Several people continued to move forward.

I didn't encounter any other ferocious beasts along the way.

It was noon in a blink of an eye.

Liu Guangluo found a location near the rock wall.

Order everyone to stop and rest, eat something, and replenish their strength.

The terrain here is higher and you can see the endless mountains.

And with our back against a rock wall, there wasn’t much danger.

Liu Guangluo skillfully took out some food from his backpack, which were all instant foods, such as compressed biscuits and dried meat.

Compared with Liu Guangluo's food, Li Xiaoke's food has a much richer variety, including potato chips, spicy strips, biscuits, cola...

All kinds, everything.

Xia Wei's food is much lighter, only some dried fruits and vegetables and milk.

Li Qingzhou also found a place to sit down and took out his food.

His food is peaches and beef jerky, which are also the food of the three pet beasts.

"Look at this mountain range, it twists and turns like a long snake." Liu Guangluo said.

Everyone nodded, there was indeed a bit of a resemblance.

"Have you noticed that the rock has scorched marks on it? Legend has it that it was roasted by dragon fire."

Li Xiaoke said while eating French fries.

"The flames that can burn the entire mountain range, how terrifying that is, what a huge dragon can do."

Liu Guangluo couldn't help but sigh.

"It's just a legend, not necessarily true." Xia Wei interrupted.

Indeed, a thing will often be exaggerated and modified after being circulated for a long time.

Maybe it was just a small wildfire at first.

Was mistakenly said to be Long Yan.

Li Qingzhou looked at the scenery in front of him and couldn't help but think.

"However, when talking about this legend, I remembered one thing." Liu Guangluo said, "It is said that the dragon entrenched in the Longyan Mountains does not belong to our common flying dragon race."

"It's not a flying dragon. Are there other races of dragons?" Li Xiaoke asked curiously.

"I know a researcher who studies mountain geography. He once told me about the Longyan Mountains. According to him, the dragon in this mountain range has no wings," Liu Guangluo said.

"What's a dragon without wings? Isn't that a lizard?"

Li Xiaoke mumbled while chewing potato chips.

"Then why is it called a dragon?"

Xia Wei's curiosity was also aroused.

"Maybe it's because of the fire. Only dragon-like creatures can spit out such huge flames." Liu Guangluo said.

It is precisely because of the fires all over the mountains that this mountain range is called the Longyan Mountains.

"However, there is no evidence for this. It is just the speculation of the scientific researcher. He has been studying the Longyan Mountains for several years and has not yet found conclusive evidence." Liu Guangluo added.

Li Qingzhou listened quietly and thought in his heart.

It turns out that the dragons entrenched in the Longyan Mountains are not flying dragons, but another kind of dragon?

He thought of the Eastern Dragon Clan again.

There is no record of the Eastern Dragon Clan in this world.

If the Dragon Flame Mountain Range is related to the Eastern Dragon Clan, it proves that the Eastern Dragon Clan exists, or once existed, in this world.

Maybe it became extinct or went into hiding for some reason.

He was eating and thinking.

I don’t know if I have a chance to see the remains of the fire dragon.

As long as he can see the bones of the fire dragon or the traces of the place where it lived, he should be able to roughly judge what it is.

A few people were eating and chatting.

Regarding Qingyun's transformation from Yukun to Pengniao, although Liu Guangluo and the others were curious, it was difficult to ask.

Because the evolutionary route is the biggest secret in the entire beast-controlling world.

Even if they ask Li Qingzhou, Li Qingzhou probably won't answer.

Moreover, it is not polite for a beast master to ask about the evolutionary route for no reason.

After eating and drinking enough.

Liu Guangluo then ordered to continue setting off.

He planned to reach the crater before dark.

If there is volcanic lava, leave immediately after collecting it.

If there is no volcanic lava, they can go back early and report the news to the school, so that the school can continue to find ways to search for volcanic lava from other places.

Several people finished packing their things.

Put all the food back into their respective storage items.

"Hey, secret realm pendant, why is yours a high-end one?"

Li Xiaoke noticed Li Qingzhou's secret pendant and spoke in surprise.

Li Xiaoke also has space props and knows them very well.

The price of this high-end space prop is quite high.

Good high-end spatial props can sell for millions.

What he is using now is just a low-level space prop.

Liu Guangluo was also curious.

As the captain and the strongest beast master among them, his space props are only intermediate.

It was hard for him to imagine that Li Qingzhou, a freshman, could possess advanced space props.

He remembered the information about Li Qingzhou again. The civilian beast master who came from a civilian family in Linyuan City was not a child of a prominent beast master family.

This is strange.

"This prop was obtained in the Nine-turn Trial Tower."

Li Qingzhou explained.

"Can the Nine-turn Trial Tower drop such a high-end item?" Li Xiaoke looked at Li Qingzhou with disbelief on his face.

When he was a student, he also entered the Nine-turn Trial Tower.

His record is level four.

But the best thing he got was only an intermediate item.

Xia Wei was also surprised.

She didn't believe that there would be items in the Nine Revolutions Trial Tower.

For her, that only existed in legends.

She challenged it twice, but got nothing, wasting two thousand points in vain.

This made her give up the subsequent levels directly.

She never challenged it again.

As the strongest among the few people, Liu Guangluo.

The result of the Nine Revolutions Experimental Tower was to pass the 6th floor.

But even so, he didn't explode high-level items.

"Which floor did you drop the high-level item?" Liu Guangluo asked curiously.

In theory, freshmen would never challenge the Nine Revolutions Trial Tower.

But Li Qingzhou challenged it and got a high-level item.

This is a bit too unusual.

"The first floor." Li Qingzhou said slowly.

When these three words came out, the three were stunned.

What kind of luck is this, a high-level item dropped on the first floor?

Students of Linyuan University can basically pass the first floor before graduation.

But I have never heard of anyone dropping advanced items on the first floor.

This luck is really too good.

Is he really the emperor of Europe?

The three people looked at Li Qingzhou with envy.

Advanced items, that's a good thing.

Unfortunately, they didn't have it.

Several people continued to move forward.

Under a mountain wall in front, there was an orange-colored ore.

"What is that ore?" Li Qingzhou asked.

"Stone amber." Li Xiaoke replied.

He knows a lot about various materials.

He only needs to take a look to know the information of various materials and minerals.

This orange-yellow ore in front of him is called stone amber.

Stone amber is a translucent ore.

Resin drips and is buried underground for tens of millions of years. It is petrified under the action of pressure and heat.

Some of them contain small insects such as bees, which are very beautiful.

There is a gambling-like transaction for this kind of stone amber on the market, which is called gambling stone.

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