The next morning, Kitsune Shichi took the fish cakes and the vine seedlings and headed straight for the teleportation array station in Liuheng City.

Karachi looked dead again.

He hung listlessly on Kitsune Shichi's wrist, overlapping the space bracelet, completely losing the majesty of a king.

Because this morning, he was not careful and almost drank the dew from other plants. The water was about to touch his lips, so he asked,"Where did it come from?"

Fortunately, he reacted quickly.……

"Why is it floral dew?!"

"Flower dew... is very elegant."

Fox Seven didn't even react. This pre-dawn dew... isn't it collected from flowers and plants?

So while Fox Seven was having breakfast, Karachi quickly placed an order:"A Complete Collection of Human Weird Behaviors - Things That We Flowers and Plants Don't Understand".

After reading the book at a glance, it fell silent.

Yes, Karachi had never cared about what Zhou Yuye ate or drank in the past. Anyway, it only drank energy supplement liquid, which was convenient and fast. It never expected that human girls actually loved to drink flower tea... and nectar...

It's okay to eat fruits, it's okay to pick flowers, but it's delicious to make tea with flowers, this is...

In the car, low pressure slowly spread. The taxi drove very fast. It was only five kilometers from the hotel to the teleportation array site. Even though the driver was knowledgeable, he stepped on the accelerator and drops of cold sweat fell from his back.

Karachi twisted, and grew from a small bud to a thin and long white vine.

At first glance, it was quite elegant and delicate.

"You want to transform?"

Fox Seven pulled out a sack-like robe from space and put it on Bai Teng's head with skillful movements.

Karachi was silent for two seconds and couldn't say anything.

It shrank back, activated [Fake Death], and withered.

"What happened to you two?……"

Kitsune had no choice but to take back his robe and pinched his right hand perfectly - this slime was pretending to be dead, with only one word floating in the depths of its soul:"Hungry"……";

Pinch Karachi with your left hand - this plant also starts to play dead, withering and dying.

Kitsune Shichi doesn't understand, even pretending to be dead is to compete? Fortunately, the taxi driver is quite capable, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed into the teleportation base. Kitsune Shichi paid the fare and got off the car, heading straight for the teleportation point. With a familiar flash of light, a towering steel castle appeared in front of her eyes, with Gothic spires pointing straight to the sky, majestic and imposing. It was deserted here, as silent as a prison.

A middle-aged man in a blue shirt, a blue hat and thick-framed glasses was wandering beside the teleportation array. When he saw someone coming out, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he hurried over to say hello:

"Are you the beastmaster who has contracted the intermediate slime?"

This man didn't look like a leader at all, but he did have a director badge on him. Without waiting for Kitsune's reply, he continued to talk:

"This mission of ours has been pending for more than ten years, and no pet is willing to take it. Most pets with the [Devouring] skill have physical bodies, and are unwilling to go underground to contact the 'Jue'. After all, it is too dangerous.……"

At this point, he pushed his glasses up, confirmed it again, and asked as if he was embarrassed:

"Your pet is a slime, right?"

Fox Seven nodded and pinched Perfect again.

In theory, pure energy bodies will not be affected by material toxins, and this garbage disposal plant only recycles energy ore, which is the dried corpses of those mineral pets.——‘'Jue'.

A small amount of"Jue" does not cause obvious harm, but a large amount of"Jue" piled up together will release harmful substances, causing speech disorders and terrifying hallucinations in the early stage; limb hyperplasia and mutation in the middle stage; multiple organ failure in the late stage. The whole process is accompanied by severe pain until death.

Although it is divided into three stages, if the density of"Jue" is too high, these three stages will not exceed an hour.

And"Jue" itself is a beautiful crystal. The lowest level of"Jue" is gray and dry wood. The higher the level, the more transparent it is, and it can even be as dazzling as a diamond, and the more harmful it is.

Kitsune Shichi thought of the golden light mine. There is an [Evil Fall] in its passive state. This is the passive of the curse system, but according to the encyclopedia, there is no"Jue" as vicious as it.

"We have raised tens of millions of slimes, but their lifespans are too short and they don't listen to discipline. The processing point of 'Jue' is deep underground, and half of them will die before they reach their destination... But your slime is different, it's an intermediate slime, and it's the ultimate level [devouring], so there will be no problem."

The middle-aged man was still chattering, looking at Hu Shiqi from time to time, fearing that the young beastmaster would run away.

Hu Shiqi kept smiling and nodding in agreement.

She also checked the information in advance, asked Xu Fei, and asked Ji Yan of the Beast Taming Association, and they all said: Slime can and is currently the only way to deal with 'Jue'.

Of course, some king-level and emperor-level dark beast pets can also resist the poison of 'Jue', but even if the blue planet explodes, they will not condescend to deal with toxic garbage.

"So we have accumulated 26 cans of unprocessed 'Jue', each can is 56 tons, and each can costs 80 million. This is an environmental protection task, no tax is required, and 50% of the income can be deducted from the tax of the year... You can link yourself to the company, cough, that's all I can say."

The middle-aged man coughed, took Fox Seven, passed through three doors, three disinfection procedures, and covered with a layer of close-fitting transparent energy bubble before entering the castle.

Unlike the quaint architectural style outside, the interior of the garbage disposal plant is spacious and bright, and fully mechanized. Only occasionally a few humans dressed in blue pass by, all fully armed, and even their eyes are covered tightly.

Fox Seven pinched Perfect again, followed the man who called himself Brother Liu, turned left and right, got on the elevator, and landed deep underground.

Nearly 2 billion does not need to pay taxes, and can also deduct 1 billion taxes. This is a good thing... Why doesn't anyone contract a slime?

With a heavy reward���There is a brave man, so much money... Let alone other things, even for the money, it is worth it to contract a slime...

Although there is no science in this world, this world still conforms to normal economic laws.

Kitsune Shichi endured and endured, but still asked the question in his heart.

Brother Liu pushed his glasses and was also surprised.

"Some people did this in the past, but no one contracts slimes these days. Slimes are disobedient and cannot be upgraded. They would rather devour their own kind than Jue first. For them, Jue is very difficult to chew."

"Slime is quite innocent and obedient."

Kitsune Yachi held up her own slime, which was perfectly kneaded into a ball of crystal mud.

"You are right."Brother Liu also smiled.

Fox Seven rubbed the tip of her nose, suspecting that this person was cursing her in his heart.

So the rest of the way was silent.

The two walked to the control room. Fox Seven put Perfect into the instrument and let the robot scan and check. She also checked the Soul Bridge and put a panoramic camera into Perfect to make sure she could monitor its status at any time. If not, she would summon it back by force. There is no teleportation array underground, so it can only be transported by machinery.


Lights on, machinery down


Kitsune sighed slowly, watching the finger-thick little mermaid sink into the darkness. She sat back in her chair and turned on the surveillance camera with a heavy heart.……


A white vine popped out, slapped the surveillance camera, and took out a tablet from somewhere, poking and poking, opening the second grade online class, and placing it in front of a human girl.


"Stop it, study quickly!"

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