The space in front of the paralyzed robot rippled slightly, and a summoning array slowly emerged.

Then, two pets came out of the summoning array one after another.

One was flying in the air, a silver level 5 mechanical bird.

The other was a humanoid robot.

[Name: Artillery Robot]

[Attribute: Gold]

[Level: Silver Level 6]

[Qualification: Gold]

[Skills: Flying Artillery, Retractable Mechanical Arm, Slashing]

[Weakness: Electricity]

[Evolution Path: 2]

[Introduction: The whole body is made of metal, the lower body is equipped with wheels, and can move at high speed. The upper body is similar to humans, with retractable mechanical arms, carrying two rocket launchers, and can launch rockets. ]

The two pets of the paralyzed robot are both mechanical pets.

And one feature of mechanical pets is that they are immune to mental attacks.

This is also one of the reasons why he was confident to take the stage.

The three-tailed fox of the sky is good at using mental deterrence skills, but facing mechanical pets, this skill is equivalent to waste.

The strongest moves are useless, so it will be easy to defeat him.

The paralyzed robot commanded confidently: "Attack, defeat the three-tailed fox."

The mechanical bird flapped its wings and flew high.

With a flap of its wings, countless metal feather blades rushed forward.

The artillery robot also bent down, and two rockets were fired from the rocket launcher behind it.

Their target was the three-tailed fox Ping An.

Facing the attack coming in front of him.

The three-tailed fox Ping An was not panicked at all.

Its tail swayed slightly, and a wall of sand appeared in the middle of the ring in an instant.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!!"

The metal feather blades hit the sand wall one after another, stirring up a burst of gravel.

Then, the two rocket launchers also hit the sand wall.


As soon as the rocket hit the sand wall, it exploded violently.

The sand wall was blown to pieces in an instant.

The ring was filled with sand and dust, as if a sandstorm had occurred.

The paralyzed robot's mouth drew a smile.

As he expected, the three-tailed fox, without the mental deterrence skill, could only passively defend.

And the sand could not prevent the bombardment of his two mechanical pets.

"Continue, increase the firepower."

The paralyzed robot continued to issue instructions.

However, the two mechanical pets on the field stopped in place, indifferent.

The mechanical bird was still slowly descending, and the frequency of its flapping wings was obviously much lower.

And the artillery robot was also twitching in place, as if it was stuck.

"What's going on?"

The paralyzed robot looked at the two pets in front of him in confusion.

For a moment, I didn't know what happened.

The dust in the sky slowly fell.

The mechanical bird fell in the center of the ring, and its body was covered with a layer of gravel.

And the artillery robot was covered with gravel, fixed in place, motionless.

"Artillery robot, fire the rocket launcher."

Seeing that the situation was not good, the paralyzed robot wanted to make a final struggle.

The two rocket launchers on the back of the artillery robot moved one by one.

The rocket launcher turned red and sparks flashed.

After a while, a puff of black smoke came out of the rocket launcher.

"The fuel is blocked!!!"

The paralyzed robot only realized what happened at this time.

The dust just now blocked the moving parts of the mechanical bird and the artillery robot.

They got stuck and lost their combat capability.

How could he know so much!

He judged the weakness of the mechanical pet in an instant.

The paralyzed robot could no longer keep his face paralyzed at this time. Under the mask, his face twisted and indignant.

He was targeted!

The host saw the situation on the field and understood that the overall situation was determined.

Kong's judgment was amazing.

He saw the opponent's weakness at the first sight and used the weakness to counterattack.

He won the game without bloodshed.

He raised his hand, then pressed it down, and said loudly: "The winner is Kong, with 240 points."

The paralyzed robot reluctantly put the two mechanical pets that were twitching in place into the beast control space.

He couldn't fight tonight.

After returning, he had to disassemble the parts and clean them.

In the future, the protection level of the mechanical pets must be improved.

No more sand can enter.

Some of the audience in the audience were still confused.

They didn't understand what happened.

"Is it over?"

"Didn't the paralyzed robot take the initiative to attack just now? How did he lose?"

"Is there something strange about the sand?"

"You don't understand this, the mechanical pets are connected to each other by mechanical parts. As long as the mechanical parts are stuck with sand, the mechanical pets can be stuck to death!"

"That makes sense, brother, you are still knowledgeable."

"But this three-tailed fox is a bit interesting. It not only has mental deterrence skills, but also can control sand."

"It's not easy to fight!"


After the paralyzed robot walked off the stage, no one came on stage again.

The audience was talking quietly, but no one came on stage.

The three-tailed fox's ability was very strange, and many people chose to wait and see for a while to figure out its ability.

The host looked around and saw that no one came on stage.

He had to remind them, "Is there anyone willing to come on stage to compete?"

After he finished speaking, he looked down again.

But the audience was quiet.

Most people lowered their heads.

No one spoke.

The host looked at the contestants wearing various masks and was about to speak.

But he saw a man wearing a flying dragon mask come out.

"I'll meet him."

The man's tone was arrogant and seemed very confident.

"Damn, it's A'long!"

"A'long is still very strong. Did he just come? Why didn't I see him before?"

"He won four games in a row yesterday. If he hadn't left at the end, he would have advanced yesterday."

"Look at him, he must be from the Long family."

"Of course, there is no one else who can control a flying dragon except the Long family."

"It's worth watching."

"I think the little fox is in trouble."

"The dragon clan is basically invincible at the same level. A'long will win."


The audience began to talk about it after seeing the contestant wearing a flying dragon mask come out.

This is also a tough character with strong strength and background.

Aaron walked slowly toward the ring. Each of his steps was slow, but he looked domineering.

Li Qingzhou looked at the man wearing the flying dragon mask and thought of Long Ze for a moment.

The temperament was very similar.

But the body shape was not exactly the same.

It should not be Long Ze.

He was just a member of the same family as Long Ze.

The host took the number plate of the contestant wearing the flying dragon mask and gently stuck it on the machine.

A line of text information was immediately displayed on the machine.

"No. 22, Aaron, 280 points."

The host handed the number plate to Aaron and nodded slightly to him.

Aaron's performance yesterday left a deep impression on him.

His two flying dragons were quite powerful.

And people from the Yulong family were naturally respected.

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