The venue for the preliminaries was a towering tree.

The ancient laurel banyan tree was an emperor-level, super-powered pet from the Destruction Secret Realm. It was wild and of unknown age. It looked like a tree and had no intention of changing shape for the time being.

This tree was a giant from the space system, with a gentle and elegant personality (it was said). He was currently serving as the vice president of Ning'an Forest University, a well-known interstellar beauty (?), and the dream plant of many plant-based pets. It attracted countless plants to compete for it, and its crazy enthusiasm was no less than that of humans chasing stars...

Kitsune Shichi was shocked again. From five kilometers away, he could see the huge crown of the ancient laurel banyan tree, which was lush and green, as if it was a mysterious dark green woven from ancient times, exuding an unconcealable, cool and faint plant fragrance.

But what was even more terrifying was... Along the way, petals were flying all over the sky, flowers, flowers, all flowers, red, white, purple, and yellow. Among the flowers, there were dozens of large lotus flowers with particularly full energy, which were gorgeous and dazzling, showing love in a high-profile manner.

"The Moon Goddess...Ahhh my Moon Goddess!"

"Come on, Master! You must get into Ningsen University! My happiness in this life depends on you!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"A closer look... Ahhhh!"As the night deepened, the ancient tree emitted a faint light, which gradually grew stronger. Within five breaths, the area nearby was as bright as day.

On the street, plant-type beast pets continued to fall into madness and bloom crazily, and the humans accompanying them, regardless of age, all showed their helplessness, saying"Can you pay attention to your image, kid?" They were forced to join this inexplicable star-chasing carnival and took out their wallets to buy all kinds of peripheral support for their own rebellious sons...

Contestants? Who is it? Who is that?

It doesn't matter, who it is... It doesn't matter.

Everyone is here to chase the competition venue. It doesn't matter who wins or loses. How can it be as important as interstellar beauty?

Ahhh, I'm going to sit on the man/goddess!

This ticket is worth it... It's worth it...

For a moment, several more plant-type beast pets bloomed on the spot, swaying, as if they had drunk too much wine and were completely drunk.……


Kitsune was infected by the atmosphere and bought a lot of peripherals for support. For example, she bought a hand-sewn ancient tree handbag with beautiful leaf tassels hanging down and glass leaves colliding with each other, making a ding-dong sound. She also bought a bunch of badges and dolls, all of which were hung on the floating display stand and moved with her, making her the focus of the audience and the most envied child of all the little plants!

She bought, she bought, she bought like crazy!

This is the wonderful life in another world!~

"……I can't breathe.……"

Karachi looked unhappy, but the field was full of children (young plants), and there was nothing he could do to control his instincts.

"Well...then you go in first and find a seat."

Kitsune Shichi was also dazzled by the flowers. She had learned a little about plant psychology and understood Karachi's pain at the moment. She simply took off her space bracelet and the Lord's ring, and stuffed the egg into Karachi's hand.

The requirements of large-scale competitions are strict, and beastmasters cannot bring any props.

"I should be kicked out soon, I will come to the contestant's booth to find you then."

Before she finished speaking, a layer of black mist fell on her.

"Give your second brother one, too."

Fox Shichi grabbed the perfect little silver cake on his head, and suddenly had an idea. He opened a casino website and chose the Star Cup qualifiers - the hottest item was: check the top twelve in this competition.

This is a multiple-choice question. The more you choose, the more you earn. If you get one wrong, your money is gone.

Fox Shichi looked for a long time, and chose the most handsome guy, the most beautiful girl, and then himself.


That's right, the important thing is to participate.

PS, the gambling industry in major galaxies is protected by super-powered emperor-level beast pets, which automatically offset the luck bonus and eliminate skill interference.

If you don't have relevant beast pets, don't touch the gambling industry.

Casinos are not charity industries. It would be great if you could pick up money through lucky buffs. Their money must have come from the wind, and they are just waiting to be given away.

There is everything in dreams, just sleep forever

""Mee~" Crusoe waved in Karachi's palm.

Then there were several layers of black mist, which fell on the slime that was pretending to be dead.

"Don't be too stressed... but let the slime protect you. You hear me? This kind of big game won't let you stand safely on the edge of the field.……"

Karachi aimed at a point in the air, and a flower happened to float by, so he had to turn his eyes away.

However, Perfection could not hear or move.

After the upgrade, it became more"stable", because this outside world...all it looked at was food, except for time, which could not be eaten, and even space was fragrant. If you looked outside for a second longer, you would get hungry, so you just compressed yourself and pretended to be dead.

"No problem, I'll go check it out!"

Soon, the troops split into two groups.

The huge ancient tree was in front of them. The thick trunk was too big for a hundred people to surround. The bronze branches drooped down, forming portals, spinning emerald green vortices.

At the portal, there was a group of college student volunteers.

Fox Seven smiled, without any tension, gliding all the way, slowly flying towards the contestant's competition channel...

In the Star Cup qualifiers, as long as you are a beastmaster under 55 years old, you can participate, but normal people... as long as their brains are not defective, they generally won't come here to be abused.

Because the Star Cup is not a small fight, unlike the high school and college leagues, there is a special safety platform for beastmasters. In this level of competition, beast pets and humans compete on the same stage. If you humans can't withstand the firepower and are blown away by the opponent's skills... then - hahaha! Great!!!

This is the big explosion point of the Star Cup!

Who doesn't want to see the high beastmaster being blown away?

What they want is violence! Second kill! Bombardment! Ruthless ravage!

Therefore, if a normal person wants to participate in the Star Cup, he must have at least three beast pets, and one of them must be... A healing type.

This is not a rule of the competition group, but she simply does not want to die...

However, Kitsune Shichi is stubborn. Although she only has one pet and it is not a healing type, she just wants to experience it...

Anyway, she will definitely not die. Even if she is injured, how painful it is, can it be as painful as the heart-eating flame burning the soul?

So, she came, with a slime on her head, standing among a group of uncles, aunts, grandparents, and other contestants. Surrounded by king-level and general-level pets, each of them is strange, and the smallest is five or six meters tall. At first glance, none of them is easy to mess with.

Kitsune Shichi happened to be standing behind a bald man. This brother is two meters tall, with tendons and tattoos all over his back.

You have to draw a number before entering the venue. Because there are too many participants, the competition is divided into 13 venues, with more than 50 people in each venue.

Through the space folding skill, the giant banyan tree shrunk the artificial battlefield of about two hectares by multiples and put it on a normal arena. Humans in it... are only as big as rice grains.

Each spectator has a [magnifying glasses]. Of course, if you have good eyesight, you don’t have to wear them.

"Kid, you've gone to the wrong place. This is the contestant area.……"

A volunteer came over.

"You're right."

Kitsune Shichi took out his entry card.

It clearly said: One-star Beast Tamer. All the beast tamers present were above three stars, with sharp ears and eyes. Suddenly, someone let out a wicked laugh.

"Where did this kid come from? Why did your parents let you out?"

"With only one star, how dare you come to participate in this kind of competition?"

"The young are really formidable, hahahaha……"

"Go home quickly, hahahaha……"

There was laughter from the crowd, and for a moment, the tense atmosphere dissipated, and everyone seemed to be happy.

Kitsune Shichi looked over and saw that the one who laughed the loudest was an uncle-like figure, about forty years old, not bad looking, and wearing a robe similar to a cassock.

In fact, looking around, there are no ugly people here, and everyone is dressed in a unique way, as if they had accidentally entered a dance party in another world.

However, for Kitsune Shichi, whether it was the beast pets or the ethnic costumes, she didn't recognize them. There are too many types of beast pets in this world, and she only learned a few common ones. But these in front of her... none of them are common species.

I don't know them, I don't know them at all.

No matter how she was ridiculed, Kitsune Shichi didn't reply, and lined up quietly. Occasionally, her eyes would fall on a fluffy big white cat (?), and she would rub it madly with her eyes.

Soon, it was her turn to draw a number.

"No. 547, contestant Kitsune Shichi, 13th round."

The volunteer uploaded the entry code, and seeing Kitsune Shichi's face was too tender, he frowned and whispered:

"You... can leave now, this is not the place for you."

Fox Seven pretended not to hear, took the competition card and put it on her chest, then walked towards the teleportation array.

A flash of white light, she landed in the venue.

The wind was howling, the ground was covered with silver sand, dry and cool.

Venue No. 13, the simulated ecology is the famous death desert in Huangyou Province - Jiuyou Silver Desert

"Wow, perfect, we won... This scene is very conducive to our hiding."

Fox Seven patted the small silver cake on his head, and in an instant, a more glittering silver light poured down, wrapping her whole body tightly. The huge silver ball flowed for several minutes, and adjusted several times in succession before making itself transparent.

The familiar spherical warehouse, seats, and footrests

【[Oxygen Production] Proficiency: +1+1+1+1...

Kitsuneya Nana adjusted her posture. Due to nervousness, she did not put her legs on the footrests.

She looked up at the sky. Above the dark sky, a blood-red countdown lit up: 60, 59, 58...

In the distance, several more beams of light fell faintly.

"So nervous... Don't get too close, let's watch from a distance first……"

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