Blue Star Encyclopedia——

【Disaster]: Uncontrollable, extremely dangerous pet, cannot be upgraded further, otherwise it will cause serious consequences.

Hot comments from netizens: Amulet~

【[Evil Detonation]: Detonate the evil energy, causing the target to fall into confusion, despair, fear, and self-hatred, with a chance of causing organ failure, tumor proliferation, and accelerated aging.

Hot comments from netizens: Don't panic, it can be purified

【[Curse Tracking]: Release the curse, make the target suffer bad luck, and mark them. During the curse, you can locate and track the target, regardless of the distance.

Hot comments from netizens: Don't panic, you can purify

【Soul Marker: Marks the soul life for 1~8 seconds. Ignores the space distance.

Hot comments from netizens: Cannot be purified! Can stack various curse skills in the air! The effect is great after personal test!

【[Curse Counterattack]: There is a chance to rebound damage. After rebounding damage, the enemy will be marked 100%, and one or more [Evil Detonation] will occur immediately (can be stacked).

Hot comments from netizens: If you encounter an evil spirit, please get away quickly! Don't hit it! Don't hit it madly!

【Dark Body]: Invisible body, immortal body, reunited immediately after death. Visually, it looks like dark quicksand.

Hot comments from netizens: Immortal skill, want´_>`



Inside the house.

Kitsune Shichi was lying on the sofa, looking at his phone and the system interface. After a long time, he sighed.

Above his head, Perfect jumped in confusion and transformed into a silver question mark.

Kitsune Shichi reached out and patted it, flattening it.

After the evolution, Perfect's anxiety was swept away. It might be that it absorbed too much energy during the evolution (Evil? Resentment?). In short, it didn't cry"hungry" for the time being.

Not only that, it also became smarter and would take the initiative to turn into a small round dumpling to act cute, jumping and hopping to act cute.

As for the main body, the face is still the same face, but only half of the body is left, the fish tail is gone, and the body is no longer transparent. The upper body is like silver quicksand, and the lower part of the abdomen is smoke-like. The whole body looks like a metal liquid sculpture whose lower body has been evaporated.

Oh, yes, it can open its mouth, and it has an extra tongue.

Kitsune Shichi exhaled a long breath again, grabbed Perfect from the top of her head, and watched it turn into a small metal ghost, floating cutely, swaying above her palm.

This doesn't look like a disaster...?

Kitsune Shichi squeezed it hard. The texture of this quicksand was better than before, more healing. When she inserted her fingers into it, there were five holes. When she pulled them out, they would quickly recover. The pressure was just right, sandy, slippery, and shiny.

The only problem was that the perfect new body, even if only the waist and abdomen were counted, was more than 20 meters tall.

It was a huge monster...

If this were put in a competition, other beast masters would use seals to summon cute beast pets, but when she did it - wow, she directly summoned the Leshan Giant Buddha!

"What should I do? I seem to have cultivated a very novel slime."

Kitsune Yachi muttered to herself, in a daze.

What's the point of sleeping? She wanted to participate in the competition right now, and she had to shock the world - although she didn't understand the energy science, but compared to taming beasts, haha!

Blue Star people, you are weak!

"……Anyway, as long as it's not darkness, it's fine."

Karachi pursed his lips, his eyes fixed on Kitsune's hand, watching her grasp the ball of...slime.

No, this is no longer"slime", it has changed from a liquid colloid to a solid quicksand... It gives people a cold and ominous feeling, and even around the body, there are countless fine and dense space cracks that are imperceptible to the naked eye. Is this really not"darkness"?

But"darkness" will never turn into a question mark, that thing cannot communicate, otherwise it would have been contracted by humans long ago...

Karachi covered his mouth and fell into self-doubt.

"No, I have to go to bed. I will register Perfect tomorrow, and then we will go to participate in the Star Cup!"

Fox Seven jumped off the sofa and took Perfect back to the Beast Taming Space without hesitation.

For some reason, she didn't want to leave Perfect alone outside, especially after she fell asleep.———In Karachi's words - she slept like a [corpse].

Karachi was stunned for a moment, and instantly put down his crossed legs and sat up straight,"Star Cup?"

"Yes, didn’t I say I would take you there?"

Kitsune Yashichi said as a matter of course.

If you promise something, you should do it immediately. You might die at any moment, and she doesn’t want to leave any regrets.

"……But I said I want to participate in the competition?"

Karachi's eyes widened in surprise, and the whole world was turned upside down in an instant - humans are really cunning!

How did it become... taking him to watch the competition?

Seeing that a certain vine was about to get angry, Kitsune Shichi quickly stopped and turned back to clarify:

"Now is the planet preliminaries, I'll let Wanmei go up and take a look... just as a warm-up."

What Kitsune Yaqi said... seemed very sincere, she almost believed it herself.

In fact, the truth is that she has been studying so much that she has collapsed, and she really wants these Blue Star people... to feel the pain of the time travelers.

For example, falling into a state of [confusion] and [despair], struggling to death in a nightmare that they can't learn even if they die...


Isn't it good to just taming beasts properly? Counting and memorizing, but you have to compile so many damn teaching materials...

Well, then let you see a real ghost!

Kitsune Yaqi curled the corners of his mouth, narrowed his eyes, and then ran happily towards the bedroom.——

"It’s time to take a nap! Tomorrow is another day full of hope!"

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