind of insight he gained.

He breathed a sigh of relief and rebuked himself for having incorrect thoughts.

"But, your suggestion is also fine.……"

Kitsune Shichi hesitated. Male models from another world? I wonder if there are any other world models that are transformed from pet animals?

For example, handsome guys with furry ears... or girls with cat ears and rabbit ears...

The only problem is that people in this world become adults at the age of fifteen, but in Kitsune Shichi's eyes, fifteen is still a minor, and they become adults at the age of eighteen.

And after years of education,"becoming an adult at the age of eighteen" is deeply rooted in her mind, and a mere time travel cannot shake it at all.

It's a bit early, it's really too early...

Kitsune Shichi hesitated for a while, feeling very sad.

What do you mean by calling me? Xu Fei's eyelids jumped, and he turned a deaf ear to what someone just said. He took out his mobile phone and checked the invitation in his mailbox.

The auction that opened today... really does exist.

And there is more than one, and the levels are not low.

Xu Fei simply picked one and handed over the phone

"All three are fine, but the first one is meaningless to us. If you want to go, you can go. We can take you in. Pick one."

Kitsune Shichi had to give up his fantasy, took the phone, and asked after just one look,"Are you going out of the province?"

"Yes, it's very fast by taking the teleportation array."

Xu Fei answered, and hesitated for two seconds,"Or we can go to the Silver Moon Auction House, my home is in Jinwu, you can go back with me and take the teleportation array."

The cost of the teleportation array is high, and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, cars and high-speed trains are still the mainstream means of transportation. As for

Xu Fei, he has to go home every day. The Xu family has a curfew. Unless there is an accident, he cannot stay overnight outside and must go home. In order not to attract attention, he specially bought a house to put the teleportation array, with the bedrooms facing each other, and they are directly connected.

Of course, there is no need to tell his classmates about this. Xu Fei also knows it, so even if everyone has always thought that he was abandoned by the family and assumed that he lived in Liuheng, he didn't say a word.


Kitsune Shichi had no reason to refuse. She looked at the item manual provided by the Silver Moon Auction House. The starting prices were all within her reach, but she didn't know what the final price would be. It didn't matter if she couldn't afford it. She would just go and take a look, buy some delicious food for Wanmei, and buy some small gifts for Master Xu, Master Zhou, and the missing Sister Zhang.

Although Sister Zhang seemed to have some problems, this was just a guess. What if she was simply ill?

"Then come home with me first."

Xu Fei curved her eyes and smiled when she heard that.

However, at this moment, a breeze blew by, bringing with it a faint plant fragrance.

Fox Seven smelled the familiar fragrance and was startled. Then, Karachi appeared out of thin air, with golden hair dancing, and his slender figure fell directly in front of Xu Fei. His snow-white arms blocked him with force.

The green eyes seemed to be emitting fire.

"Who do you think you are? Why should I go home with you?!"

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