[Name]: Slime [To be evolved]

【Attributes: Dark

【Level: Primary

【[Racial Level]: Ordinary

【Skills: Devour (low level 152/200), Sprint (low level 3/200), Immunity (0/200), Perception (4/200)

【Evolution level]: 103%

【[Evolution Path]: Slime - Elemental Slime of (Light/Dark/Water/Fire/Rock/Wind) - Elf Slime of (Light/Dark/Water/Fire/Rock/Wind)——???——???——???——???

Performing euthanasia for fish pets was just a small episode for Kitsune Shichi.

In her previous life, she had killed many plants, and she would only feel that she was clumsy, and would never think in the direction of"I cruelly ended a life and I am a sinner."

This was fine in her previous world, but it was terrifying in the world of beast taming.

Just think about it, sending away more than forty lives in one wave, and even smiling, as if he was very satisfied. This is simply a natural antisocial personality, an executioner who takes human life lightly, which makes people shudder...

In short, after she showed that skill with the slime, no one felt sorry for her anymore, and instead began to avoid her gaze.……

"……She's only fifteen years old and she's so cruel……"

"……Not to mention my 12-year-old daughter, even I feel sad when I see so many bubble fish die every breeding season.……"

"……Haven't you heard that his parents are dead? How can he survive if he is not cruel?……"

"……Alas, this cold-blooded society……"

As Kitsune Shichi walked outside the base, he could hear the women talking in whispers. Soon, the topic shifted to their families and children, and they talked about all kinds of family matters. Kitsune

Shichi listened with one ear and let it out with the other. Even when he heard people complaining about him, he felt like he was listening to a story and everything seemed very new.……

""Perfect, are you still hungry?"

She pinched Perfect in her hand. This guy ate more than 40 palm-sized fish, but he was still not full. His small body did not grow bigger and was still so transparent. Or is it that there is no law of conservation of energy in this world?

Perfect rubbed against her palm and turned soft into a puddle, conveying sad emotions of"I'm so hungry" and"I'm going to faint from hunger".

Fox Seven:...

Come on, she should go find a trash can. Purifying the environment is everyone's responsibility.

No, there is a sea nearby. Can't I throw Perfect into the sea? There are many fish in the sea.

Fox Seven stood at the bus station in a dilemma. The return bus was about to arrive, so...

The night was deep, the moon was hidden behind the dark clouds, casting a thin light on the empty streets, and the cold wind blew. Fox Seven shivered and felt a little cold.

So she decided to go home first, and buy some nutrient solution from the community store while there was still a discount for minors.

So she got on the return bus , since there was nothing to do on the road, I simply checked the evolutionary route of slimes.

Will anyone really sign a slime contract these days?

The answer is no, research has proven that this creature has no will to become stronger.

It's like a person who doesn't want to learn.

No matter how hard others pull his ears and force him to learn, even if it's for his own good, he won't listen.

Just like the slime race, they are good-looking, have strong initial skills, and the standard [Swallowing] is a high-level skill.

Their attributes are still rare dark series.

People originally gave them the racial name [Spirit of Devouring].

As a result...

they only eat and don't want to evolve at all!

Coercion and inducement are useless.

Cannot evolve = waste.

So [Spirit of Devouring] was renamed Slime from then on, and it was put to good use and became the garbage scavenger of the human world.

But in essence, the slime here is not the same as the"slime" in the fantasy stories that Kitsune Shichi read in the previous world.……


Just like that, Kitsune Shichi kept searching, and finally she found it!

Fortunately, she was not the first person in the world to sign a slime. She had a predecessor, and the slime of that great predecessor finally evolved into a dark elf slime. It had great combat power, but it was a little ugly. The thumbnail was unbearable to look at. When she opened the animated picture, it was a pool of black and purple mucus, which looked extremely smelly, and it flowed down in clumps, like a melted mud monster...

??? ???

??? ???

5 question marks plus 5 exclamation marks were not enough to express Kitsune Shichi's mood at the moment.

"Baby, we must not be so ugly."

Kitsune Yachi was frightened.

Before clicking on the picture, she thought,"As long as you are strong enough, it's fine. Once your strength is up, there's no need to worry about your appearance." But when she enlarged the picture and looked at it over and over again from a 360-degree angle, she suddenly thought: strength or weakness doesn't seem to be that important.

……Twenty-four hours follow-up……

……Also want to act coquettishly, rub against, stick to……

……Senior, you are awesome...

Kitsune Yashichi took a deep breath, held his Perfection tightly, and gave it a lecture:

"Listen! You can be not strong enough, but you must not become so ugly! Mom, I will not be able to sleep! We must not become dark slimes!!!"

Although she wanted to become stronger, she really didn't think about dominating the world. At present, she just wanted to raise a pet and make some money. This world is so magical. When she has money, she wants to travel. If there is a chance, she also wants to go to other planets to broaden her horizons.

——What she wants is a quality life!

Perfect jumped up and down, as if to say"No problem!"

Fortunately, there was no one in the carriage at the moment, otherwise, a bunch of people would watch them go crazy, and maybe even take pictures and post them online.

Fox Seven's mouth twitched, thinking that it was time not to mention democracy. Slimes' aesthetics were not very good, so she, the owner, would do the selection of evolutionary types... What about the system? High attack power, good-looking...

She continued to check, intermediate beast pet: Fire Element Slime, there is a chance to awaken fire element skills, such as fire blades and fireballs, which are single-target attacks, and you need to be accurate, otherwise you will hurt the enemy by a thousand and yourself by eight hundred.

But the problem is that creatures like slimes are lazy by nature and not good at thinking, which is equivalent to not being able to aim.

Not all slimes have [Perception], which is also an advanced skill that can replace organs such as eyes and noses. It is a magical skill to break illusion skills.

So, starting with swallowing + perception, evolving, but starting to learn fireball?

The more he evolved, the more he regressed. What was this all about...

Kitsune Shichi went back and took a look to make sure he was not mistaken. He searched for [Fire Elemental Slime]】

——Reject, pass, next.

Light system, illusion type, at worst there is a light ball that can illuminate in the dark, and restrain ghost system, although it looks good, but... requiring slime to use illusion?

Isn't this forcing it to rebel? ? ?

——Light system is also passed, next one.

Water system... Water system is okay...

Fox Yaqi thought, Water system, it is easy to operate, she can continue to sign water system in the future, the two little guys can play together, and she can also follow them to be free on the sea……

"Perfect, then let's evolve into a water type."

Kitsune Yachi didn't notice at all that her expectations for Perfect had been dropping lower and lower along the way. When she got on the bus, she was still thinking about taking it to kill gods and Buddhas, but when she got off the bus, she no longer cared about the strength of the evolution, and completely changed to the ordinary people's Buddhist mentality of raising children...

Just be happy, just live, and leave the rest to fate, whether it's strong or not, it's not that important...

Only Perfection kept jumping under her feet, as if he was not convinced, and the most important thing was that he was hungry again.

"Luckily you're not picky about food.……"

Kitsune Shichi shook her head and took it to find something to eat. The area where she lived was a suburb, or more precisely a ghost town. The developer built houses but no one was willing to buy them, and no one lived in them. In the end, they were bought by the government and turned into public rental housing.

"The garbage has been collected during this time. Why don't you try this first? It shouldn't upset your stomach."

There are large piles of construction waste in the open space between the buildings. No one is dealing with it. It is very desolate.

It costs money to deal with garbage. Kitchen waste is one price, construction waste is another price, not to mention hazardous and highly polluted garbage. The cost of dealing with it is ridiculous.

Slimes don't like such hard-to-chew things. They turn around and eat something else in two seconds. They don't have owners, and the breeders can't force them to do anything.

【Devour] and Decompose are both advanced skills. Generally speaking, pets with these two skills have masters who are not short of money and will not force their pets to deal with garbage.

Hot Knowledge: Most pets have stronger self-esteem than humans. It is precisely because they are born strong that they will continue to evolve.

"Go ahead."

Kitsune placed his perfect body on the ground and watched it expand and slowly extend until it became a two-meter-long���The steel pipe was completely wrapped around it, and within two seconds it was completely digested, and it continued to swallow the next one.

"Then I won't take you up there," she stood there and watched for five or six minutes, still thinking the scene was magical, but she was still coaxing him,"Don't just focus on eating, use your perception and sprint as well. When you have mastered all your skills, I will take you to have a big meal on the sea - we don't want to eat garbage, we want to eat fresh, wild food!"

Perfect, who was devouring the steel pipe, was stunned. His mind turned slowly. He thought carefully... The fish he had just eaten were indeed more delicious than these steel pipes, and they were more energetic...

Under the moonlight, he activated [Perception], and his sense of touch extended outward,"seeing" the"living things" hidden in the darkness.

But at the moment, the prey showed no signs of escaping, and there was still a lot of steel under it, so he couldn't give up on either side.

He was immediately entangled and could only speed up the speed of swallowing the steel... as if he didn't hear what Kitsune Shichi said.

Kitsune Shichi didn't care. There was no one around. She was the only minor whose parents had passed away. The older people were all in the nursing home. Even if someone passed by, they would not embarrass a slime.

So she went upstairs with peace of mind.

"Hey, what is this?"

When she arrived at the door of her house, Kitsune Shichi saw an exquisite black gift box hanging on the door handle, which instantly reminded her of the mysterious middle-aged man and the evil organization he led: Holy Ruins.

She was shocked.

Perfection hadn't evolved yet, but that man had already predicted the future and sent the reward?

Because there was no sound, the lights in the corridor went out quickly. Kitsune Shichi stood in the dark and could only hear her own light breathing. She reached out and picked up the gift box and opened the door.

""Click", the door opened, and the lights in the corridor lit up, dispersing the darkness.

Kitsune Yashi walked into the house, and the house was empty, except for the robot A that glided over. It was exactly the same as before she left, and no one broke in.

""Huh... I was scared to death."

She took a breath, closed the door with her backhand, opened the black box that looked extremely delicate layer by layer, and took out a letter.

The letter was handwritten, the paper was thick and textured, exuding a faint scent of perfume, smelling like men's perfume, and the handwriting was also a man's handwriting, feeling more mature.

It's good if it's not the Holy Ruins, but……

‘The money has been received, and we have nothing to do with each other from now on’



What does that mean? What kind of drama is this?

Why did she receive something like this the night before she became an adult? It was like a breakup letter from a man...?

Under the moonlight, the girl stood blankly in the room, scratching her messy short hair. Her dark eyes flashed with a blue light like her slime.

"——My mental strength was damaged and my engagement was cancelled. Am I destined to dominate the world???"

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