The competition gradually became fierce.

In the center of the No. 13 competition field, purple smoke filled the air, and a slender figure stood in it. Beside her was a purple-black pet shaped like coral, which was constantly spitting out poisonous mist.

This woman was Yin Lingling, the only high-qualified person in the Yin family in the past hundred years, with a talent of S-. Although she was 47 years old, she looked like a girl, with clear eyes, delicate skin, long black hair neatly standing behind her head, and a heroic appearance.

Not far in front of her, a dozen bright white diamonds slowly rotated, releasing gain skills, adding shields to their own side, and cooperating with the fire dragon in the sky to launch attacks.

As the favorite to win the preliminaries, Yin Lingling's four pets had long been turned upside down:

【Starry Sky Fairy], Fairy & Psychic, King Level, Auxiliary Buff Pet

【Purple Mist Poison Coral], a water pet, king level, hybrid dragon. This pet is extremely poisonous and has been transformed into an auxiliary

【Pyroblast Raptor], a fire pet, king-level, the team's main output, signature skill [Eight-way Split Falling Flame] - a magical skill to clear the field at the beginning of the game

【Holy Light Hedgehog, a Holy Light pet, high level, excellent healing ability, good in every way, but the healing process requires a bit of pricking... a bit painful


The loud roar of a dragon resounded through the night sky, and the flying dragon soared into the sky.

The night sky was like a ball of bright red magma.

One after another, white bonuses fell on it, making it more powerful.

As the fire skills were continuously released, the heat was accumulated layer by layer.

The terrifying heat enveloped half of the field.

The moisture disappeared at an alarming speed.

The flames touched the sand and turned it into liquid.

Before it could condense into crystals, it was immediately blasted into nothingness by the lightning that followed.


In midair, a black thunder dragon also raised its head and roared, but without the help of the buffing skills, it was obviously at a disadvantage.

The owner of the black dragon, Qin Hanhai, who was also a four-star beastmaster, stood in the defense shield, his face pale, obviously exhausted. After a few seconds, he had to cover his face and wipe the dried blood from the tip of his nose.

Seeing that he was about to lose, Qin Hanhai hardened his heart and touched the sluggish [Panyun Tree] beside him. The next moment, hundreds of huge tree roots went deep into the desert and suddenly rolled towards Yin Lingling in the center of the field - the [Starry Sky Fairy] in front!

Kill the auxiliary, maybe there is still a chance!


Seeing the vine turn a corner, Yin Lingling laughed out loud. The next second, the main body of the [Panyun Tree] shook violently, and countless branches suddenly retracted!

However, it was too late!

The faint green flame ignited along the soul of the [Panyun Tree] and burned directly in the defensive barrier!

"Heart-Erosion Flame?!"

Qin Hanhai endured for half a second and let out an unwilling scream. His body had reached its limit, and his shaky will also completely collapsed at this moment.


In the sky, a black dragon hovered like a dark cloud, roared unwillingly, opened its mouth and spit out the last lightning cannon, and turned into white light along with its fainted master, and was forced to leave the venue.


Yin Lingling laughed. She was not stupid. Of course she deliberately let Xingxing lure the enemy in front! Otherwise, who would have the time to let the goblin take the damage in front?

Thanks to the [Erosion Heart Pill] that her grandfather asked for her,】……

The field was filled with hot winds. Even though Yin Lingling also possessed the same gunpowder ability, she was still a little out of breath.

Fire would burn a lot of oxygen, so she could only let Yanbao fight in the sky...

It was time to end it. Yin Lingling scanned the field.

Except for Qin Hanhai, everyone else was three stars, not to be feared. The remaining energy of Yanbao was just enough for the strongest version of [Eight-Direction Split Falling Flame].

Group attack skills consumed too much energy. Only half of the energy was used at the beginning. A full one was just enough when he left the field.

"Clear the field!"

She snapped her fingers, and the Holy Light Hedgehog in her hand emitted three short and one long light signals - there was no other way. A certain fire dragon rarely let loose, and seeing that it was about to win the game again, it was howling wildly in the sky, circling in circles, and could not hear what its master was shouting.

At this time, we can only rely on signal lights.

The rain of flames fell, like the power of annihilation. The people on the ground only lasted for a few seconds before they turned into white light.

The diamond-like starry sky fairy rose again, and more than a dozen clones quickly dispersed, and their mental power swept across the field...

There were no enemies on the field.

After receiving the feedback from the starry sky fairy, Yin Lingling smiled reservedly, ordered the purple mist poisonous coral to stop spraying poisonous gas, and she also posed for a photo in an elegant and majestic manner.

Soon, the purple mist dissipated.

Yin Lingling smiled appropriately and did not move.

……A minute passed.

Yin Lingling was still smiling, motionless.

……Another minute passed.

Yin Lingling's smile gradually froze. The hot wind carried silver sand and scattered it. The broken hair from her ponytail kept hitting her face. She...slowly turned her head and changed her posture. She was unusually at a loss.

What was going on?

Why didn't the golden light of victory fall?

Could it be that the teacher Yuegui, who was in charge of the transmission...fell asleep?


The audience outside the stadium was even more anxious than Yin Lingling.

They almost wanted to rush down the field and shout into Yin Lingling's ear to wake her up!

"Sister! There is someone in the sand under your feet!"

"There is another one star! It's underground!"

"Are you only detecting the ground and the air? Why don't you check under the sand?"

"I've been standing there for 5 minutes.……!"

"I just want to ask, the game was so intense, did the child fall asleep in the sand?"

"He must have fallen asleep.……"

"Referee, referee! Intervene in the 13th match! How long do we have to wait? I have to go to work tomorrow and go back to sleep!"


Five minutes later, Yin Lingling finally realized that she hadn't won yet! There were still people on the field!

This was outrageous!

She looked at the sand under her feet in disbelief. How could someone hide underground?

Although it was a preliminaries match, this was a live broadcast of StarCraft. Those who could get to three stars before the age of fifty-five were all well-known figures. How could they hide underground?

Everyone came to participate in the competition for fame, wasn't it?

No matter if they were strong or weak, they came to compete for the camera. They had never heard of hiding underground... Do you expect others to praise you for hiding well?

"Stars, [sense] the sand bottom!"

A dozen gem-shaped starry sky fairies dispersed again, and within two minutes, they found that... somewhat strange energy body.

‘Under the sand, there is a poached egg……’

The Star Fairy describes it as vividly as possible:

‘……It's round in the middle and flat on the outside. It's very big.……’

Yin Lingling had no interest in listening to the end, and directly ordered:"Attack it!"

At this moment, the Pyroblast Raptor had run out of energy and was hovering at low altitude.

The Purple Mist Poison Coral followed its master in a victory pose for a long time, but it also lost its desire to fight and was seriously distracted.

The Holy Light Hedgehog is advanced and a healing type. The word"attack" cannot be said to it.

Starry Sky Fairy:...

After luring the enemy for dozens of minutes, it is also very tired. Seeing that its companions are starting to lose, it can only take over and randomly pick an attack skill to throw down.——

【[Space Slash]!

In a flash, the black blade of destruction slashed from the sky to the ground, piercing the yolk of the poached egg.

This is easy to understand. After all, the other parts are flat, and there is only a"yolk" bulging in the middle, which is clearly a target...

Just hit it casually. The starry sky fairy is also tired.

It just comprehended [Erosion Heart Flame] before the start of the game, and was tormented to death. After finally finishing the game, it just wants to rest.

A blade fell, and the silver desert broke the black crack.

After a while, a few grains of silver sand rolled down from the crack.

After a while, the desert began to shake... and in the [Perception] of the starry sky fairy, the poached egg was completely cut open, neatly split into two halves, and then disappeared. It should have been moved away.


Yin Lingling breathed a sigh of relief and put her hands in her pockets. This time she didn't want to pose anymore, she just wanted to go back and rest.

But suddenly, without any warning, the sand beneath her feet bulged, as if something was about to break out of the ground, but because the shaking range was too large, it didn't seem to be aimed at her.……

"Keep going……"Attack!

Yin Lingling still didn't take it seriously and continued to give orders, but a white light flashed in front of her eyes, and her pupils shrank sharply. She was actually forcibly sent out of the venue?!

At the same moment, a huge palm broke through the sand and clenched the air, but didn't catch anything.


The desert disappeared silently.

A few seconds later, a silver figure crawled out from the ground, with silver hair falling behind him, half naked, and eyes closed.

The audience outside the venue was stunned.

——It really is a sleeping evil spirit. The movement of this person crawling out... is really like a horror movie, right?

Under the folded space, humans are like rice grains, and this silver"human figure" is like a delicate big toy.

In theory, it should be a physical���It's very big.

But it looks so big to the naked eye.……

""Mom! I want it too!"

In the stands, there was a four-year-old baby who had been distracted the entire time and had no interest in the game at all. But now he stretched out his paw in a baby voice.

Big toy! I want it, I want it!


Inside the body of Perfect, Kitsune Shichi turned over and woke up in a daze.

Why was it so bumpy all of a sudden... Huh?!

Kitsune Shichi sat up suddenly and suddenly realized that the bumpy ride might be because she was kicked out... The darkness in front of her eyes was still dark, proving that she was still inside the body of Perfect, because just now... she couldn't see with her eyes open anyway, so she wanted to take a nap... But the surroundings were too quiet, so she fell asleep.


Perfect took advantage of her sleep and restored his original form?


Didn't they agree not to reveal their true form?

What if they were defined as a [disaster]?

Kitsuneya Nana was so angry that he was not as good as he thought!

"With a"swish" sound, the slime that was so angry that it wanted to tear the sky and split the earth just now trembled, shrank in an instant, and turned into a weak and pitiful ball, shaking and shaking... and Fox Seven was thrown directly from the sky. Fortunately, she was used to emergencies and flew up directly.

In the night, the red skirt rustled.

A golden light suddenly hit.

Fox Seven was hit by the golden light, and looked around in a daze, but found that the stadium below was... empty.

Then, a voice rang in her ears:

"Congratulations to contestant No. 547, Kitsune Shichi, for winning this competition——!"


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