On the eighth day of staying at the garbage dump, Kitsuneya Nana woke up from a nightmare, and when he woke up, his teacher's roar was still lingering in his mind:

"The energy of the small flower is 326724. Release [Piercing] every three seconds. After eight times in a row, dodge for one minute. Assuming that [Wind Whip] is released later,】,【What is the maximum release area of Wind Whip? Kitsuneya Nana, you answer!"

I, I answer?!

" She sat up with a bang, holding the quilt in her hands, and began to mutter subconsciously:

"……【Pierce], consumes 40~100 energy points, more than 100 points, evolves into [Pierce】……"


Kitsune was stunned for a moment, then realized that Xiaohua Tsubaki was a primary pet. How could the energy value of a primary pet be 326,724?

Karachi's voice came from outside the house. He obviously heard the movement in the house and asked leisurely:

"What's wrong? Are you stupid?"

"No... sorry."

Kitsune Shichi coughed, a little embarrassed, and lay back in the quilt, but she was no longer sleepy.

Yesterday afternoon, the perfect [Swallow] skill reached the Grandmaster level, and the swallowing efficiency suddenly increased by more than 5 times.

In the dark, Kitsune Shichi squinted her eyes and clicked on the system interface. The evolution level was"208%", but [Click to Upgrade] did not appear.

Before going to bed at night, the evolution level was still 197%, and it had only been a few hours...

At this point, she was completely unable to sleep.

In the world, there are many beasts and pets, and the energy values of each race vary greatly, so humans can only make general statistics, setting only a lower limit but not an upper limit.

Primary level: 200, Intermediate level: 1000, Advanced level: 50,000, General level: 200,000, King level: 5 million, Emperor level: 30 million.

Just looking at these values, you can see that the upgrade of intermediate level pets to advanced level is the most critical step in the entire evolution chain - even the lower limit of the summary has been increased by 50 times!

The most obvious difference is the dragon.

Advanced dragon beasts and intermediate dragon beasts are two species. For example, the Bloodthirsty Furious Vine has an attack power comparable to that of a dragon. Even if it has just been upgraded to a high level, it can easily crush a rock-type pet - and the latter's so-called specialized defense is vulnerable to the attack of a dragon-type.


Kitsune Shichi exhaled deeply, staring at the other side of the wall with both eyes, wishing she could see through the wall.

To be honest, she was not worried about the strength after the perfect upgrade. She had studied the papers from several centuries ago. Slime is a pure energy body, and it is normal for it to have a high energy value. No matter which direction it evolves in - as long as it can evolve successfully, it will be the best in the same level.

The only disadvantage is: ugly.

And the more it evolves, the uglier it becomes, and it is irreversible.

Because... even if there is a mine at home, and the food varieties are fixed and fed, and supervised around the clock, the slime will steal and eat all kinds of things, and finally it will become more and more abstract, making any human with normal aesthetic ability... despair, and wish to hang himself.

Moreover, as the slime upgrades, it will eat more and more, and its appetite will increase exponentially. If it is coupled with a monster-like face, it will soon become a target of public criticism, and everyone will want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

The three views follow the five senses, this is the social reality.

Even in a garbage disposal plant, the garbage is limited, but the secret realm is unlimited... You can't live in the secret realm?

Fox Seven was very upset. After thinking about it for a long time, she could only come up with one solution: build a floating island, live on the sea, and build as much as she could in the sea. She would eat up the empty island and then move to the other island. The premise was that she would not provoke the overlord of the sea...

She couldn't let Perfect starve to death... The energy mine debris was at least ore, and she couldn't really deal with garbage...

Fox Seven sat up again. She really couldn't sleep, so she simply relaxed her mind and exhaled. When she finished exhaling and opened her eyes, she saw a white and tender vine on the opposite side. It stretched out long branches under the clear moonlight and pressed towards her shoulders.

After studying hard during this period of time, Karachi has understood the logic of humans-first of all, if it doesn't want to get a good guy card, it's better to become a man in front of someone, but men also have great restrictions. They can't stick to each other, can't follow to the bed, and can't stick to each other on the bed. The last time it entered the house in the middle of the night, it was attacked by a pillow before it could speak and was ruthlessly expelled.

This time, it simply turned into a vine. As expected, the human didn't react in vain, nor did he get angry and yell for it to get out.

"Humans need sleep."

Karachi lifted the corner of the quilt and stuffed it.

"It's a pity that humans can't sleep."

Kitsune Shichi changed his position and lay down.

"Why can’t I sleep?"

"Perfection is evolving……"

"Huh? So fast?"

The Karachi vine paused, and the leaves trembled.

It's only been a few days? Two weeks?

At that moment, it was speechless: Did the slime race take hormones? How did it evolve so fast?

"Their lifespan is short, so it's normal for them to evolve quickly, otherwise they would die.……"

Kitsune Shichi said that pure energy bodies would not die of old age after being contracted by humans, but would only hang on for a breath, always in a weak state of"about to die of old age".

After saying that, she subconsciously opened the system interface again and took a look - she had repeated this action hundreds of times today, but this time - it appeared!

Kitsune Shichi swallowed hard, blinked subconsciously, and looked at the golden system interface in the dark in disbelief. For a moment, it seemed that no sound could be heard.

[Click to evolve]

Four large characters side by side, flashing brightly.


Kitsune sat up for the third time, grabbed Karachi's cane, pulled it and jumped off the bed, not even looking for slippers, ran barefoot, pulled out a skirt from the closet, and put it on directly over her pajamas.

""What are you going to do?"

Karachi asked, standing still in the air, no matter how hard Kitsune pulled him, he remained motionless.

"Are you trying to find the slime? It's underground and the lift is locked."

"Can't you teleport?"

"It's too far away, Miss, do you really not understand? There are tens of millions of slimes underneath, and it's hard to distinguish them with mental power... I can't find it"

"Perfect is an intermediate slime."

"……To me, they are all small balls of energy, there is no difference."Karachi was helpless.

All right.

Kitsune Shichi stopped, walked a few steps, and suddenly turned back,"Then follow me to find it. Our souls are connected by a bridge. You have practiced the space transfer to the ultimate level, so you should be able to find perfection by following me."

This time, Karachi was silent, and regret filled his brain.

——If this had happened three days ago, the poor student Kitsune Yashichi would never have made such a constructive request. It can only be said that learning changes destiny, and the more you know, the harder it is to coax.

""Okay, okay."

After a few seconds, Karachi was speechless, but unfortunately the vine couldn't roll its eyes. It's not that it's petty, but that the slime is too ignorant... Must it be upgraded immediately? Can't it wait until the next day?

The next second, Kitsune's head felt cold, and her soul seemed to be tightly squeezed by a ball of jelly. It felt like the whole person was rubbed.

The white light flashed, and it appeared perfectly in front of her. The slender body was even lighter in the night, almost colorless.


"Yes, evolution."

Kitsune Shichi answered. She glanced at the watch. It was 3:30 in the morning. The moon was as bright as a mirror outside the window, and the stars were sparse. Looking down from the top of the tower, the whole park was gray and vast, silent and desolate, as if even the mosquitoes had fallen asleep.

"Let's go to the open space outside."

As soon as the voice fell, a vine wrapped around her waist, first wrapped two or three times, then five or six times. Fox Seven pulled hard and said"Hey" in a speechless way.

As a result, Karachi added another circle.

Space transfer... As soon as the hand loosened, the person disappeared, and it also had a psychological shadow

"Let's go, it's time to evolve again in the middle of the night... You, the sunshine slime, really have nothing to do with sunshine."

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