"What the hell, one against five?"

"I just thought I would win by going short, but it has inflated."

"Young people, don't be too conceited!"

"You only have one pet beast, and your opponents are all beast masters who have two pet beasts. You have to fight ten of them!"

"It's so bad that young people don't need to praise it."

"Should I still buy this?"

"Buying a woolen yarn is an act of suicide. There is no way you can win."

"If I can win, I will stand on my head and eat noodles."

"Don't be so cruel!"

"Forget it, let's buy the five people opposite."

"Although the odds are very tempting, my reason still tells me that I can't buy it."

"In my memory, there seems to be no one-on-five situation."

"It is said that a few years ago, the beast master codenamed Glasses Girl did it."

"I've heard about it all, but he is also a legendary figure."

"But I don't think this newcomer can win."


The audience in the audience immediately became excited when they heard the content on the radio.

A one-on-five game.

They haven't seen it.

No beast master has ever been so crazy.

This is simply self-defeating.

It cannot be inferred using common sense.

The host wearing a sunflower mask was also surprised.

He has been a host here for many years.

I've encountered this situation twice.

One time was two years ago, there was a beast master known as Eye Girl, who advanced to a high-level competition with one against five.

And this girl with glasses is also a legend in the entire Chaoyang Pet Beast Promotion Tournament.

All the way through the promotion, the momentum is overwhelming.

Today, will this beast master named Kong replicate that legend?

Or is this just a hot-headed, rash decision on his part?

The host wearing a sunflower mask began to look forward to the game.

At this time, all the contestants have appeared on the stage.

The five beast masters spread out and formed an encirclement.

And Li Qingzhou is in the center of this encirclement.

The five beastmasters on the field stared closely at Li Qingzhou, who was wearing a monkey-face mask in the middle, like five hungry wolves.

Five against one, it is impossible to lose!

They are already looking forward to the picture of points increasing.

This will be the easiest competition they have ever experienced.

"Are you ready?" the host wearing a sunflower mask asked as usual.

"Ready." Li Qingzhou nodded.

"I'm ready."

The other five beast masters also couldn't wait and nodded one after another.

"Okay, let's start the competition!"

Following the order from the host wearing a sunflower mask, ripples of light rippled on the stage.

Summoning formations emerged one by one, and then the pet beasts appeared on the ring one by one.

The wide arena suddenly became crowded.

Ten pet beasts of different shapes stood in all directions of the arena.

Watching Li Qingzhou and Shihou Taiping with eager eyes.

Li Qingzhou still chose a pet beast to fight.

Stone Monkey Taiping looked at his arm, concentrating on catching the lice on his hand.

He was dismissive of the pet beasts around him.

Li Qingzhou's eyes quickly swept across the ten pet beasts.

Big horned deer, wild bull, deceitful vine, flame wolf, rock snake, tree spirit, armored rat, strong bear, lightning rat, fire pattern python.

The levels range from Bronze 1 to Bronze 9.

They are all pet beasts that have been encountered before.

Therefore, Li Qingzhou is very familiar with their strength and abilities.

A smile formed on his lips.

With the strength of Stone Monkey Taiping.

One fights ten, no pressure at all.

Stone Monkey Taiping has also judged the strength of his opponent, and he knows it well.

So, don’t be afraid at all.

The ten pet beasts neighed together.

All kinds of cries were mixed together, and the scene was quite spectacular.

In that chaotic cry.

Ten pet beasts rushed towards Li Qingzhou and Shihou Taiping from all directions.

Because the arena is too small and there are too many pets.

Many pet beasts ran towards Li Qingzhou.

Their original intention was to head towards Stone Monkey Taiping.

But squeeze each other.

Several pet beasts were squeezed away from their original attack route, and were about to collide with Li Qingzhou.

Li Qingzhou didn't panic at all. He took a few steps back to avoid the attack.

His current body wouldn't be a big problem against a bronze-level beast.

Moreover, he has a secret pendant that can blur his body.

So I'm not worried about getting hurt.

Moreover, attacking the beast master is not allowed in this promotion competition, so Li Qingzhou is not worried at all that the pet beast will attack it specifically.

As long as you avoid those accidental injuries, that's all.

"Fire bomb!"

"Strong Bear Paw!"

"Iron Tail!"

"Fire Claw!"

"Savage collision!"


Countless skills are heading towards Stone Monkey Taiping.

Stone Monkey Taiping's thin body was instantly overwhelmed by this group of pet beasts.

"What a tragedy. How do you dodge a 360-degree attack with no blind spots?"

"That stone monkey, I can't even see where it is!"

"No chance."

"Fortunately, I didn't buy this to win in vain! Otherwise, I would have lost a lot."

"Sure enough, just like his name, he is arrogant and arrogant!"

"Only after being severely beaten can you realize how cruel the world of animal control is."

"You might as well teach him a lesson!"


The audience saw the flying skills and running pets on the stage, and predicted the results of the competition.

Of course, without exception, the losers were empty.

Any normal person would not think that one against five can win!

Losing is the reality.

Winning is something that can only happen when you dream.

On the stage.

When countless skills and the huge bodies of several pets overwhelmed the stone monkey Taiping.

Something strange happened.

A huge figure suddenly rose from the ground, shaking away the pets around him.

That figure was five meters tall.

Golden hair flew in the air.

It was the giant stone monkey Taiping.


The stone monkey Taiping roared, and raised his huge foot.

Then he kicked it out fiercely.

Just like kicking a football, he kicked away the wind pets around him one by one.

"Bang bang bang..."

After a series of noises, the pets on the stage were cleaned up.

The entire ring was left with only the giant stone monkey Taiping.

The body of the stone monkey Taiping shrank rapidly, and turned back into a petite and cute appearance.

It shook its head, put its hands behind its back, and had an aura that looked down on the whole place.

The five beast masters stood there like five pieces of wood.

Their pets were kicked off the ring and lay on the ground wailing.

What kind of development is this?

One against ten, and you can win?

Not only did you win, but you did it so easily!

This shocked the five beast masters, and they felt wronged at the same time.

This was simply an insult, a great humiliation.

They never expected that this would be the outcome.

Ten against one, and they were killed by one in seconds!

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