Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 254 Why are there so many monkeys?

As the arrows condensed from the rain fell, the whole room was instantly filled with abundant water vapor.

The water mist around the Water Breath Blue Dragon became thicker.

On the floor of the room, where the Monkey Taiping stood, a mass of water condensed.

The water suddenly rose from the ground and formed a huge water drop.

Long Ling smiled slightly.

This is the Water Breath Blue Dragon's water column skill, which can condense a water column anywhere there is water. The force of the water column is very strong and can easily break a tree.

Even if this monkey has a strong petrification skill, it will suffer serious internal injuries when hit by this water column.

After all, this huge force is real and cannot be defended.

Monkey Taiping also discovered the abnormality under his feet. The water flow was fierce and could not be resisted.

At the moment when the water column rose, Monkey Taiping jumped directly to the side.

But the strange thing is that Monkey Taiping's figure changed in the air.

One monkey jumped out, but it turned into two monkeys in the air.

Long Ling blinked his eyes, and his first feeling was that he was seeing things.

He looked closely and saw that there were really two monkeys in the field, exactly the same monkeys.

Water Breath Blue Dragon was also stunned. His water column skill did not have the function of splitting monkeys in half!

How did two monkeys appear?

At the moment when the monkey landed peacefully, a water column rose from its feet again.

The two monkeys jumped to the left and right respectively.

In the air, the two monkeys turned into four monkeys.

Four identical monkeys stood on the ground and looked up at the Water Breath Blue Dragon in the air.

This picture was a bit weird.

Water Breath Blue Dragon was a little confused for a while. It didn't know whether its skills were wrong or there was something wrong with this monkey.

It was stunned and stopped attacking.

"Why are there so many monkeys?"

Long Ling also exclaimed. At first there was only one monkey, but now there are four identical monkeys.

How could he not be surprised!

He saw that the monkey in front of him was definitely not a stone monkey.

It was not a known evolution of the stone monkey, but a new pet that had never appeared before.

Long Ling looked at the calm Li Qingzhou, and a bitter feeling rose in his heart.

Why were all his pets strange and unrecorded?

A thought came to his mind that his flying dragon could not compete with these unknown pets.

But soon, he suppressed this thought.

The flying dragon is the king of all beasts and is fearless!

He consolidated his belief in his heart, and then looked at the two pets fighting.

"Although this monkey can split, it has no ability to float and cannot pose a threat to the flying dragon. It only needs to attack continuously within a safe range."

"The flying dragon's flying ability can guarantee at least undefeated!"

Long Ling analyzed in his heart, and the light in his eyes slowly brightened.

There is a spiritual connection between the water-breathing blue dragon and Long Ling, and it also knows Long Ling's analysis.

So it quickly calmed down its inner surprise.

The wings flapped, and it hovered at a relatively safe height.

Water columns rose from the ground one after another.

The monkey dodged left and right.

But the number remained at four and stopped increasing.

With the current strength of the monkey Taiping, it can only create four clones at most.

Another water column rose, and the monkey Taiping dodged it easily by dodging it to the side.

It also knew that this was not a solution.

Passive attacks have no chance of winning, and only active attacks can have a chance of winning.

It was just that the flying dragon was suspended in the air, not giving it a chance to get close.

Many of its skills could not be used.

The monkey Taiping dodged another water column rising from his feet.

It jumped to the right and fell to the ground.

At the same time, another monkey clone also jumped in front of it to avoid another water column.

The monkey Taiping stretched out his hand, and the monkey clone landed steadily on his arm.

Then the monkey Taiping, his eyes fixed, swung his arm violently.

The thin monkey arm suddenly swelled up and became as thick as a big tree, and the monkey clone resting on its arm was thrown out by a huge force.

Like a cannonball, it rushed straight towards the water-breathing blue dragon.

Li Qingzhou smiled slightly and looked at the monkey Taiping.

The intelligence of the monkey Taiping has also improved significantly after evolution. It is full of spiritual energy and is very good at finding opportunities.

Since the water-breathing blue dragon does not take the initiative to approach it, then take the initiative to approach it.

The water-breathing blue dragon was also panicked when it saw the monkey flying like a cannonball, but it was worthy of being a golden-level flying dragon. It calmed down in an instant, moved its body, and flew to the other side, barely avoiding the monkey that suddenly attacked.

Long Ling saw the flying dragon dodge, so he felt relieved.

The monkey's fighting style was beyond his expectation. These clones were used as cannonballs.

However, since he knew the role of the monkey clones, he didn't have to be afraid anymore.

As long as he took precautions, nothing would happen.

The sudden attack can be avoided, let alone when prepared.

Moreover, the monkey can't fly, so as long as it avoids the attack of the clone thrown over, there will be no problem.

Just when Long Ling was thinking about these things.

Something strange happened in the air.

The monkey clone, which was helpless in the air and should have been pulled down by gravity, suddenly expanded several times.

From a little monkey less than one meter tall, it turned into a giant ape four or five meters tall.

The giant ape stretched out its arms and grabbed the wings of the Water Breath Blue Dragon.

This change came too quickly and without any warning.

The Water Breath Blue Dragon did not expect that the little monkey could turn into a giant ape, and its arms became several meters longer out of thin air.

It was careless for a moment, and its wings were directly grabbed by the giant ape.

Just as the Water Breath Blue Dragon twisted its body and tried to get rid of the giant ape.

The two monkey clones on the other side did the same.

One monkey clone threw the other monkey clone into the air, and the monkey in the air expanded directly.

Because the left wing of the Water Breath Blue Dragon was grabbed by the giant ape clone, the huge weight of the monkey clone made the Water Breath Blue Dragon unbalanced and unable to dodge.

The other enlarged monkey clone grabbed the right wing of the Water Breath Blue Dragon.

With both wings caught at the same time, the Water Breath Blue Dragon had no way to fly.

Without wings, there was no big difference between a flying dragon and a lizard.


Accompanied by a loud noise, water splashed in the room.

And the arrogant Water Breath Blue Dragon also fell heavily to the ground.

Two huge monkey clones held the Water Breath Blue Dragon's wings tightly on the left and right.

And the other monkey clone also used the multiplication skill to transform into a giant ape with a height of nearly 5 meters.

It took a step forward and pressed the weight of its entire body on the body of the Water Breath Blue Dragon.

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