Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 182 The Power of Space

The huge black shadow was Li Qingzhou, who was flying on the roc.

Li Qingzhou was shocked when he saw the tragic scene on the top of the mountain.

Most of the cave collapsed.

And it was still collapsing.

Through the collapsed cliff, you can see the situation inside the cave.

Xia Wei and Li Xiaoke leaned against a rock wall.

Blood was flowing on their bodies.

Li Xiaoke's pets, the poisonous spider, the centipede and the colorful watermelon, all fell to the ground.

Especially the colorful watermelon, which was riddled with holes and bright red watermelon juice flowed all over the ground.

Xia Wei's combined ghost was also limp beside her, almost transparent, and seemed to disappear at any time.

The worst was Liu Guangluo.

He fell in a pool of blood, bleeding from all seven orifices.

The same was true for several pets.

Covered in blood.

The owl next to him was also in a very miserable state.

His whole body was charred black.

His three-legged crow was also like this, with feathers scattered all over the ground and electric sparks jumping on his body.

The Nightmare Tapir was not much better.

There were several wounds on his body, and it was purple, probably poisoned.

Li Qingzhou urged Qingyun to fly towards the cave.

He stared at the only person standing in the field - Xiao.

Xiao's body was charred and his hair was blown up.

And there were two transparent wings on his back.

But because of being struck by lightning, the transparent wings were also covered with charred marks.

Li Qingzhou's mind fluctuated, and a piece of information appeared in front of him.

[Name: Empty Crystal Butterfly]

[Attributes: Insect, Space]

[Level: Gold Level 6]

[Qualification: Platinum]

[Skills: Space Movement, Space Shackles, Space Vibration, Floating]

[Weakness: Fire]

[Evolutionary Route: 1]

[Introduction: Possessing transparent wings, can control the power of space, can teleport freely within a certain space, and can manipulate a certain range of space. 】

After seeing this information, Li Qingzhou understood the origin of Xiao's ability to teleport and float.

It was all because of this empty crystal butterfly.

Xiao's talent for beast control should be fusion.

He merged with the empty crystal butterfly.

He mastered the skills of the empty crystal butterfly.

After the battle between Liu Guangluo and Xiao, Xiao's fusion pet was also exposed.

At this moment, Xiao also noticed the black shadow flying rapidly in the space.

His pupils contracted and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Who would come to the highest peak of the Longyan Mountains?

Is it an enemy or a friend?

He is in a very bad state at the moment. If it is a powerful and hostile beastmaster, it will be bad.

Could it be an accomplice of these people?

No, when entering the cave, Xiao only saw four people.

One person fell into the bottomless abyss and it was impossible to come up.

And the other three are here.

He thought about this beastmaster who suddenly appeared, and he was puzzled.

Just when Xiao was thinking,

A strong wind blew directly towards him.

The wind was like a wind blade, cutting deep marks on the nearby rocks.

"Not good." Xiao exclaimed, resisting the urge to spit blood, and immediately teleported to the side.

He looked at the figure getting closer and closer with cold eyes.

It seems to be an enemy, not a friend!

The figure was getting closer, and a young man stood on the back of the big bird.

It was Li Qingzhou.

"It's him, how is this possible? He's still alive? Where did he come from?" Xiao exclaimed when he saw Li Qingzhou's appearance.

The cave was still collapsing, and countless rocks were falling down.

If you fall into it, even if you don't fall to death, you will be crushed to death by the rocks.

He was severely injured by the collapse of rocks in the cave, let alone Li Qingzhou who fell down.

Xiao was stunned for a moment.

Li Qingzhou didn't give him time to think.

The three pets attacked at the same time.

Peng bird Qingyun flapped its wings, rolling up a hurricane, and the wind pressure came down, covering the entire cave.

Stone monkey Taiping held lightning in his hand, turned into a stream of light, and rushed directly towards Xiao.

And the three-tailed fox Ping'an also used the sand escape skill at the same time, controlling the sand and gravel, condensing arrows to fly towards Xiao.

Xiao looked at the attack coming towards him, gritted his teeth, and his figure flashed again, teleporting out of the attack range.

"Cough cough..."

Xiao's figure appeared, and he coughed violently at the same time.

The power of the lightning just now exceeded his expectations.

The damage he suffered was more serious than he thought.

A quick battle must be resolved!

Xiao gritted his teeth again, with a ferocious look on his face.

When has he ever been so miserable?

He was chased and beaten by several silver-level beasts.

Normally, he could kill Li Qingzhou and his pets in seconds.

"Damn it!"

Xiao raised his hand and pointed it in the direction of Li Qingzhou.

Then he grabbed with five fingers.

The space seemed to have a slight fluctuation.

Li Qingzhou felt that the air around him was trembling slightly.

An invisible prison trapped him.

This was the skill of the Sky Crystal Butterfly used by Xiao, the Space Shackles.

It can form a space cage within a certain range.

Li Qingzhou's ears were buzzing.

The whole space seemed to start shaking violently.

An invisible pressure rushed towards him from all directions.

It wanted to crush him.

This was the effect of space vibration.

Peng Bird Qingyun waved his wings and wanted to fly out directly.

At that time, there seemed to be an invisible wall around him, and he couldn't get out at all.

"Die!" Xiao Xiao roared, his ferocious face even more distorted.

The strength in his hand increased a bit.

Li Qingzhou's expression in the shackles of space was even more painful.

There was even blood coming out of his ears.

And right now.

The stone monkey Taiping turned into a stream of light and ran straight towards the owl.


The three-tailed spirit fox Ping An's eyes were filled with light, and he looked into the owl's eyes.

That's false sleep!

Xiao Xiao heard the sound of thunder and lightning that was as famous as a thousand birds, and out of the corner of his eye he spotted the figure of Taiping, a stone monkey, flying towards him.

"Damn it, it's obviously just a little bit close."

Xiao Xiao cursed softly and let go of his hand.

His current seriously injured body cannot withstand another lightning attack.

Then his body flashed and disappeared.

And at the moment when the owl disappeared.

Li Qingzhou felt the pressure on his body lighten.

The feeling of being imprisoned also disappeared.

Pengniao Qingyun waved his wings and soared into the sky, raising his flying height.

Li Qingzhou breathed heavily, and there was a hint of sweetness in his mouth.

That's the smell of blood.

At the same time, there were several traces of blood flowing from the ears and eyes.

Mastering the power of space is really terrifying!

The figure of the owl appeared on the other side of the cave again.


He coughed twice more, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He felt like he was stepping on cotton under his feet, and he had to hold on to the wall to support his body and prevent him from falling.

"Damn it, one by one, like annoying flies!"

"I am going to kill you!"

The owl roared hysterically.

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