Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 474: Fostering Two Pets

After hearing Qingyun's words, Taiping immediately expressed his opinion.


"Is it so weak? Fortunately, I was not asked to appear. I don't like to fight such a weak opponent."

Taiping said disdainfully.

He still likes strong opponents who can fight against him, so that he can enjoy the joy of fighting.


"I don't know if I can play. Brother Qingyun said it is so simple. I think I can play, too." Bai Yu expressed his opinion.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak."

"Then you don't have to think about it. You won't be allowed to play until you are promoted to platinum level."

Ping An is more transparent. Through their spiritual connection with Li Qingzhou, they also know that this selection exam is related to the quota for the national competition. They must pay attention to it and must not lose.

It was not to train them for competition, so maybe he and Bai Yu would not take action during the entire selection test.

Only platinum-level Qingyun and Taiping have a chance.


"I really want to be promoted to platinum level!"

Bai Yu sighed again.

He is now at the gold level and is already at ease in the Nine-Turn Experimental Tower.

But compared to Taiping and Qingyun, his strength is still lacking and needs to be made up for.

"what's the topic?"

Li Qingzhou saw several pet beasts gathered together and asked with a smile.


"When will I evolve to platinum level?"

Bai Yu swam up to Li Qingzhou and rubbed his leg with her head.

Li Qingzhou touched Bai Yu's head and said, "Don't worry, you can train well in the Nine-turn Trial Tower. When you reach the gold level 9, I will arrange evolution for you."


Stars appeared in Bai Yu's eyes, and her fighting spirit suddenly rekindled.

"of course it's true."

Li Qingzhou nodded.

Ping An's heart also ignited fighting spirit. He didn't want to have too big a level gap with Taiping and Qingyun. How can he say that he came first? If he fell too far behind, what would happen to him?

Li Qingzhou suddenly had an idea. He was going to compete in a battle tomorrow and didn't have time to go to the Nine-Turn Trial Tower. So, could he put the pet beasts directly in the Nine-Turn Trial Tower and let them train on their own?

I just swiped the student card in advance, put the pet animal inside, and asked the teacher to help with the follow-up tasks.

He thinks this method is feasible.

He looked at Ping An and Bai Yu with a smile and said, "Let's go get the materials."

Li Qingzhou came out of the secret realm pendant and went straight to the material hall.

Material library.

It was the same female administrator teacher who saw Li Qingzhou smiling and nodding, "We're here for training again today."

"Yes, teacher." Li Qingzhou nodded.

He came so frequently that the female teacher already knew him. Other students might come once or twice a semester, but Li Qingzhou came to train almost every day. It was difficult not to recognize him.

"Teacher, I have two pet beasts and I want to train them in the Nine-turn Trial Tower. Is it possible?" Li Qingzhou asked.

"Can't you just take them in for training yourself?"

The female teacher glanced at Li Qingzhou in confusion. She had been here many times. She should be familiar with the process. How could she ask such a question?

"My idea is to keep the two pet beasts alone in it. I won't go in there myself. I have to participate in the selection competition. I don't have time to soak in the nine-turn test tower every day." Li Qingzhou immediately expressed his request. .

The female administrator teacher is a little embarrassed. No one has ever done this before, and the beast master is not here. What if something goes wrong with the pet beast?

"No, it's too dangerous for the pet beast to stay in the nine-turn trial tower by itself." said the female administrator.

With the beast master around, the beast master can control the pet when it is injured or has an emergency, but if the pet is inside by itself, if something happens, it will be difficult to deal with it in an emergency.

"Don't worry, my two pet beasts are very smart, they know how to deal with it themselves." Li Qingzhou answered seriously.

"And the Nine-Turn Trial Tower, doesn't it have a protection mechanism? Once they are injured, they will exit directly, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

"That being said, no one has ever done this before." The female administrator hesitated.

"Then can you please help me operate it?" Li Qingzhou looked at the female administrator teacher with sincere eyes.

"You are going to participate in the national competition selection!"

The female administrator teacher suddenly asked.

"Yes." Li Qingzhou nodded.

The female administrator hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Okay, let me try. What level of pet beasts do you want to foster?"

"Golden level!" Li Qingzhou replied.

"Gold level?" The female administrator was stunned.

Although Li Qingzhou comes every day, he actually doesn't understand Li Qingzhou's strength and doesn't pay too much attention.

"Isn't the selection standard for the national competition the gold level? You foster the gold level pet beasts here, what kind of pet do you use to challenge?"

The female administrator teacher asked curiously.

"I also have two platinum-level pet beasts." Li Qingzhou replied.

As soon as Li Qingzhou's words came out, the female teacher knew that her question was unnecessary.

"What a young genius!"

The female teacher said with emotion.

"Okay, I'll help you with the operation, but you can only keep them here during my working hours. When I get off work in the afternoon, you have to come and take them away, otherwise, I can't guarantee their safety."

The female teacher said.

"No problem." Li Qingzhou nodded.

As he said that, he immediately took out his student card and swiped it on the machine, and then handed the student card to the female administrator teacher.

"Leave your student card here with me. Every time they pass the level, I will help them refresh it to ensure their training." The female administrator teacher took the student card and said.

"Thank you, teacher." Li Qingzhou nodded and said.

Then he and the female teacher came to the room where they entered the Nine Revolutions Trial Tower. He summoned several pet beasts, Baiyu and Ping'an.

"Ping'an, you will command all the battles in the tower. You must ensure the safety of Baiyu and yourself. If there is an emergency, you can directly exit the Nine Revolutions Trial Tower."

Li Qingzhou reminded.

Ping'an wagged his tail, "No problem."

They have been to the lower floors of the Nine Revolutions Test Tower countless times. The monsters inside are not a threat to them. Although the experience growth is not very fast, it is much better than staying in the secret realm pendant.

And now they are both full of energy, thinking about upgrading to Gold Level 9 and then to Platinum Level.

After Li Qingzhou gave his instructions, he bowed to the female administrator teacher, "Thank you, teacher."

"You're welcome, do well in the national competition, and try to help Linyuan University get the first place. We have been second for two years."

The female administrator teacher said to Li Qingzhou.

The reason why she agreed to help Li Qingzhou was because Li Qingzhou was going to participate in the national competition selection.

A freshman has two platinum-level pets, which is the first one she has encountered in her many years of teaching career.

"I will try my best." Li Qingzhou nodded and left.

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