No sound from outside could be heard from inside the arena, only the roar of the wind and the crackling of the flames.

Kitsune looked up at the sky, and red meteors fell from the sky, dyeing the dark blue night sky orange.


Perfection is also"looking" at the sky

‘It is indeed very beautiful, but it should be delicious to you... Is it really that delicious? '

Kitsune asked back.

After this round of attacks, she was not nervous at all.

Because... although the attack just now was beautiful, it was still a little different from Karachi's [Blood Flash].

Moreover, the current Perfection, the immortal soul, the flame-like energy attack was swallowed up by it the moment it touched it, and it also rebounded with a [Evil Detonation]】……

There were screams from the field, both men and women, and then a flash of white light, as if the game characters were forcibly kicked off the line. About twenty people were eliminated and cleared out in one wave.

……This is a three-star beastmaster? Three beast pets, with a nurse and defense, and a mental power of more than 30 levels, can't even withstand the meteor shower at the beginning?

Or is it that a high-star beastmaster is not that dangerous at all?

Kitsune Shichi was a little confused, pinching his chin and thinking about his so-called"enemy"."……In fact, she already had some clues. After all, there were not many people who met the requirements. There were only five or six in total. The highest one was only three stars, with a spiritual power of level 39. It had been stuck for five years and could not be upgraded.

Just as she was thinking this, Kitsune Shichi suddenly tilted her head. Not far away, a team of beastmasters rushed towards her.

The leader was a green monkey with a strong body and a fist bigger than its head, but its fur was a little burnt.

In addition to the monkey, there was also a beautiful centaur. Her (?) golden hair was also a little burnt. She seemed to be a healing type. She was ridden by the three-star beastmaster.

On the shoulder of the beastmaster was a palm-sized bird. It looked to be a beginner or intermediate level.

It was not far away, but it was actually quite far.

Because Kitsune Shichi used [Perception] to detect, after superimposing the perfect soul, her [Perception] could detect half of the stadium. Except for a few teams that could block her [Perception], the rest were all touched by her without exception, and even the opponent's tactics were"heard" clearly.


To be honest, Kitsune Shichi was a little speechless.

She realized that what Xu Fei said was true. Most people cannot communicate with their pets through souls. This is the privilege of those with S-level talents or above.

But even if they are S-level or above, not everyone can communicate through souls, because... I heard that it is technically difficult? I heard that it is not easy to operate...?

Anyway, the conclusion is: most people like to yell the names of skills, otherwise the pets will not hear them at all...

Or they can discuss the tactics in advance, and as long as the general direction is not wrong, the beastmaster will not say a word.


How about giving it a try? Anyway, you won't die... Fox Seven thought for half a second, and asked in the depths of his soul:

‘Perfect, do you think we should hide or give it a try? '

There are four of them and only two of them. No matter how you look at it, it's a disadvantage.

Perfect was silent for two seconds.

It has no fighting spirit. What's the point of winning? It can't be eaten... It's very boring.

‘We can try it first. Those who can participate in this competition are elites. Similarly, if you can't even participate in this competition, you are very weak.……’

Kitsune Shichi comforted Perfect.

She now had a vague feeling of being attacked by a dimensionality reduction attack.

This feeling was very hazy.

Kitsune Shichi held her forehead with her hand. It was just that... she had obviously been very careful and serious in respecting the rules of this world. Due to her low level, she consciously put herself in the perspective of a weak person. As a result... the situation did not seem right.

If ordinary beastmasters were all at this level, then five or six enemies... adhering to the principle of"better to kill by mistake than to let go", it is not impossible to kill them all in one go...

They are just NPCs...

Kitsune Shichi supported her head, and Perfect did not move.

Just like this, they were a master and a pet, using their mental power to"watch" the opposing team running wildly... running wildly... running wildly for a minute, but still did not run to them.

Maybe the opponent had run enough and felt that within 300 meters was within his shooting range. In his world, killing a mere one-star beastmaster was a piece of cake.

So the three-star beastmaster waved his arms and shouted:

"【Holy Arrow Rain】!"

Hearing this, the centaur girl raised her front hoof, and a light flashed in her hand, condensing into a two-meter-high giant bow, shining brightly in the night.

Then she drew the bow and put arrows on it. Countless arrows gathered from behind her and pointed straight at the spherical target a hundred meters away.

Densely packed, a large area of light points, like the twinkling stars in the night sky, like a dream.


Fox Seven sighed.

One command, one action... so awkward.

To be honest, at this moment, Fox Seven missed Alice very much. At least fighting with Alice didn't feel like bullying.

Seeing the rain of arrows coming at him, Fox Seven closed his eyes - too dazzling - and then his mind moved.

Outside, the slime's body suddenly grew in size and simply turned into a giant silver screen, taking the attack without missing a single thing.

Countless layers of [Curse Counterattack] were superimposed at the same time.


With a loud thump, something fell to the ground, and a man's cry could be heard in the distance.

"Mengmeng! Mengmeng, what’s wrong with you, Mengmeng!!"

Kitsune Yashichi finally opened his eyes. He couldn’t understand the lines that sounded like something out of an idol drama, so he simply pushed Perfect forward and saw a...very old, breathing weakly, rolling his eyes...Old Ma lying on the ground.

……It looked like it was going to die soon.

Moreover, there was half a thick and swollen horse hoof on the horse's back.

Just as Fox Seven was observing, a green light suddenly rose into the air, like a flying knife, and attacked Fox Seven's head!

It was the fighting-type green ape pet.

Unfortunately, Fox Seven had already seen it, and the pet was always within her perception range.——

【Soul Mark】!

【[Erosion Heart Flame]!

While casting the skill, Kitsune sat up a little straighter, patted Perfect again, changed himself to a softer sofa, and added a big pillow.

——This was not to show off, but because she was worried about the ups and downs, she had to prepare in advance...

And the green ape, who was attacked by the soul, limped and almost fell from the sky. A raging fire ignited on his body, and the dark green and gloomy flames instantly licked his whole body.

——Pain! Heart-wrenching pain! It was like a steel needle piercing into the skull, or someone smashing it with a hammer!

Despite such torture, the green ape said nothing. He suddenly swung his right arm, and his body turned into an arrow, rushing towards the silver dome that had grown larger again, punching hard.——


The green ape screamed!

Its fists, arms, and shoulders melted at the moment they touched the enemy!

Seeing that irresistible force was about to attack its shoulders, it finally got scared, with fear in its eyes, but it heard——


A flash of white light appeared, and the green ape, the horses, and their beastmaster were teleported away.


Perfect was stunned. For the first time in its life, the food it had put into its mouth was taken away.

At this moment, it learned to be angry.

Its silver body was slightly shaking.……

"……Well, the rules of the game."

Koushichi was stunned for a moment when she noticed that Perfect was not in the right mood. She slowly came up with a reason. In order to appease Perfect, she smiled subconsciously... but not so sincerely.

However, she didn't know that her nonchalant and fake smile... was broadcast live on the Internet. Combined with what she had just done, it was extremely terrifying.

Outside, some people threw their phones on the spot.

Some people sighed silently.

"The successor of the Holy Lord is truly... worthy of his reputation."


—————This is the dividing line for forgetting to update and adding words———


Outside, the entire network was quiet.

One star eliminated three stars without any damage.

……It seemed that he was still not satisfied and wanted more.

On the Blue Star LAN, someone suddenly started shouting, exploding the sky.

"One star kills three stars?"

"Yi Caidong was at least the third in the last university league! How could he be killed by a one-star beastmaster?"

"Which royal family has descended to earth?"

"This can't be the royal family. The royal family can't contract a slime. They all start with elves. At the very least, they have to get a hybrid dragon."

"Come on, I don't think this pet is a slime"

"How could it not be? If you look at the player information table, the evolution chain is written as follows: [Slime】——【Sunshine Slime】——【Blessed Slime] No matter how abnormal it is now, it was just a slime at the beginning"

"What the hell are you seeing? One star beats three stars, isn't that royal?"

"What? Upstairs, if you are not a royal family, you don't deserve to win, right? You can't let us produce a civilian god of war?"

"What god of war? Don’t you think this little girl’s smile is very villainous... Slime is so weird……"

"Fuck, you are a supporter of the royal family, right? Just because we, the commoner God of War, use a slime, you must be a villain? You are a royal family with noble blood, so you are a fucking hero? You are awesome because you have an eight-star ancestor? You just can't stand seeing us commoners win, right?"

"Damn it, upstairs, look at my location, I'm from Jinwu Lower City! Don't rush me, I'm one of you!!"

"I think you are just a running dog of the royal family!"


Within half a minute, netizens rushed into the topic of #星际杯预选赛——547号玩家·狐矢七#. The originally popular posts such as"This girl is a little scary" and"This slime is so weird" were instantly shattered by the army of netizens.

Whoever dares to scold Fox Seven is a running dog of the royal family - whoever is the enemy of all civilians!

The topic directly deviated into class confrontation.

For a time, the crowd was indignant, and countless people turned into keyboard warriors, cursing and spraying anyone they caught.

Soon, the popularity of this topic soared, and it even exploded to the top of the entire network.……


The so-called royal family refers to those who are protected by their family and can improve their strength by spending resources like crazy.

As for ordinary beast masters, even if the whole family takes out loans, works countless jobs, and tries every possible way to make money, they spend millions or even nearly 10 million to buy the"best beast pet" as much as possible."……The gap will only get bigger and bigger.

Because the best beast pets are never circulated on the market.

How can people accept this?

Therefore, surrounding the class issue of"royalty vs. civilians", under the crazy digging of all netizens, Kitsune Shichi's life... was turned upside down.

Things like"mental damage, withdrawn and unsociable, 100 points in eight subjects" were all glossed over. What everyone is more concerned about is:

Kitsune Shichi, is she a royal family?

Stop joking for so long, and this girl has a pair of royal parents. This reversal... is really hilarious.


The quarrel on the Internet cannot affect the field.

The silver moon is shining, but the edge is a little blurred through the barrier.

In the distance, the rumbling thunder sounded, and the sky exploded with thunder skills. The golden thunder twisted into a giant sword, stabbing into the ground one after another, and the golden light was dazzling.

Under the thunder, the beasts wrestled and roared.

On the other side, the purple poisonous fog gradually spread, and white light flashed wherever it passed, and people were constantly sent out of the battlefield.

And Fox Seven, she was still floating in the sky, watching the gods fighting in the distance, while thinking.

Perfect"devouring", there is no limit.

It can devour all living things, non-living things, and energy attacks. Even if it encounters an"energy body" with a much higher energy value than it, it can't swallow it all at once, and it can be swallowed in multiple times.

It is indestructible, as long as you spend time grinding, you can always grind the opponent to death.

Thinking of this, Fox Seven sighed, looked into the distance with a heavy gaze, and glanced at the palm of his hand.

She was just here to visit, why did she suddenly want to win...

Wasn't she a little too confident?

The problem was... if the enemy's attack broke through the Perfection's engulfment, Perfection would not die, and even if it was penetrated, it could recover. But she was a mortal, and staying in Perfection's body... became a weakness similar to its"heart".

Soon another team surrounded them, and they had obviously just experienced a fierce battle and were not in a good condition.


The leading female beastmaster whispered, holding up the crystal ball in her hand.

It turned out to be a rock-type pet that was proficient in illusion.

The light ball emitted a faint light, and the energy like water waves rippled in the air, colorless and invisible.

Unfortunately, illusion attacks are also energy attacks.

Perfection was hit, but was not affected at all. It just fluctuated casually and swallowed up the energy that came to it.

It is an energy life form. The more it evolves, the more closed it is. It doesn't want to listen or see. People, pets, pearls, refrigerators, cabinets, attack skills... To it, they are all energy foods, and the taste is almost the same, so there is no need to distinguish them. Kitsuneya

Nana had a blank expression on her face, and was not affected at all, because everything close to perfection - except herself, was swallowed up by perfection.

【Soul Mark】+【Esha Detonation】+【Esha Detonation】+【Esha Detonation】+【Esha Detonation】……

Sadly, this team had no [Purification], nor any psychic pets...

A few minutes later, a flash of white light appeared, and no one was there.


Kitsune Shichi was a little bored. She looked at the two four-star gods in the distance again.

In the sky, the fire and lightning elements were bombarding each other; on the ground, the poison gas and the defense shield were in a stalemate; and both sides were���The psychic pet used a mental barrier to block detection; the healing pet did not use any skills on either side.


I can't beat him, he's too strong.

Kitsune Shichi hesitated for two seconds and decided not to think too much. In fact, it doesn't matter whether she wins or not, because... someone's mouth suddenly curled up, and she remembered her purpose - oh, how could she forget her original intention?

She is here to have fun!

She is a blessing boy!

Thinking of this, Kitsune Shichi couldn't help but cover her face with the pillow and snorted.

There is no way, the range of [Soul Mark] is based on [Perception], and [Evil Detonation] can be released through [Soul Mark]...

But, perfect energy is endless, how much [Evil Detonation] can be used, isn't it just stacking randomly?

Kitsune Shichi's eyes turned.

She was very curious, if she attacked the whole field... anyway, she wouldn't shout out the skills... this is a competition, since it is a competition, attacking the opponent is normal behavior...

So, Kitsune Shichi closed her eyes and pretended to rest, but privately, she scattered flowers like a fairy, throwing out countless [Evil Detonation].

Don't fight or grab, whoever sees it will have a share.

As long as you enter the perception range, you will be treated equally and receive the sacred blessing equally.……


"Ouch, who cursed me?"

"Is it you, Peng Yunfeng? When did your ghost awaken the curse skill?!"

"Ah, I'm old! I have wrinkles?!"

"Who is it? Who is attacking me?!"

Then everyone in the distance started to fight even harder.


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