As the final game comes to an end.

The final exam has also come to an end.

Li Qingzhou's overall ranking is still No. 1, maintaining his grades when he entered school.

Zhou Ziqi still ranked second.

The third place is Long Ze.

The top three positions remain unchanged.

The final exam is over, the results are announced, and the winter vacation begins.

Li Qingzhou saw Bai Qian as soon as he came out of school.

Bai Qian stood at the school gate and greeted him with a smile.

"How was the final grade?" Bai Qian asked.

"No progress." Li Qingzhou replied with a smile.

"You're already number one, what more progress do you need?"

Bai Qian said jokingly.

"Being No. 1 in Linyuan University does not mean being No. 1 in other places. You must continue to work hard and make progress to have the power to protect yourself and others."

Li Qingzhou said.

Bai Qian nodded and thought to himself: "Li Qingzhou's character is indeed good. He is not complacent about his achievements, but constantly wants to continue to improve."

"What do you want to see me for today?" Li Qingzhou asked.

Just after the final exam, Bai Qian sent him a message asking him to come out, saying that something happened.

Li Qingzhou just left the school.

"Take you to meet someone." Bai Qian said.

"Who?" Li Qingzhou asked curiously.

"You'll know when you arrive. Get in the car." Bai Qian smiled mysteriously and did not tell Li Qingzhou directly.

The two got into the car and the car sped forward.

"It's finally time for you to have a vacation. You have to prepare for the final exam. I was afraid of disturbing you, so I never came to see you." Bai Qian said while driving.

"Don't bother me if you need anything. If you have anything, you can come to me. The final exam won't be delayed." Li Qingzhou replied.

"You are really confident!" Bai Qian said with a smile.

The car drove forward, heading towards the location of the Bureau of Extraordinary Abilities.

Soon the two arrived at the Supernatural Power Management Bureau.

Take the elevator directly to the 13th floor.

On the 13th floor, in front of an office.

Bai Qian knocked on the door, and a majestic voice came from inside.

After hearing the sound, Bai Qian opened the door.

I saw an old man in uniform with gray hair sitting on a chair.

There is an inexplicable majesty in the old man, the majesty of someone who has been in power for a long time.

"Director, Li Qingzhou is here."

Bai Qian saluted the old man and said.

"Well, you guys sit down." The old man pointed to the two seats next to him and said to Bai Qian and Li Qingzhou.

Wait for Li Qingzhou and Bai Qian to sit down.

The old man then said, "Classmate Li Qingzhou, this is the first time we meet. I am Hu Bing, the director of the Extraordinary Abilities Administration."

"Hello, Director Hu." Li Qingzhou called politely.

"I have heard from Bai Qian and Chen Jianzhong about your previous performance in the Abyss Realm. In the Abyss Realm, you single-handedly killed the Yamata no Orochi and eliminated the corrosion of the abyss on the world."

"I have reported your situation and achievements to the higher authorities, and the country has decided to reward you."

"But because you have been busy with the final exam recently, I didn't bother you. This time, as soon as your final exam is over, I asked Bai Qian to pick you up."

Hu Bing spoke slowly.

Li Qingzhou listened silently.

He didn't kill Yamata no Orochi for any reward.

But in order to survive, in that abyss realm, if the Yamata no Orochi was not killed, both he and Chen Jianzhong would die.

And he also has deep disgust and resentment towards Yamata no Orochi.

What Yamata no Orochi did was shameful and disgusting to him.

He could not forgive Yamata no Orochi for playing with other people's lives at will, whether it was Chu Boyuan or Zhou Cheng, or more innocent people.

"These days, orders from above have come down, and they agreed to my request."

"Now I want to seek your personal opinion. I would like to ask if you are willing to join the special operations team of the Super Power Administration, the Azure Dragon Team?"

"Who is Team Canglong?"

Li Qingzhou asked puzzledly.

He had never heard of this team and did not understand what the name represented.

"The Azure Dragon Squad is the most elite combat force in the entire Extraordinary Abilities Management Bureau. Its members are at least captain level and are responsible for some difficult-to-handle problems. You will not be asked to take action on ordinary problems."

Hu Bing explained.

Li Qingzhou listened carefully.

Hu Bing continued: "Captain Bai is a member of Canglong Team."

Bai Qian nodded towards Li Qingzhou and said, "In the 1st team, I am the only member of the Canglong team."

Li Qingzhou understood that this Canglong team seemed to be the real elite force of the Superpower Administration.

The tasks they perform must also be the most difficult and dangerous tasks.

"Of course, it will definitely be beneficial for you to join this Canglong team. The members of this team have a noble status. Even ordinary leaders in other cities must respect you three points when they see you."

As he spoke, Hu Bing took out a badge, put it on the table and said, "This is the badge of the Canglong Squadron, the Canglong Order. After becoming a member of the Canglong Squadron, you will be a formal member of the Extraordinary Abilities Administration and enjoy the treatment of a national public servant. The status is equivalent to the deputy director level of the Superpower Administration."

Li Qingzhou clicked his tongue.

The deputy director level of the Bureau of Extraordinary Powers.

This status is already a position that others would find difficult to climb up to in more than ten or twenty years.

As long as he joins the Canglong team, he can enjoy the same position treatment.

And he doesn't have to take up the corresponding position, deal with tedious affairs, or bear the corresponding responsibilities.

He only needs to obey the command of the team and help out on some major issues.

In short, it is a position with less work, more money, and noble status.

Bai Qian added: "This badge is issued by the state, and all provinces and cities at all levels recognize it. If there is anything else, with this badge, you can directly mobilize the manpower of a county or city. Those county governors and district governors dare not disobey your orders."

As a member of the Canglong team, sometimes you need to go to remote places to perform tasks.

And if you need local manpower support, this badge will come in handy.

Ordinary county governors and district governors can be driven at will.

It can be said that the power is quite large.

"If I become a member of the Canglong team, what do I need to do?"

Li Qingzhou asked.

He was still a student, and suddenly he got such a high status and had a certain amount of power, which made him a little panic.

As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility.

The mission that the Canglong team is going to carry out must be extraordinary.

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