Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 236 I don't believe a word of it

"You lost!"

Li Qingzhou looked calmly at the shocked cute little pink rabbit.

At this time, the two furry ears on her head also drooped down, without the previous spirit.

The cute little pink rabbit looked at the three pets tightly bound by the gravel, and also recognized this reality.

"I lost, you quickly let the rabbits go."

The cute little pink rabbit said in a tender voice.

These pets are her favorites, and they cannot be hurt at all.

"Okay." Li Qingzhou said and asked Ping An to let the rabbit pets go.

The three rabbit pets trotted to the feet of the cute little pink rabbit and snuggled beside her. They were obviously frightened just now.

Especially the black rabbit beast, it looked at Li Qingzhou with shock.

It clearly heard Li Qingzhou's answer "Okay!"

But why was there no effect?

Did it not believe it from the beginning?

This is unreasonable. Even if they don't believe it, their subconscious will think about trying it out to verify their ideas.

However, this beastmaster didn't even think of trying.

Or, he was really intelligent and could see through all its lies and illusions in the blink of an eye.

That's 9999 lies and illusions!

Is there really a creature that can sort out these lies and illusions and regain consciousness?

Even it itself can't guarantee that it can see through its own lies every time.

If you tell too many lies, sometimes you will get confused.

"How did you do it?"

The cute little pink rabbit looked at Li Qingzhou and asked curiously.

She had the same doubts as the erroneous rabbit beast and wanted to know the answer.

Li Qingzhou didn't answer, but looked at the big screen in the room.

The time on it just went to 30 seconds.

Because he was a little surprised to see the erroneous rabbit beast and chatted with it for a while, this competition took a little longer.

"It's expensive to chat with me." Li Qingzhou said with a smile.


The cute little pink rabbit was confused.

"On the first few floors, my chat price is one minute, ten thousand yuan!" Li Qingzhou said calmly.

He has had several chat experiences.

He is not embarrassed now.

Moreover, most of the chats are initiated by the gatekeepers themselves.

His price is very fair, fair to all, and entirely voluntary.

Even if you don't want to chat, Li Qingzhou won't force you.

The cute little pink rabbit looked back at the screen behind her, and the time number on it was still jumping.

She finally understood what Kong meant.

It turned out that the guys on the previous floor were all cheating.

No wonder their competition time is so even, either three minutes or two minutes.

This is all the chat time bought with money, and the real competition time may be very short.

"Okay, okay, I'll buy your time."

The cute little pink rabbit said helplessly.

She didn't care about the competition time, but wanted to know how Kong cracked the skills of the black rabbit beast.

"How many minutes do you want to chat?"

Li Qingzhou said happily after hearing the cute little pink rabbit's answer.

"It counts as many minutes as we chat." The cute little pink rabbit's soft voice was filled with a sense of wealth and power.

It's obvious that he doesn't care about money.

"Okay." Li Qingzhou nodded.

"Then answer my question first. Why weren't you affected by the Rabbit Beast?" The cute little pink rabbit asked her question.

The Rabbit Beast also widened its eyes and looked at Li Qingzhou with curiosity.

"Because I never believed what it said."

Li Qingzhou replied with a smile.

"You didn't believe it at all?" The cute little pink rabbit was surprised.

The Rabbit Beast's ears swayed unconsciously.

It thought that its lying skills were quite high, so how could Kong not believe it?

"I don't believe a word!" Li Qingzhou answered affirmatively.

"How do you know that what it said is false?" The cute little pink rabbit continued to ask.

"Because I know it, and none of its words are true." Li Qingzhou said calmly.

The pet information he saw, combined with the information in the myths and legends, he clearly understood the nature of the Rabbit Beast.

The cute little pink rabbit nodded.

It seems that Kong had seen the Rabbit Beast before, and only by understanding its abilities could he be prepared in advance.

He built a strong mental shield in his heart.

The strength of the Rabbit Beast is indeed very strange, but if you understand its characteristics, you can guard against it as long as you are determined.

Its ability is only effective for people and beasts who meet it for the first time, or people and beasts with low IQ.

Kill it when you first meet it, and its power will be greatly reduced when you meet it again.

The Rabbit Beast also pondered secretly, it seems that he needs to improve his lying skills.

Otherwise, if he meets this kind of guy again, he will be completely useless.

"Okay, you win, I'm moving to the 7th floor." The cute little pink rabbit said helplessly.

She hates moving places. She finally arranged this floor to her liking.

When she got to the 7th floor, she had to start all over again.

"Don't you want to chat anymore?" Li Qingzhou looked at the cute little pink rabbit.

"I have figured out my doubts, there is nothing to talk about."


Li Qingzhou looked at the big screen, and the time displayed on it was 2 minutes.

In other words, they only chatted for less than a minute and a half.

"Hey, I'll transfer money to you, 20,000 right?" said the cute little pink rabbit as he took out his cell phone.

"Fifteen thousand." Li Qingzhou said.

The price he was chatting about was fair, one minute ten thousand, and he could not bid randomly.

"I usually give an integer, rounded to twenty thousand." said the cute little pink rabbit.

It can be seen that her family is not short of money, and she is very generous.

She doesn't care much about these small amounts.

Li Qingzhou shrugged and saw that twenty thousand yuan had been credited to his account.


Li Qingzhou waved to the cute little pink rabbit, and then walked towards the elevator.

"Would you like to help me move things? I can also give you money?" said the cute little pink rabbit.

Li Qingzhou looked around. There were a lot of things placed in this room. If he moved them, it would probably take a long time.

He might have to spend all night here.

It's not cost-effective.

Thinking of this, Li Qingzhou shook his head and said, "Sorry, I have to continue to challenge myself, so I don't have time."

"Okay, then I'll find a way myself." The cute little pink rabbit pouted.

Li Qingzhou nodded and walked towards the elevator with a few pets.

The 9th floor was dark.

All the windows were tightly covered by curtains.

The lights in the room were not turned on, and there was no light at all.

Even the big screen was blocked by a huge curtain.

Li Qingzhou suddenly felt alert.

In this environment, if someone attacked by surprise, it would be difficult to prevent.

Humans and pets basically rely on their eyes to observe the external environment.

Without light, there will be an inexplicable fear in the heart.

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