Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 459 Qingyun Evolution

Li Qingzhou looked at the big fish and octopus, but he was a little confused. To be honest, he had never handled such a big fish or octopus before, and it was difficult for him to handle them for a while.

Taiping didn't hesitate at all. He jumped lightly and brought two ocean beasts to the coast.

Throw them on the beach, then directly double their bodies and turn into a giant ape.

He simply tore off all eight tentacles of the octopus and threw them to Ping An.

In a tacit understanding, Ping An used the gravel to catch the thrown octopus tentacles, used the gravel to condense a spear, passed it through the tentacles of the big octopus, and then put it on the fire to roast.

After a while, the big octopus was divided equally into seven and eighty-eight pieces, and the big fish was not spared. Pieces of fish meat were spread out on the shore, and bright red blood flowed into the sea, covering the pieces next to it. The sea was dyed red.

Several insect beasts gathered around the fire, swallowing saliva, waiting for the octopus tentacles to be cooked.

At this moment, there was a violent fluctuation in the sea surface.

The seawater began to roll as if boiling, and then a water column rose into the sky, with the water column reaching a height of dozens of meters.

Then I saw a big fish jumping out of the water. The big fish had a huge body and blue skin, like a prehistoric beast.

That is Qingyun.

The moment Li Qingzhou saw Qingyun, he felt that the evolution potion on Qingyun had been consumed.

Today, he is already a pet beast between the gold level and the platinum level, and is in a very delicate state.

All it takes is an opportunity to evolve from gold level to platinum level.

Li Qingzhou stood up and took out a bottle of body-removing spring water from the secret realm pendant.

As Qingyun swam towards the coast, his body slowly became smaller. After a while, it became its normal size.

"are you ready?"

Li Qingzhou looked at Qingyun and asked.

After drinking the body-removing spring water, one can lose body and be reborn. However, the process of body-removing and rebirth is extremely painful. It requires destroying the original body to construct a new body, which is equivalent to the coexistence of destruction and rebirth.

Looking at the scene of Taiping in Cangmang Mountain last time, we know that this kind of evolution is not easy to endure and requires strong psychological endurance.

Many ferocious beasts in the wild have poor psychological quality when evolving, or there is no one to protect them. Accidents often occur during the evolution process.

There are many people who died from explosions.


Taiping walked over and said like a senior, "Don't be afraid, Qingyun, after drinking the body-removing spring water, the bones in your body will break one by one and the skin will crack inch by inch, but as long as you have a firm will , The determination to evolve can overcome this pain. Look at me, it hurts so much, I grit my teeth and hold on.”

Qingyun rolled his eyes at Taiping, "If you don't know how to comfort people, don't comfort them. When I heard you say that I haven't evolved yet, I felt pain in my heart."

Li Qingzhou touched Qingyun's head and said gently: "Don't be afraid, we are with you, you are evolving in this shallow sea, if there is a problem, we will help you in time."

Qingyun looked at the pet beasts next to him, then at Li Qingzhou, and then nodded solemnly.

Now that we have decided to evolve, we must walk this path to the end, and we cannot retreat at this last moment.

He closed his eyes and opened his mouth, looking resigned to his fate.

Li Qingzhou poured the bottle of body-removing spring water into Qingyun's mouth.

Qingyun drank it in one gulp, then turned around and got into the sea. However, he did not go to the deep sea, but stopped in the shallow sea.

He felt more comfortable in the sea water. Even if he was sick, he believed he could endure it.

As soon as Qingyun entered the sea water, his body began to tremble. Every inch of his blue skin was chapped and every inch was twitching.

The fish's tail swung wildly, and then the fish bones fell off one by one.

One moment his body was bent into an arch shape, the next moment he turned over and exposed his white belly on the water, the next moment he stood upside down in the water, the next moment he jumped out of the water, and then crashed into the water...

It can be seen that Qingyun's body is undergoing a mutation, and this mutation is not pleasant.

But this is also the only way to go. If you want to become stronger, you have to endure a little pain. If you don't pay any price, how can you become stronger?

Li Qingzhou clenched his fists and cheered Qingyun in his heart.

The other pet beasts also stood in a row, looking at the blue clouds in the sea and cheering for him.

Qingyun opened his mouth, sprayed out a column of water, and then his tail danced wildly. The calm sea surface was stirred up by him, and the water was rolling.

I don't know how long it took before the violent sea surface gradually calmed down.

Then, countless water flows formed a whirlpool, and the center of the whirlpool was Qingyun.

Qingyun gently waved his tail, and the vortex dissipated instantly, and the Dead Sea returned to calm.

He swam slowly, uncoordinated at first, as if he was adjusting to a new body.

After a while, the body changed again, suddenly growing bigger, bigger and bigger again, almost occupying the entire Dead Sea.

The water rose instantly, almost reaching Li Qingzhou's feet, but Li Qingzhou didn't care because he had already seen Qingyun, the evolved Qingyun.

He succeeded and successfully evolved into Lingyoukun!

[Name: Lingyoukun]

[Attributes: water, flying]

[Level: Platinum Level 1]

[Qualification: Extraordinary]

[Skills: Tide Whirlpool, Wave Calling, Bubble, Wind Blade, Shapeshifting, Endless Sea]

[Weakness: Earth]

[Evolution route: 1]

[Introduction: Lingyou Kun is very large, usually several thousand meters long, with wide wings spread out like a small mountain. Its body is dark blue, its head is wide, and there is a bright red vertical pattern in the middle, extending all the way to the back. Its eyes are like two bright gems, revealing a deep light. ]

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

"Brother Qingyun succeeded, his appearance has changed!"

Bai Yu exclaimed.

Qingyun's appearance has indeed changed at this moment, the color of the feathers on his body is more gorgeous, and at the same time a layer of illusory and hazy color is added.

His body is bigger, and what's more terrifying is that the whole sea seems to be integrated with him, and can flow and change according to his wishes.

The movement of the fish tail can stir up a tsunami, and a breath can cause a whirlpool. The ability to control the water element has reached a new realm.

After evolving to the platinum level, Qingyun mastered a skill, Endless Sea.

With him as the center, a sea area can be formed. In the sea area, Qingyun's various attributes will be improved, and the enemy will be suppressed by the vast sea water.

It is equivalent to Qingyun carrying an ocean with him.

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