Although this ornamental fish is of a high level, its attack power is low, its personality is docile, and it is aloof from the world. It has never shown any aggression in the pet animal training base for so many years. It is completely different from other pet animals. Otherwise, It will not be placed at the entrance of the base as an ornamental fish.

Zhu Yifei had a look of embarrassment on his face. Li Qingzhou was the top scorer in Linyuan University's entrance exam. This pet beast was related to the improvement of his college career.

If he can contract a good pet beast, his strength will be further improved during college, but contracting an ornamental fish means that he will be different from other students.

If the number one scholar falls, his class teacher will also be criticized by the school.

He thought and hesitated on how to persuade Li Qingzhou.

At this time, Li Qingzhou unfolded the contract formation, and saw blue formations appearing in front of him. The brilliance of the formations flowed and enveloped the ornamental fish. The ornamental fish looked at Li Qingzhou with its eyes. Without blinking.

It didn't resist at all, not at all.

Li Qingzhou felt very relaxed and naturally wrapped the ornamental fish with the magic circle. The ornamental fish turned into a little starlight, then disappeared into the fish tank and merged into Li Qingzhou's beast-controlling space. The contract was successful.

Zhu Yifei looked at Li Qingzhou with regret and shook his head. A genius is a genius, and his strength is undoubted, but his vision is a bit poor. And what the hell is this fish? There was no resistance at all during the contract process. A silver-level nine pet beast could be contracted so easily.

"Alas." He sighed again. Why didn't the young man listen to his advice? He seemed to see a future scene of Li Qingzhou being overtaken by others in the university.

According to the rankings, the second person to come in should be Zhou Ziqi, and the third person to come in should be Long Ze, but both of them gave up the opportunity to contract a pet beast.

It is not difficult to understand. The Zhou family and the Long family are both beast-controlling families, with strong strength and profound heritage. They do not need the school's pet beasts at all, and these pet beasts in the school are very precious to other students, but for these two As far as humans are concerned, it is completely worth mentioning.

Long Ze comes from a dragon-controlling family, so his pet beasts will definitely be dragons. Only pet beasts with strong potential and strength like dragons are worthy of a genius like Long Ze. He can't see other pet beasts at all. Upper eyes.

The same is true for Zhou Ziqi. His two pet beasts are both water beasts that can mobilize the power of nature. Naturally, other pet beasts cannot enter his eyes.

Chen Xingyu, who is from the Miao ethnic group, also gave up the contract pet beast. He is from the Miao ethnic group in southern Xinjiang and is good at controlling Gu insects. His third pet beast has been prepared for her by the tribe, which is also a Gu insect, just waiting for her to break through. When she reaches the third level of Yunling Jue, the Gu insect will be sent to her, so she doesn't need the school's pet beast.

Subsequent students will enter the pet training hall in order according to their ranking.

Li Qingzhou finished his contract with Yu Kun and was about to leave when Zhu Yifei's phone rang.

Zhu Yifei picked up the phone and saw four words on it, Director Jiang Tan. He answered the phone and said, "Hello, Director Jiang."

"Teacher Zhu, I heard that Li Qingzhou contracted a fish, an ornamental fish?" Jiang Tan asked confirmingly.

The school pays close attention to the freshmen's pet contract status, especially the top geniuses. Once the contract is successful, the staff will report it immediately, which is why Director Jiang Tan knows the situation so quickly.

"Yes." Zhu Yifei's face turned a little dark.

"Why don't you persuade him? How unbecoming is it for the top scholar of Linyuan University to contract an ornamental fish?" After all, Jiang Tan is the director of the admissions office, one level higher than Zhu Yifei, so his tone is not very polite.

"Director Jiang, I tried to persuade him, but he couldn't do it!" Zhu Yifei said helplessly.

Li Qingzhou was very insistent, and before he could stop it, the fish was contracted. This was simply the fastest contracted beast he had ever seen.

"If you can't persuade me, why don't you stop trying to persuade me? How long has that ornamental fish been staying at the pet animal base? Don't you have any idea?"

"After so many years, if it really has any strength or potential, it should have been shown long ago. How could it have been waiting at the gate of the pet beast training base for so many years."

"The school has entrusted Class 1 to you so that you can properly train these geniuses, enhance their strength, and bring glory to the school!"

"But a good top pick signed a contract with an ornamental fish on the first day of school. How will he survive in school? He is the top pick, with great strength and potential. How can he fail on the first day of school? "

Jiang Tan reprimanded him.

In Jiang Tan's heart, Li Qingzhou should have been a rising star. His light would shine on the entire Linyuan University and become the target for other students to catch up. But on the first day of school, this star is about to fall!

Alas, is Linyuan University's number one scholar, the genius among geniuses, going to disappear in a flash like a shooting star?

"Director Jiang, I really tried to persuade him, but he couldn't be persuaded!" Zhu Yifei said helplessly.

Director Jiang Tan said angrily: "What does it mean that he can't be persuaded? That's because you didn't persuade him properly. I'm coming over now. You tell him not to leave and wait for me."

With that said, he hung up the phone.

Zhu Yifei looked at Li Qingzhou with a dark look on his face, "Wait a moment, Director Jiang Tan is coming over and wants to talk to you."

Li Qingzhou nodded helplessly. He was next to Zhu Yifei and probably heard the conversation between him and Director Jiang Tan, so he knew what was going to happen next.

Just when Zhu Yifei put his phone in his pocket, the ringtone suddenly rang again. He picked up the phone and saw two words on it, "Principal!"

His eyelids twitched, and his expression became more serious. He clicked the answer button, and Zhu Yifei put the phone to his ear with a smile on his face, "Principal, you are looking for me."

"Zhu Yifei, how can you be a class teacher?"

There was a roar on the phone, and Zhu Yifei had to take the phone away from his ear, and then carefully moved it closer again.

"The school handed the first class to you, not for you to abuse. A top scorer in the Linyuan University entrance examination contracted an ornamental fish. What kind of talk is this? Do you still want to do it?"

It can be heard that the principal is very angry.

Each top scorer of Linyuan University either has a pet arranged by his family, or contracts the strongest and most potential pet at the school's pet base. I have never heard of anyone contracting an ornamental fish. That is an ornamental fish, an ornamental fish that is useless except for its beauty.

The principal was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. A future rising star with a promising future who could bring countless honors to Linyuan University had a car accident on the first day of enrollment, and it was under the eyes of the school teachers. This made him simply unbearable.

"Principal, I can't do anything. The students insisted on having a contract. Hasn't the school always advocated freedom and fairness? I can't change the students' will." Zhu Yifei's tone was weak, and he defended himself in a low voice.

"What do you mean it can't be changed? That's because you haven't worked hard enough. If there are any problems with these geniuses in Class 1 in the future, I will ask you."

The principal hung up the phone, leaving Zhu Yifei with a helpless look.

The school asked him to take over Class 1, which was a sign of respect for him. I didn't expect that such a thing would happen on the first day of taking over.

He looked at Li Qingzhou with a hint of resentment in his eyes. What on earth was this genius thinking? It was obviously his contracted pet, but he was scolded. It was unfair!

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