Guided by the map, Kitsune directed Karachi to move to a new location: Light Rain Cliff. On one side was a steep cliff surrounded by clouds and mist; on the other side was a deep valley with the sound of flowing water.

It was spacious and quiet enough that no one would disturb us.

The only drawback was that the wind was too strong... We couldn't talk too far away, otherwise we would have to shout.

"This is it!"

Kitsune Shichi looked around and was very satisfied.

Karachi stood on a huge rock, his white hair like a waterfall dancing and flying, his fair skin almost transparent under the moonlight. Hearing this, he pursed his lips and looked into the valley with his blood-red eyes. It is said that humans like to make friends through duels, and the more they fight, the better the relationship, so this godforsaken place... plus the limit of one-for-one, is it possible that he wants to duel with him?

……How should he let her go...?

Actually, there is a huge gap between the king level and the king level... So... What should he do? Should he tell her... He can actually kill the Silver Family's Broken Dragon in one second...

Karachi looked at his palm, released a little bit of energy, and tried to pinch a super miniature [Blood Prison of Death], then stared at this not-so-good little red dot... His long eyebrows frowned.

"……Um, are you depressed?"

When Kitsune turned around, he saw Karachi standing on the stone, looking unhappy, with his butterfly-like eyelashes half covering his eyes, very sad and beautiful, making the starry sky behind him pale in comparison.

Karachi nodded sadly.

Yes, he was very depressed, because he didn't know how to let the opponent win. He only had six skills in total, and [Blood Prison of Death] would definitely not work. If he had to fight, even if it was just for show, he couldn't use [Chains of Desire].】……Well?

……It seems that it is not impossible?

Karachi's eyes changed, and his ears suddenly turned red. He suddenly remembered the thick book"Two or Three Things About Human Reproduction". He had to look up to cover it up and pretend to look at the moon in the distance.

Wait, the moon?

Karachi was stunned again. In the Moon Alliance state, his combat power and recovery speed will double again...

A gust of wind blew a few small stones off the cliff, and also blew the black grass on the edge of the cliff rustling. It was obviously not a loud sound, but it made people tremble with fear.

Kitsune Shichi rubbed her face. After a brief and careful observation, she was... not well.

Because Karachi looked very depressed, and he was hesitant to speak. In just a few minutes, his expression changed. At this moment, he stood on a high place, looked up at the moon, his eyes were dim, as if he was completely immersed in beautiful memories... He ignored people at all.


This is absolutely not possible!!!

Kitsune Shichi clenched his fists, his eyes sparking with anger, he was extremely distressed, it was like watching his best friend hang herself on a scumbag, but he still insisted on helping her and refused to turn back!

"Come down, come, let's talk."

She acted like a dean and found a safe place to sit cross-legged.

After the game, it tried to act good. After thinking about it, it turned into a huge windshield and slowly crawled along the ground, turning into a big futon.

"……Hmm?"It's not a battle?

Karachi was inevitably disappointed. He lowered his eyes to confirm twice, but found that Kitsune Shichi had already sat firmly and had no intention of fighting at all.

He had no choice but to quietly disperse the [Law of Desire] in his hand, and reluctantly jumped off the boulder, and found a place to sit cross-legged.

His face was naturally not good.

"What are you talking about?"

Karachi said in a hard tone.


Seeing this, Kitsune Shichi was even more distressed. She couldn't bear it any longer and decided to speak directly to the point!

"You're sure you want to follow me, right?"

"Nonsense, of course."

What's the problem? Karachi raised his eyebrows, very unhappy.

That's good, there is still hope. Fox Seven finally calmed down a little, and instantly felt much better.

"If you want to make a contract with me, a bridge of souls will appear between us. At that time, our souls will be attached to each other - you are in me, I am in you, and nothing can be hidden from each other. Do you know?"

Kitsune Shichi asked.

Her face was serious.

"I've heard of it. I haven't experienced it."

Karachi replied, his eyes wandering again. They were obviously talking about serious matters, but he... cough

"So what I mean is, should we improve our relationship? I want to know you better and want to know your past... Maybe it's hard for you to speak up, so I will tell you about my past."

Yes, Fox Seven decided to show his hand.

As the saying goes, don't employ a person you doubt, and don't doubt a person you employ. The relationship between a beast pet and its owner is too close to tolerate a flaw in trust.

Perfection is too simple and there is no room for fantasy, but Karachi is different. He is an independent individual with thoughts. Fox Seven can't treat him as an ordinary plant or pet.

Since they have chosen each other, they should be honest.

"my past……?"

The night wind blew up Karachi's long hair, hiding half of his face in the shadows.

"Hmm," Kitsune nodded,"What others say doesn't count, they are all hearsay and legends... I must listen to you, the person involved, on the spot."

Karachi looked puzzled, and after a brief silence, he spoke:

"Actually, it's nothing. At first... others only contracted a healing type after the third one, but Zhou Yuye didn't follow the normal path and contracted me as the second one. My combat power was not enough, so I could only practice attack skills intensively, and ended up evolving into a bloodthirsty and crazy explosive vine... He was short of a healing type again, and couldn't find a better one for a while, so he brought Su Yi back."

"So your name is……?"

Kitsune Yachi interrupted at the right time

""Oh," Karachi said indifferently,"I had a name before, but I threw it away a long time ago because I have a bad temper and it doesn't match the previous name."

"It doesn't matter."

Kitsune Shichi waved her hand. She had already thought about the name issue and had even asked Ms. Ji Yan.

Don't mention it, there is actually a solution.

"As long as you reach the Emperor level, you can apply for [Name Occupation]. After that, the bloodthirsty and violent vines can no longer be called Karachi when they evolve. Then, we will go to the alien planet and beat the Karachis who are still Karachis into Yuekara one by one - you will be the only Karachi!"

The Emperor beats the General level, are you still worried about not being able to beat him?

If you pinch him, he will become Yuekara sooner or later!

"All right." Karachi also smiled and nodded, his tone becoming a little more relaxed.

"But I may not be able to evolve - this is the fundamental reason why I ran away from home."

This time, Karachi paused for a little longer, and Kitsune Shichi did not interrupt, quietly waiting for him to organize his words.

"Actually, I don't hate Su Yi. The rumors out there are that I'm jealous, but that's not the case. I was already a warrior at the time, so why would I be jealous of a healing person? If Zhou Yuye, the psychopath, was a little more normal, I wouldn't have signed the third contract with Su Yi.……"

At this point, Karachi frowned, not wanting to say anything, but he had to continue.

"Well, he was supposed to contract Su Yi, but when he reached level 30... by chance, he got a dragon."

From the perspective of a human beastmaster, this is actually easy to understand.

Who doesn't want to contract a dragon? Xiao Xiangyu can only evolve to the king level, while a dragon can evolve to the emperor level.

Compared to contracting two Xiao Xiangyu in a row, a normal person would of course immediately contract a dragon. There is no need to choose.

"In fact, I just can't accept it."

The night was dark, like an endless thick ink.

Karachi smiled again and admitted it with relief.

"Since I got that broken dragon, all the resources that were originally given to me are gone, especially those elixirs... things that can help you comprehend skills and improve your qualifications... You may not have seen them yet, but those medicines are really precious. They were all mine originally, but when it came, I lost all my share."

This is normal. Resources are limited. The Zhou family is not rich, but a local force with a little money. It is already the limit to be able to raise a dragon.

"However, no matter how well I explained it, the essence of this matter is that Zhou Yuye thought I was unworthy. Actually… I also knew that I had already failed in my training.

So, I figured it out. I was really useless.

Karachi felt more relieved after he finished speaking.

"So I ran away from home and fucked up."


Fox Seven was silent for two seconds, and couldn't help asking:

"Why did you want to die two days ago? Didn't you say before that you didn't want to die? I'm still waiting for a way to break the contract. Also, you've been in a weird mood lately. I noticed that you change shape when you get excited. You've been a man, a woman, and a plant lately. The speed of change is too fast.……"

A few days ago, she didn’t dare to ask, for fear of touching Karachi’s sore spot—plants can cry too!


Karachi’s eyes widened:"How can I……?"

No���After a few seconds, he lowered his head woodenly and glanced at the... damn slime.

"Okay, actually……"

Karachi simply closed his eyes and spoke faster:

"Actually, I just don’t understand why you want to contract a slime? Would a normal person pick up a pet from a trash can? Even if you have no choice, you already have me! Even if I can’t reach the God level, I can’t be worse than a slime. Shouldn’t you like me more?!"

Then he slowly calmed down his tone. Obviously, he had given up completely (?)

"Right? Even a slime can find a good owner who doesn't mind its origin in a trash can, but why can't I... Tell me, is there any meaning in living like this?"

Fox Seven:"???"

That's it? That's it? You want to die for this?

The cold wind blew up a leaf, which swayed and fell between the two of them.

Karachi finally finished speaking.

He took a deep breath and felt much better after saying it. He was full of power.

Besides, as a healing type, he could kill a king-level dragon... Actually, this combat power is not bad.

Karachi nodded and agreed with himself.

"I've finished talking, now it's your turn to talk about your past."

He hasn't forgotten this.

"Oh." Kitsune agreed in a daze, mainly because he wanted to complain after hearing what he heard before.

"I am just an ordinary person, a time traveler.……"

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