Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 115 Fire Extinguishing

"Who will win this game?"

"It must be Wu Qilian. His combination of Fire Tree and Fire Bird is almost invincible."

"Not many pets can withstand the high temperature of Fire Tree."

"It's hard to lose unless you encounter a powerful water pet! Ordinary water pets can't do anything to this combination."

"That Li Qingzhou's pets are not water pets, they can only be beaten, and I don't think they can win."

The audience paid attention to the situation on the field and discussed it. Wu Qilian's performance was obvious to all and his strength was very strong.

On the ring.

Wu Qilian chose to attack directly.

Anyway, the combination of Fire Tree and Fire Bird has almost no physical strength, and only fire suppression is needed.


The firebird chirped and flapped its wings. Countless feathers with flames fell from the sky, like a rain of fire, covering most of the ring.

Li Qingzhou looked at the rain of fire in the sky, and his expression was still calm.

Ping An's three tails swayed gently, and a gust of sand suddenly rose up and condensed into a huge gravel shield, blocking Li Qingzhou and himself.

"Bang, bang, bang!!"

The fire rain poured down, hitting the gravel shield, making a continuous sound.

The stone monkey Taiping's body was covered with rock-like hardened substances, its palms facing up, and light blue electric currents condensed and entangled in its palms, and its entire palm was wrapped in electric current.


The sound of electric current exploded in the air, like a thousand birds singing together.

The stone monkey Taiping put his palm sideways behind his back, and then kicked hard.

With a flash of lightning, the stone monkey Taiping turned into a meteor and flew forward.

Skill Raikiri!

The biggest advantage of the combination of the Fire Tree and the Fire Bird is that the Fire Tree can infinitely charge the Fire Bird. The fundamental point of this combination is the Fire Tree.

But the Fire Tree is also the biggest disadvantage, because it cannot move.

All plant-based pets are like this, not flexible enough.

The solution at this moment is the Fire Tree.

The rain of fire fell all over the sky, but it could not hurt Taiping, who was petrified.

The temperature of the blazing fire area around the Fire Tree reached several hundred degrees Celsius. Ordinary pets could not withstand such high temperatures and could not get close to it.

But the stone monkey, who was petrified, could withstand this temperature for a short time.

The rock-like hardened material provided a certain degree of fire resistance.

"Bang Bang"

The stone monkey Taiping wrapped his right palm around the lightning and easily cut through the defense of the Fire Tree. The lightning was embedded in the body of the Fire Tree.

The body of the Fire Tree could not withstand the power of the lightning, and a hole as big as a bowl was directly pierced through.

The electric current ran wildly in its body, and the lightning and flames collided with each other, making crackling explosions.

The stone monkey Taiping succeeded in one blow, and did not want to fight. He retreated quickly and left the influence range of the blazing fire area.

Even though it was petrified, the high temperature in the blazing fire area still made its whole body hot and its blood surged.


Huoyanshu's tragic wail, accompanied by crackling explosions, resounded throughout the competition venue.

"Is this Raikiri?"

"The signature skill of Tianze Martial Arts School!"

"This stone monkey is of excellent quality. Is he really from Tianze Martial Arts School?"

"Tianze Martial Arts School, there's something!"

Someone in the audience recognized this skill and exclaimed.

Tianze Martial Arts School is also quite famous in Linyuan City. Many people have seen the signature skill Raikiri in advertisements and are not unfamiliar with it.

Yang Xiao's face was indifferent, with a faint smile, but he was very happy in his heart.

Advertising in the admissions exam of the best university in the country does not cost a penny. It is a wise choice to teach Li Qingzhou the Raikiri skill.

As long as Li Qingzhou wins this game, we can expect the explosion of Tianze Martial Arts School in the future.

Huoyanshu's body was seriously injured, and his rough bark face was twisted into a ball, looking even more hideous and terrifying. The fiery red leaves curled up, the branches drooped, the temperature around them dropped rapidly, and the whole tree lost its spirit and vitality.

The audience in the audience suddenly felt a refreshing feeling, as if they had entered an air-conditioned room from the hot outdoors.

Without the flame tree to provide flame energy, the firebird also showed signs of fatigue.

After a few waves of flame feathers, it was exhausted and had no physical strength.

Without power, this emotionless attack machine was also broken.

The sand shield in front of Ping An changed its shape and turned into a huge gravel hand, attacking the firebird.

The firebird flapped its wings and tried to fly upwards, but it was exhausted and its speed was not fast. It was easily caught up by the gravel hand and firmly bound.

Wu Qilian's expression froze. His infinite firepower combination was easily cracked.

He looked at the bowl-sized wound on the fire tree, and his mouth opened as big as a bowl.

"Wow, unexpected! Wu Qilian actually lost."

"This Li Qingzhou is not simple."

"Excellent judgment, he saw the opponent's weakness directly."

"They are obviously two ordinary pets."

"No, that three-tailed fox is still very unique."


The audience was also shocked by the results of the comparison test. The ability shown by Li Qingzhou was beyond their expectations.

"The basis of the combination of Fire Tree and Fire Bird is Fire Tree. As long as Fire Tree is solved, this combination can be cracked. Li Qingzhou's judgment is excellent." Bai Qian nodded with satisfaction and looked at Li Qingzhou with appreciation.

"Well done!" Hong Ling was very excited. She waved her hands and cheered for Li Qingzhou.

"Good boy!" Chen Jianzhong also put down the dumbbell in his hand and cast a satisfied look at Li Qingzhou.

Director Jiang Tan watched the situation on the field. His eyes swept over Wu Qilian, then looked at Li Qingzhou and nodded slightly.

"He is not impatient and can accurately judge the opponent's weaknesses. He is a promising talent."

He thought to himself and blew the whistle in his mouth.


"The competition is over. The winner is Li Qingzhou."

As Director Jiang Tan finished speaking, Li Qingzhou's name appeared on the big screen.

Wu Qilian dejectedly put the Fire Tree and the Fire Bird into the Beast Taming Space. He looked at Li Qingzhou with resentment, then turned around and hurried to the preparation room.

The Fire Tree was seriously injured and must be treated as soon as possible.

Linyuan University has a medical room next to the candidate preparation room to treat pets injured in the competition.

Li Qingzhou also put his pet into the beast control space, then turned and walked towards the preparation room.

In the corridor from the battle arena to the preparation room, a man came towards him.

The man wore a cowboy hat, was of medium build, had a little beard on his face, and looked rather rough.

"Zhou Cheng." Li Qingzhou greeted him warmly.

They had met once in the Black Forest, where they had barbecue together, discussed machinery, and had a great time.

Zhou Cheng's dream of going to college really came true, and Li Qingzhou was happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

"Are you calling me?"

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