Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 462 The opponent is too weak, Taiping shakes his head


Wei Feng got up from the ground and looked at Li Qingzhou, his eyes about to burst.

"I'm going to kill you! Kill you!"

He roared loudly, the space in front of him rippled, and he actually wanted to summon a pet beast.

"You can't summon pet beasts in this town! There are laws and regulations."

The shop owner hiding behind the counter said weakly.

"What are the laws? In Yunwu Town, the Xue family is heaven and the law! You can do whatever you want, and the Xue family will pay for anything damaged in the store." Xue Mang said nonchalantly.

When the shop owner heard Xue Mang's words, he retracted his head behind the counter.


A gold level 1 red flame tiger suddenly appeared in front of Wei Feng.

The Chi Yanhu roared and then pounced on Li Qingzhou.

The hair on his body was flying like a ball of flame.

Just when the sharp claws of the Red Flame Tiger were about to touch Li Qingzhou, a golden-haired monkey suddenly jumped up from the ground.

It is peace.

Taiping jumped onto the Chi Yanhu's head with a slight leap, then pressed down, and the Chi Yanhu in the air suddenly fell to the ground.


Dust rose and the entire ground trembled slightly.

Taiping stepped on Chi Yanhu's head with one foot, a look of disdain on his face.

This is too weak!

It looks quite fierce, but in fact, it is a sick cat!

Wei Feng opened his mouth in surprise!

He couldn't believe his eyes.

His pet beast, the gold level 1 Red Flame Tiger, was trampled under the feet of the monkey, and there was no chance to resist.

The Red Flame Tiger is considered a relatively powerful pet among the gold-level beasts. Even against beasts one or two levels higher than it, it can still keep up.

But now, there is absolutely no power to fight.

Xue Mang was also shocked. He squinted his eyes and stared at Taiping.

Being able to suppress the Red Flame Tiger proves that the level is higher than that of the Red Flame Tiger, and it is much higher, probably gold level 7 to 9.

He just didn't see the pattern of Li Qingzhou's summoned beast, so he didn't know Taiping's level. He just made a rough judgment based on the situation on the field.

Shirley and Xuehai were not so surprised. They had seen Li Qingzhou's strength.

However, when Shirley looked at Taiping, doubts arose in her heart.

Taiping has obviously changed from when he saw it in the cloud forest.

There seems to be a haze lingering around the body, which is unpredictable.


Taiping shook his head.

This Red Flame Tiger is too weak, and I don't even have the desire to teach it a lesson.

Taiping raised his foot and kicked Chi Yanhu in the abdomen.

The Red Flame Tiger flew out like a sandbag.

Wei Feng was stunned on the spot when he suddenly saw a big black shadow flying over.

Chi Yanhu's huge body hit Wei Feng. Wei Feng fell to the ground, and then rolled down the stairs together with Chi Yanhu.

"Shirley, I can't tell, I hired a master."

Xue Mang frowned, looked at Li Qingzhou, and then looked at Xue Li, "But tomorrow, you will still be kicked out, we will see."

Xue Mang waved his hand and left with a group of his men.

When passing Wei Feng downstairs, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Xue Hai got up from the ground at this time. He held his stomach, walked to Li Qingzhou's side with difficulty, and then sat on the chair.

"Are you okay?" Shirley asked with concern.

"No, it's okay, just take it easy and you'll be fine."

Xue Hai grimaced in pain, but said it was okay.

"Sorry, I wanted to treat you to dinner, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

Shirley looked at Li Qingzhou sheepishly, feeling slightly guilty.

"It's okay." Li Qingzhou waved his hand disapprovingly, and then continued: "What happened? Your situation doesn't seem to be good."


Shirley sighed heavily, and then said, "Xue Mang is my cousin, the son of my second uncle. The second uncle is competing with our eldest brother for the position of head of the family."

Xuehai smashed the table, then gritted his teeth and said: "They will only take advantage of others' danger. If my father hadn't gone out to look for medicine and was seriously injured, who would have had the second uncle to make the decision in this Xue family!"

Li Qingzhou listened quietly and did not interrupt.

Shirley said: "My grandfather was seriously ill. My father went to the Dead Sea in order to find some materials for my grandfather. Unexpectedly, something happened at the Dead Sea and he was seriously injured. After he got home, he was bedridden."

"What did they just say about tomorrow's competition?"

Li Qingzhou asked.

Xue Mang and Wei Feng had just been explaining tomorrow's competition, and it seemed that after tomorrow, Xue Mang and Xue Hai would be kicked out.

"Because my grandfather was seriously ill and did not leave a designated heir to the family, originally according to the previous practice, the eldest son succeeded. But now because my father is seriously ill and unable to inherit, the second uncle has plans to compete for the position of the head of the family. According to the rules of the Xue family, if a non-eldest son wants to compete for the position of head of the family, he can challenge the eldest son, and if he wins, he can inherit the Xue family. "

Shirley said.

"Huh, isn't it just taking advantage of others' danger and taking advantage of my father's serious illness to challenge me? I also hired a powerful helper."

Xuehai looked angry.

"Can you still ask for help in the internal battle within your family?" Li Qingzhou was a little confused.

"The battle in the Xue family is divided into several rounds. In one round, the guest will fight to show his power. The Wei Feng just now is the son of the helper invited by the second uncle." Shirley explained.

"Those wicked people in the clan, as soon as they saw that their father was seriously ill, immediately turned to their second uncle. Now there are only my sister and I in the Xue family. Tomorrow my sister will fight for my father."

Xue Hai clenched his fists, "It's a pity that I am not strong enough, otherwise I can share the pressure for my sister tomorrow."

Xue Hai said, looking a little depressed.

"So, tomorrow's challenge is for you?"

Li Qingzhou looked at Xue Li and asked.

"Yes, there are only two of us left."

Xue Li sighed again.

At this moment, she felt what it meant to be fickle and unpredictable.

When her father was healthy and the eldest house was valued, she and Xue Hai were the pearls of the Xue clan, and were cared for and loved by everyone.

When Xue Mang saw her, he had to respectfully call her sister, and other people had to respectfully call her Miss.

But now, everything has changed dramatically. Xue Mang can oppress them at will, and other people in the clan don't take them seriously.

They all watched coldly, waiting for Shirley and Xuehai to make a fool of themselves tomorrow and then be kicked out.

The struggle between big families is very cruel, and the winners are kings and the losers are bandits.

Once they lose the competition tomorrow, Shirley and Xuehai will no longer have a place to stay in the Xue Clan.

"You'd better leave quickly. If you beat Wei Feng, his father Wei Wuxing will definitely not let you go."

Shirley glanced at Li Qingzhou and said worriedly.

"If I leave, what about you?" Li Qingzhou asked.

"I was going to fight Wei Wuxing tomorrow."

Shirley smiled bitterly, looking extremely bitter.

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