Mango rice is the degraded offspring of wheat ear pet and mango pet. Because it has no intelligence, it is defined by the association as a new edible fruit. It is a new variety that has only appeared (born?) in the past two years and is rare in the world.

In fact, it is mango-flavored rice. Each wheat ear is a small mango, as big as a grape, soft, sweet, and without a core.

It is worth mentioning that the two king-level pets that hybridized (?) mango rice are suing for the ownership of mango rice. Since both are hermaphroditic, it is impossible to prove who gave birth to mango rice (……), so the lawsuit has been transferred to the Supreme Court of the Interstellar. The trial is far away and the result will not be seen in a hundred years...

Fox Seven finished taking a shower and walked out of the bathroom while wiping her hair.

The golden mango rice filled the living room. Karachi sat cross-legged on the sofa, with a computer on her knees and typing with one hand. One mango rice after another floated in front of her. She chewed with her cheeks puffed up, eating mango without spitting out the mango skin.

Yes, Karachi is now a girl again, and she has tied two low ponytails for herself. Her silver hair falls on her shoulders like silk, covering her delicate collarbone.

Her face is stunningly beautiful, even with suspenders and manly boxer shorts, she is still beautiful as a dream, and has a bit of a neighborly vibe, looking very approachable.

Kitsune Shichi walked over and was about to sit next to Karachi, but suddenly... his eyelids jumped

"What is that?"

Kitsune Shichi asked with a solemn expression, pointing to the teacup on the coffee table.

In the transparent glass cup, hot water was bubbling, and there was a very familiar tender white seedling... stiff and straight, as if it was sealed in a crystal column.

Karachi didn't even raise his head,"Huh?"

Kitsune Shichi didn't know what to say:"Don't hum, look at that thing on the table……?!"

Karachi then raised his eyelids, glanced at the table calmly and slowly, swallowed the mango rice in his mouth, and looked away without caring.

"Oh, just tea."

Just tea?!"

Kitsune couldn't help but take a step back, smelling the delicate, fresh tea aroma, then turned around and ran back to the bedroom, picking up his phone that was charging.——

#Is Karachi tea poisonous?

(Sorry, no results found)

#Is tea made from the bloodthirsty and violent vine poisonous?

(HTTP……One-click access to the Qilin alarm link)

#Is tea made from turmeric vine poisonous?

Netizen 1: Friend, why do you ask? I think people shouldn't... At least they shouldn't...

Netizen 2: [Laughing and crying] Friend, your turmeric vine has a very good temper.

Netizen 3: Can you let it go... Netizen

4: It should be non-toxic, otherwise it would have evolved poisonous skills. Healing pets are generally non-toxic, but it is not recommended to use it to make tea... Xiao Xiangyu is fragile and sensitive, and will hide and cry when you are not paying attention……


Will I cry if I don't drink?

Fox Seven put down his phone, his eyes blank, and he wanted to scream like a groundhog.

Since coming to this ghost world, there are new surprises every day, and no two are the same...

Fox Seven shook his head vigorously and decided to face the new world bravely.

——That's right, isn't it [Karaage Tea]? That's the taste of love. Yes, Karaage is a healing tea. It doesn't matter if it's poisonous. You won't die.……

——Come on! Let's have tea first!

The living room was quiet. Kitsune Shichi held his cell phone, pretended nothing happened, and tiptoed out again.

Karachi maintained the same posture as before, still"clicking" on the computer with one hand. His fair face was reflected in the colorful light of the computer screen, and his red pupils were also reflecting the light.

Kitsune Shichi now began to doubt Karachi's purpose of becoming a girl... No, no, no, pure plants would not be so scheming, she must be overthinking.

"I was really scared today. The five-star beastmaster was so attentive, the dinner was so sumptuous, and there were performances. The staff dormitory was more luxurious than a hotel, and it was arranged on the top floor of the tower... It turned out to be because of the Holy Lord. They could recognize such an ordinary ring.……"

Kitsune walked over and sat down, blinked, and tentatively reached out to grab the karaoke tea on the table. Before she could touch it, an ice ball flew over and fell into the cup with a"pop". The boiling water suddenly became quiet.

"That black ring is so ghostly, I can't even find your spiritual power after you put it on. Is it normal?"

Karachi glanced over, not quite understanding.

"Oh... is that so?"

Kitsune Shichi finally reacted and turned the black wide ring on her left thumb. It was smooth and had no lines. It looked ordinary.

Come to think of it, the jewelry worn by the Nine-Star Boss couldn't be that bad. He just threw it away without explaining its purpose. No one would know how to use it...

By the way, she picked up the glass, observed the clear tea soup, took a sip, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Good tea! Rich in spiritual energy and sweet aftertaste! It made her mind clear, and she was not even sleepy anymore. She felt like she could study for another two hours!

Awesome, worthy of being the King of Curls, even the bath water (?) is a good product that inspires people to move forward... worthy of being the tender bud of the king-level plant-type beast pet……


Kitsune Shichi coughed and thought of Teacher Dahongxia again. He suddenly felt that the tea in his hand smelled better.

Karachi glanced at him from the corner of his eyes and saw that the human was not abnormal. He felt relieved. Pulling out a bud was not considered an injury, but it was more difficult to get through it. So

Kitsune Shichi rubbed against Karachi again. The latter was a girl now, so it was acceptable for him to stick close to her. However, he saw that Karachi was... submitting his resume.

‘Name: Pure White Karachi

Initial race: Xiao Xiangyu

Current level: King, healing pet

Attributes: Water, Psychic

Skills: Healing Light Wave (Grandmaster), Space Movement (Secret), Endless Life (Low Level)

Special skills: Proficient in common language, reading, and writing, proficient in basic office software, familiar with common pets and the internal structure of the human body.

Intended position: surgeon, healing doctor

Special requirements: The patient is still alive

Intended base salary: 1.5 billion/year’


""Ha," Karachi sneered disdainfully. How could she be worse than Slime in terms of supporting a family? What a joke!

I am five times stronger than Slime! One against five!

Seeing the replies flying in like snowflakes, Karachi opened them one by one, comparing the conditions given by various hospitals. She narrowed her red eyes slightly and raised the corners of her mouth proudly.

"If I didn't want to quickly master [Endless Life], how could I ask for such a low price? I'll double it next year.……"

Seeing her bank card number being typed on the page by Karachi, Kitsune felt a little... like she was getting something for nothing?

She was tired of saying the word"bewildered".

One yuan for a bottle of mineral water and six yuan for a pancake. These daily expenses seemed quite normal. Even if she hired a team of 30 people to take a luxurious family photo, it only cost 130,000 yuan. But after it was linked to the beast taming... In a blink of an eye, 100 million has become a daily unit.

What should I do if my beast pet makes too much money?……

"Hospitals don't make any money, so where do they get all the money to pay you?"


"Where do so many taxes come from?"

"Beastmasters also have to pay taxes. Every penny you spend on buying and selling things has to be taxed, and in the end it all goes into these social welfare projects."

"So you won't starve to death even if you lie down, right?"

"??? You are not allowed to lie down! Go and study!"

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