Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 226: No Martial Ethics

Li Qingzhou took the elevator to the sixth floor.

The sixth floor was also empty, with no one inside.

The screen displayed the information of this floor.

"No. 23, hidden in the dark, 900 points."

Just when Li Qingzhou thought that this floor was like the previous one, the gatekeeper was not there.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking air behind him.

Something was cutting through the air and was flying towards him rapidly.

Li Qingzhou was startled and immediately dodged to the side.


A wind blade slashed on the ground, making a dull sound.

Li Qingzhou's arm was also cut by the wind blade, and a trace of blood flowed from his arm.

He looked up and looked back.

He saw a man in a black robe and a black mask on his face standing there.

He was hiding in the dark, so Li Qingzhou didn't notice it when he first came in.

Before Li Qingzhou could make any move, the man in black robe moved again.

A shadow rushed towards Li Qingzhou rapidly.

Li Qingzhou saw its information, it was a dark pet.

He did not dare to be careless, and jumped back directly.

Avoided the attack of the pet.

And the rest of the attacks came like a storm.

Li Qingzhou just stood still.

A dark light shot directly over.

The black-robed man raised his head slightly, looking like he was sure of victory.

This light can determine victory or defeat, life or death.

The speed of humans cannot exceed the speed of light.

This attack must hit!

When Li Qingzhou saw the flying light, it was too late.

The speed of light was very fast, and he could not dodge at all.


The dark light hit the ground, and a big hole was instantly corroded by the light on the ground.

The dark light passed through Li Qingzhou's body and shot directly to the ground.

But Li Qingzhou's body was intact.

"This is a space prop!"

The black-robed man was slightly startled.

And just as he was stunned, Li Qingzhou summoned his three pets.

The four-tailed fire fox Ping An, the spirit monkey Tai Ping, and the bird Qing Yun rushed out of the summoning diagram at a very fast speed.

They were connected to Li Qingzhou's consciousness, so they knew what was happening outside.

The moment the three pets came out, a terrifying pressure filled the entire room in an instant.

The black-robed man hiding in the shadows was hit by the terrifying pressure and stood still.

Li Qingzhou also had a chance to breathe at this moment.

He only suffered some minor injuries in his arm, but it was not a big deal.

When the light came, he entered the secret realm pendant and narrowly avoided the fatal blow.

"Are you the gatekeeper of the sixth floor hidden in the dark?" Li Qingzhou looked at the black-robed man in front of him and asked.

"It's me!"

The black-robed man nodded, his voice hoarse.

"Why did you sneak attack me?" Li Qingzhou continued to ask.

"Because I want to win!"

The black-robed man said coldly.

From the moment Li Qingzhou stepped into the second floor, he noticed this challenger.

In a very short time, he went from the second floor to the sixth floor.

This made Yin Ru Darkness very afraid.

The challenger's strength was not bad, and it was a strong threat to his position.

Moreover, he was good at assassination, and several pets were dark pets, which could hide in the shadows.

But he didn't expect that Kong's physical fitness was so good that he avoided his sneak attack and successfully summoned his pet.

"It's good to want to win, but I despise your behavior. Since you kill directly, I won't show mercy."

Li Qingzhou said coldly.

When he just stepped into the sixth floor, Yin Ru Darkness's sneak attack was aimed at seriously injuring him.

This is a competition between students. Although it is not a formal competition, it still cannot cause death.

But serious injuries can be explained.

Find a suitable reason, and you can just be punished.

And it is normal to get injured in competitions, and no one will be too harsh.

Therefore, Yin Ru Darkness will be ruthless.

"Hasn't the guy on the fifth floor come yet? He is your role model." Yinru Dark said sarcastically.

As long as the points are enough, the lower floors can challenge the higher floors.

And the beastmaster on the fifth floor was seriously injured by his sneak attack when he challenged the introduction of darkness.

"Is he absent because of your sneak attack?" Li Qingzhou said solemnly.

"He is too weak. I just made a simple move once and pierced his body. I remember he was in the intensive care unit." Yinru Dark said, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

Li Qingzhou's face was solemn. He knew that the person in front of him was not worthy of mercy, nor could he be merciful.

"You are not worthy of my mercy!"

"Anytime!" Yinru Dark's tone was cold.

As soon as he finished speaking, the black shadow under him flew forward.

Li Qingzhou saw the information of the black shadow.

[Name: Shadow Pill]

[Attribute: Dark]

[Level: Gold Level 1]

[Qualification: Gold]

[Skills: Shadow Stab, Shadow Bind, Sprint]

[Weakness: Light]

[Evolution Path: 1]

[Introduction: It looks like a ball of black ink, can stick to the ground and run fast, and can completely hide itself when it is in a dark environment. ]

Shadow Pill is like a ghost, leaving twisted traces on the ground.

"Ping An, kill it." Li Qingzhou said in a cold tone.

Since the opponent did not follow the ethics of martial arts, he had no scruples.

Ping An, the four-tailed fire fox, swung his four tails.

A huge flame rose up in an instant.

The heat wave quickly swept the entire room.

Every corner was illuminated by the flame.

Red flame!

Pure and hot flame.

Although it is not as good as the restraining effect of light skills on dark pets.

But it can also play a certain restraining effect.

Moreover, the temperature of the flame is extremely high, even this temperature can directly burn everything.


Shadow Pill's whole body was bathed in flames, and his body burned like black ink.

The piercing wailing sound resounded throughout the room.

The pupils hidden in the darkness and illuminated by the fire were full of horror.

The power of this flame exceeded his expectations.

The strength of Kong in front of him was also more powerful than he expected.

He found himself trembling, and the two pets hiding in his shadow were also trembling.

The flames were surging in the room, rushing towards Yin Ran Darkness like a fire dragon.

Yin Ran Darkness could only watch the fire dragon rushing towards him, trying to devour him.

But he couldn't move.

He found that he couldn't move.

And his two pets, under this huge pressure and sea of ​​fire, crawled on the ground, without the thought of resisting.


Yin Ran Darkness wailed.

His whole body was covered in flames, and his clothes and hair turned to ashes in an instant.

His skin seemed to be burning.

And his other pets were also covered in flames and burned fiercely.

For a while, the huge room was filled with the smell of burning.

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