The other people from Anhuai University saw Lei Ming greeting Li Qingzhou.

They were confused for a moment.

What happened? Did the president know him?

If he knew him, then he couldn't avenge himself. He could only lose face and couldn't get it back.

And it seemed that the two of them knew each other well, which made it even more impossible to get back.

"I heard that you finally won the Chaoyang Pet Beast Promotion Competition?" Lei Ming asked.

"Yes, it was just luck." Li Qingzhou replied.

"It's true that heroes emerge young. It's unimaginable that a freshman can directly pass the Chaoyang Pet Beast Promotion Competition."

Lei Ming sighed.

That wonderful doctor and the Long family genius are not easy opponents.

Li Qingzhou won just like that!

And the top two levels are said to be two geniuses from Linyuan University, junior geniuses.

They also lost to Li Qingzhou, which is incredible.

He dominated the college student circle in Linyuan City just after entering college?

Lei Ming suddenly had some envy in his eyes. This was the career he had always wanted to complete, but until his junior year, he was still stuck at that level and had not made any progress.

Moreover, he might not have the opportunity to break through until he graduated from college.

That wonderful doctor was too powerful for him. As soon as the gluttonous dog went up, he would be fed full and lose his fighting power.

The gluttonous dog would sleep as soon as it was full. How could he fight it?

Thinking of this, Lei Ming shook his head helplessly.

Several students from Anhuai University next to him were stunned at this moment.

Is this true?

The first-year student and this ugly monkey won the Chaoyang Pet Beast Promotion Competition?

Liu Mingjie was a little unconvinced. He looked at Lei Ming and said, "President, what did you say? He is the champion of the Chaoyang Pet Beast Promotion Competition? Why don't I believe it?"

"What's there to not believe? Didn't you just get a lesson?" Lei Ming said.

Liu Mingjie's face froze, but he still asked in disbelief.

"How can he beat you?"

Although he is the vice president and Lei Ming is the president, there is only a half-level difference between their positions.

But Liu Mingjie knows very well that even 10 of him cannot beat Lei Ming.

His gluttonous dog is too scary.

Any pet that gets close to it may be eaten by it, and the pet may be gone if you are not careful.

"Isn't this nonsense? He is the champion. Who is his opponent in the Chaoyang Pet Promotion Competition?" Lei Ming said.


Liu Mingjie is still a little unwilling.

This time, there is no way to take revenge. If he can't even beat the president, who else can beat him.

The other members were stunned and didn't know what to say.

It seems that this time, he can only swallow his broken teeth.

Yin Yi looked at Li Qingzhou with her beautiful eyes, surprised, and then turned into joy, saying: "Wow, Li classmate you are so amazing, you are the champion of Chaoyang Pet Beast Promotion Competition."

Yin Yi looked at Li Qingzhou infatuatedly, turning into a fan girl.

She also knew about the Chaoyang Chongzhou Promotion Competition, because the president Lei Ming was fighting in the advanced competition of the Chaoyang Pet Beast Promotion Competition, and many other members also participated.

So in the dog training club, the information of the Chaoyang Pet Beast Promotion Competition has always been relatively new.

Recalling the news heard some time ago, a player broke the record of the primary competition and played all the way to the intermediate competition. No one dared to challenge him on the ring of the intermediate competition.

Then he went to the advanced competition and won the championship.

At that time, Yin Yi was wondering who this person would be.

Unexpectedly, the powerful person turned out to be Li Qingzhou.

This made Yin Yi even happier.

"It's just good luck." Li Qingzhou smiled.

"Okay, okay, it's time to go to training." Lei Ming clapped his hands.

Then he said to Li Qingzhou, "Then we will go to training first, and say goodbye. We will have a chance to talk later."

"Okay." Li Qingzhou also waved his hand.

"Goodbye." Yin Yi smiled and greeted Li Qingzhou.

"Goodbye." Li Qingzhou said.

The other students of Anhuai University looked gloomy and wanted to cry but had no tears.

What's going on? Being slapped in the face, they can't hit back, and they know that the person on the other side is beyond their reach, which makes them almost desperate.

Especially Liu Mingjie, the whole person is not good.

At this moment, all kinds of emotions are surging in his heart, regret, discomfort, and annoyance.

He wanted to slap himself a few times, why did he provoke Li Qingzhou!

After this time, his image in Yin Yi's heart is completely gone, and he will never be able to compare with Li Qingzhou.

When he thought of this, he felt like a knife in his heart.


Why, a freshman has a golden pet?

How can a freshman beat all the college students and win the championship of the Linyuan City Chaoyang Pet Beast Promotion Competition?

This is not scientific at all. Is this still a human being?


Rest for a while.

Li Qingzhou, Longze, and Zhou Ziqi also set off.

Their goal is the area where golden-level beasts live.

The area is actually roughly divided. Not all the golden-level beasts are in the third circle.

But the frequency of golden-level beasts is higher.

For example, in some groups of beasts, there may be only one or two golden-level beasts in a group.

The three of them moved forward.

The further you go in, the more beasts you encounter, and the higher the level is than outside.

In a forest.

Zhou Ziqi found a strange snake.

"What do you think that is?" Zhou Ziqi said.

The snake was the size of a branch, with a rough and wrinkled surface, like a dead branch.

The way it moved and its size were no different from ordinary snakes.

But there was one abnormality about the snake, that is, wherever it crawled, it would leave a deep trace of corrosion.

And it was covered with a thick black mist.

The three of them could smell the corrosion even though they were dozens of meters apart.

"This is a rotten snake!" Li Qingzhou said.

He could clearly see the information of the rotten snake.

[Name: Rotten Snake]

[Attribute: Poison]

[Level: Silver Level 5]

[Qualification: Platinum]

[Skills: Corrosive Mucus, Venomous Fangs]

[Weakness: Light]

[Evolutionary Route: 1]

[Introduction: It looks like a dead branch, is good at hiding, and has a circle of corrosive mucus around its body, which can corrode trees and rocks, and likes to stay in places with a strong smell of decay. 】

"It's just a snake, just kill it." Long Ze said nonchalantly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the young red dragon spurted out a mouthful of dragon flame.

The rotten snake crawling on the ground was instantly burned to ashes by the raging fire.

Only a dry black mark was left on the grass.

"It's not just a simple rotten snake, look at the marks around."

Zhou Ziqi pointed to the marks next to him and said.

Li Qingzhou and Long Ze looked in the direction of Zhou Ziqi's finger and saw that the ground was covered with marks.

Just like the marks left by the rotten snake just now.

Like the marks corroded by concentrated sulfuric acid, countless marks were left on trees, rocks, and land.

"Maybe it's a snake nest." Li Qingzhou guessed.

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