Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 218 Inertial Thinking

The direction Li Qingzhou chose was one end of the bridge, facing east.

He held the abyss breath tester in one hand and looked around with his eyes.

Baiyun Bridge is a bridge located in the suburbs.

After the bridge, away from the road, there are weeds and trees.

Li Qingzhou picked up a branch from the ground, pushed aside the weeds next to it, and moved forward slowly.

He walked very slowly, trying not to miss any place.

The sun slowly rose to the center of the sky.

The shadow huddled at his feet.

The time has reached noon.

But the search went nowhere.

The places Li Qingzhou searched were all normal, without any trace of the abyss.

Seeing that it was already noon, Bai Qian asked everyone to eat first and take a rest before searching.

"Did you find anything?" Bai Qian asked, holding a bowl of boxed lunch, looking at Li Qingzhou and Hong Ling.

"No." Hongling shook her head.

Her abyss breath detector remained silent.

This place looks normal.

"I didn't find any trace of the abyss either." Li Qingzhou said.

He searched many places carefully, even turning over many stones in front of him, but found nothing.

"That's weird."

Bai Qian frowned and thought.

She also searched all morning and found nothing.

The three of them leaned on the railing of the bridge, eating lunches and continuing to discuss.

In the distance, there are several figures in the river, they are swimmers.

They were either playing and playing by the river, or swimming in the water.

At this time, the weather is still hot after all, and it is indeed swimming season.

"Could the black shadow in the video just be a bug that happened to fly by?"

Hongling took a bite of rice and came up with an idea.

Previous missions were easy to find in Yuan Gap.

No matter how remote and tricky the location is, the abyss breath detector will act accordingly if it is close.

But there was no reaction near the bridge.

This made Hongling start to doubt the content of the video.

"It can be trusted that it exists, but it cannot be trusted that it does not exist. We must investigate all causes and places to ensure that everything is foolproof; otherwise, a little oversight on our part may cost the lives of many people."

Bai Qian said seriously.

If so, there really is a gap here, but they didn't find it out.

Then the sacrifices will continue to increase, and the abyss will further expand.

Therefore, one must be careful and not make hasty judgments.

"Then should we change our thinking?" Li Qingzhou asked.

"What do you think?" Bai Qian looked at Li Qingzhou curiously.

"Can we check other data, not limited to traffic accidents? Can we check other accident data?" Li Qingzhou looked at Bai Qian.

"It can be found." Bai Qian nodded.

"What data do you want to check?" Hongling asked curiously.

"For example, the data on suicide by jumping into the river from this bridge, and the data on drowning in this river." Li Qingzhou said.

When he saw the people swimming in the river, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

At this time of year, many people drown in the river.

A natural river like this does not have any protection. Once an accident occurs, it is easy to drown.

Moreover, this place is suburban.

There were not many people coming and going, so even if something unusual happened and you wanted to call for help, no one would be able to save you.

"Wait a moment, I'll ask my colleagues in the bureau to help check."

Bai Qian placed the lunch box in her hand on the guardrail of the bridge.

Then he took out his cell phone and made a call.

After briefly explaining her needs, Bai Qian hung up the phone.

She picked up the lunch box and took a bite into her mouth.

Look under the bridge.

Warning signs were erected on both sides of the river.

The writing on it is still very bright: Cherish life and stay away from wild swimming!

"The water depth is dangerous, swimming is prohibited!"

The writing on the sign is still very clear and the paint color is very bright. It must have been erected not long ago.

However, it is obvious that many people do not take these two signs seriously.

At this moment, there was a large group of people swimming in the river.

After a while, Bai Qian's cell phone rang.

It's a text message alert tone.

"This year, there have been 12 cases of suicide by jumping into the river from Baiyun Bridge; 76 cases of drowning while swimming in the river."

Bai Qian looked at the words on the text message, and her face instantly became serious.

The probability of accidents is too high.

In particular, there were as many as 76 drowning incidents.

No wonder signs are erected to warn people not to swim in rivers.

"How's it going, Captain?"

Hong Ling noticed the change in Bai Qian's face and couldn't help but ask.

"There were 12 cases of suicide by jumping into the river on Baiyun Bridge, and 76 cases of drowning while swimming in the river." Bai Qian read out the content of the text message.

Li Qingzhou and Hong Ling both took a deep breath.

The number of suicide deaths, plus the number of drowning deaths, plus the number of traffic accident deaths.

This number is already in the hundreds.

It can almost turn a small abyss into a large abyss.

Once an abyss is formed, the danger level of the event will also increase.

"But why didn't we find the breath of the abyss?"

Hong Ling asked doubtfully.

After absorbing so much blood, the aura of the abyss should be very strong in the abyss.

However, they are now on the Baiyun Bridge.

But he noticed nothing.

"Maybe some special means were used." Bai Qian guessed.

Things involving the abyss are often full of weird colors.

Beyond common sense, there is no need to be surprised.

Li Qingzhou looked at the river water rushing under the bridge.

The flow of the river water is not fast.

It is not particularly clear, and the situation below cannot be seen.

"Where do the abysses you found before usually exist?" Li Qingzhou suddenly asked.

"On the wall, on the tree, on the rock, and even on the steel, it is possible."

Hong Ling replied.

"Is there any in the water?" Li Qingzhou still looked at the river water rushing under his feet.

"No." Hong Ling shook her head.

"You mean, this abyss may exist in the river water?"

Bai Qian's face showed a look of surprise.

Although she knew that things involving the abyss often have things beyond common sense.

But she was still bound by inertial thinking.

Because the abysses discovered in the past were all on land, so this time, she habitually thought that the abyss existed on land.

So they searched the bridge and the ground at both ends of the bridge.

But they ignored the rushing river directly below the Baiyun Bridge.

"In the river?" Hongling also showed a surprised expression.

She leaned over and looked down.

The river water was turbid and she couldn't see the situation in the river.

"The breath of the abyss is probably covered by the river water, and the number of people drowned is very abnormal." Li Qingzhou frowned.

"It's possible." Hongling thought.

Bai Qian also nodded.

There was more approval in her eyes when she looked at Li Qingzhou.

He was able to jump out of the inertial thinking and consider the problem from another perspective.

It must be said that Li Qingzhou's thinking is very active and sharp.

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