Outside the Gemini Rabbit Pavilion, under a tree,

Kitsune, Perfect, Crusoe, and Karachi sat on a long bench by the roadside, pretending to have a meeting.

"It's like this, because of the special nature of the new member, we have to vote on whether to buy the rabbit."

Kitsuneya, the head of the family, Qi, coughed and waved the caramel rabbit marshmallow in his hand, pretending to be democratic.

"I'm not a saint, but its talent is too rare. Among all the rabbits, there is no one with better qualifications than it... It will be more harmonious with you and less likely to feel inferior."

Perfect: 'Agree……’


Rabbits give birth to rabbits, and they give birth to a litter every two weeks. Doesn't that mean we have delicious food every day?……"

Instinctively, it moved away from the slime.

Karachi turned into a thin vine:"Buy!"

He was the one who didn't care.

The rabbit was not an elemental life. If it could not be upgraded, it would only live for ten years. Maybe it would die just after it was ranked in the contract position. By then, someone would cry bitterly after losing their beloved pet. He would just persuade her to contract the turtle.

���—Passed unanimously

""Okay, buy it!"

Kitsune Shichi made the final decision.

A few minutes later, she returned to the Gemini Rabbit Pavilion and showed the staff Karachi's ID card. The seven characters"King-level Beast Pet·Healing" were so big that they were blinding.

Not to mention a rabbit on a hunger strike, even a rabbit with a terminal illness could recover in the blink of an eye.

The staff at the Gemini Rabbit Pavilion made a 180-degree turn in their attitude.

""I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. Your pet is too good at controlling energy. It has such a high-level healing skill, but there is not a single bit of energy dissipation. I thought it was just an ordinary low-level skill... Sorry, sorry.""

Ah, so there is a Tarzan in this world?"

Kitsune's thoughts shifted strangely, and he also praised Karachi:

"Don't worry, this is Xiao Xiangyu's latest king-level evolution, with the best healing power in the industry!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the white vine on her wrist became tighter, and she was obviously very happy.

Until this step, everything went smoothly, but Kitsune never expected that something went wrong when she went to pick up the little yellow rabbit.

""Are you willing to come with me?"

She asked according to the pet trading regulations.

The little yellow rabbit actually opened its eyes and shook its head.

Fox Seven:...?


Everyone was silent for a moment. Fox Seven was not the only one who was puzzled. The staff was even more anxious. She took the little rabbit away and persuaded him twice, but finally gave up. There was nothing she could do.

"It really doesn't want to go with you.……"

The staff explained,"Let it live out its life here, or... you can get another one.……?"

The leaves outside the window are apricot pink, and the veins reflect the sunlight, dazzling people's eyes.

The floor of the museum is mottled with leaf shadows.

Kitsune Yaqi inexplicably remembered the afternoon when she met Perfect. She was also standing on the roadside in deep thought, and finally picked up Perfect from the trash can.

Even if no one is optimistic about slime...but hasn't Perfect become what it is today?

It's only been a few weeks?

This is a fantasy world, but everything is evolving according to the formula in the book, just like the assembly line in the factory, desperately producing the same standard products.

Since God gave her the system and let her see the potential of these fantasy creatures, it is meaningful...

Kitsune Yaqi stared at the little rabbit, it shrank slightly, its small ears were tightly together, and it buried its head deeper.

"Can I talk to it alone?"

Kitsune asked

"Yes, please go ahead."

The staff left the room

"Little rabbit, this is a slime, it's my pet, it has the skill [devour], it can make you die without pain."

Fox Yaqi took the perfect from the top of his head.

The little yellow rabbit opened its eyes and chirped.

It didn't want to die. Fox Yaqi smiled at this, she didn't know why, even though she was facing the fluffy rabbit face, she could understand what it meant.

Maybe it was because it didn't retreat?

"Since you don't want to die, why don't you come with me? There are so many miracles in this world. You were born only a few days ago. Those who say you can't do it are stupid. They are all lying to you. Your life as a rabbit is not over and it won't be over. It doesn't matter if you don't have legs. You can still have wings and psychic tentacles. You still have many ways to jump around and give birth to many little rabbits.……"

After that, Kitsune Shichi pinched Wanmei again, and Wanmei cooperated by jumping up and down in her palm.

The little rabbit made another slow"chi" sound.

"By the way, let me introduce you. This is Perfect, he is my [Shield], and his battlefield position is defense. This is Crusoe, his position is auxiliary and buff. This is Karachi, he is a healer. As you can see, my team is still missing a warrior, preferably a speed type, and it would be even better if he can split himself like you."

Kitsune Shichi introduced them one by one.

What she said was the truth. Her team did lack a front row who could kill people like cutting melons and vegetables, and they couldn't all be mages. So taking the little rabbit with her was actually the result of her careful consideration, not just for the appearance.

Of course, she didn't necessarily have to take the rabbit with her. There is a saying that goes,——""Let go of the desire to help others and respect the fate of others." This sentence is applicable everywhere.


The little rabbit's ears trembled, and it slowly raised its head, stretched its claws backwards, and touched its body.

"You don't need to think so much, just think about whether you are willing to follow me and become my strength. As for how to train you, that is my subject."

What does god-level talent mean?

Kitsune Yashichi is still very sure. Although her broken system has no manual, according to her observation, as long as the system interface is golden, it means that you can learn anything quickly and your comprehension is like a cheat...

Perfect, you can get anything you eat.

Karachi saved himself, and he made a smooth road out of the road of death.

Crusu, although he currently has only one blessing skill, this blessing skill is terrible if you think about it carefully.

She was the first���The test is to take a test paper with an accuracy rate of only 80%, but when it comes to the competition venue, it is 100% random to the most suitable venue.

——Except for sand, any terrain would not allow her to hide underground for so long, and she would have been perfectly eaten away.

Of the 670 contestants, nearly 400 had the [Purification] skill, but only 10 were assigned to venue 13, and the remaining 8 were blown out at the start...

It's really scary to think about it.

【Dawn Blessing]: Causal interference skill. Greatly improves the success rate of events and keeps the target away from misfortune.

This is a true blessing skill, because its essence and focus is not luck, but [keeping the target away from misfortune].

So the accuracy rate of the test paper was only 80%, because she didn't know how to answer those questions at all, so what's the point of getting them all right? And in Kirin High School, where there are many academic masters, it may not be easy to be accused of cheating if she only got 80% of the questions right...

The wind blew, and an apricot leaf floated down on the windowsill, swaying.

Kitsune Shichi retracted her thoughts.

She reached out to the little rabbit and placed her fingertips at the position closest to its claws, only half a centimeter away.

"Come with me, I really need you."

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