Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 479: Chatting, Testing

Li Qingzhou continued to meditate with his eyes closed. His mental state and Ping An's mental state were connected to each other. Through the mental state connection, he could clearly feel that the progress of Ping An's digestion potion was very fast.

At present, it is almost exhausted.

He waited patiently, waiting for the potion to be digested safely.

Although the middle-aged man who just passed by just glanced at him from a distance, it still made Li Qingzhou feel uneasy.

After all, in this barren mountain, he didn’t know who was on the other side, what thoughts and plans he had. Moreover, the last time he obtained the body-fading spring water in Yunmeng Mountain, he had a conflict with the Ningyuan Chamber of Commerce. If someone came to visit him, he would still There's really no easy way out.

At this moment, Li Qingzhou had no choice. It was impossible to leave during the critical period of Ping An's evolution.

No matter what problems you have, you must wait until Heian evolves.

Qingyun and Taiping are both at the platinum level, so if he meets one or two people from the chamber of commerce, he is still confident that he can handle them.

Li Qingzhou shook his head, shook off the thoughts in his head, and continued to meditate to help digest the medicine safely.

I do not know how long it has been.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps in the forest. This time the footsteps were more complicated. It was not just one person, but at least three people.

Li Qingzhou slowly opened his eyes.

Looking up to where the sound came from, he saw a tall middle-aged man leading two people walking towards him.

The visitor was none other than Luo Hongyuan, the captain of the exploration team of the Ningyuan Chamber of Commerce.

"Captain, that's the boy I told you about." The middle-aged man who first discovered Li Qingzhou said to Luo Hongyuan.

Luo Hongyuan stood there and looked at Li Qingzhou from a distance.

Li Qingzhou sat on a rock, seemingly meditating.

"You are indeed young. It looks like you are still in college." Luo Hongyuan said and glanced at the two pet beasts next to Li Qingzhou.

Taiping was sitting next to Li Qingzhou, scratching lice. When he heard the voice, he raised his head and glanced at Luo Hongyuan and others, then lowered his head and continued to scratch lice.

Qingyun was floating in mid-air, puffing out bubbles out of boredom.

"What kind of pets are these two pet beasts?"

Luo Hongyuan was slightly stunned. He found that he didn't recognize these two pet beasts.

A monkey and a fish.

That monkey is somewhat similar to the stone monkey, but it is obviously not a stone monkey. It is more ethereal and agile than the stone monkey. You can tell at a glance that it is not a mortal thing.

The same is true for that fish. It looks a bit like Yu Kun, but its temperament is completely different from Yu Kun. It feels like a more advanced creature than Yu Kun.

"It's strange, I don't know these two pet beasts." The other two people also shook their heads. As quasi-master beast masters, they thought they were well-informed. But at this moment, facing Li Qingzhou's two pet beasts , the three of them were all at a loss, and none of them could recognize them.

"Ignore it for now, go over and ask again." Luo Hongyuan said in a low voice, and then walked towards Li Qingzhou.

When Li Qingzhou saw the three people approaching, he slowly got up and stood up.

He had some impression of the leading man. He had seen him from a distance when he was in the mountain stream. He was from the Ningyuan Chamber of Commerce.

Taiping also stopped scratching at the lice at this moment, stood up, and looked at the visitor with a wary expression.

"Little brother, we passed by Yunmu Mountain occasionally. I saw you here and came over to say hello." Luo Hongyuan said with a smile, his attitude was very friendly.

""Hello. "Li Qingzhou replied politely.

Luo Hongyuan looked at Taiping and Qingyun again, put away the surprise in his eyes, and continued to smile and said to Li Qingzhou: "Why are you here at Yunmeng Mountain, little brother?"

"Come here to level up and train your pet beast." Li Qingzhou looked indifferent and gave a random reason.

"These two pet beasts of yours should be at the gold level! You must be very brave to dare to level up here."

Luo Hongyuan smiled and continued.

"They are at the platinum level." Li Qingzhou replied calmly. He wanted to show off his strength and let the opponent know that he was not a soft persimmon and could be manipulated at will.

In this kind of wilderness, you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others, and you must show your strength so that the young people will feel timid and dare not look down upon you.

"Two platinums!!"

Luo Hongyuan's face was full of surprise, and he couldn't believe his ears.

At such an age, he has two platinum-level pet beasts. What kind of genius is that?

He had just estimated in his mind that these two pet beasts were at the gold level at the highest limit, but he did not expect that they turned out to be two platinum level pet beasts.

He looked at Li Qingzhou carefully, then looked at the two pet beasts, nodded and said, "You are young and promising. Two platinum-level pet beasts are enough to show that my little brother's talent is really extraordinary."

"Thank you." Li Qingzhou nodded humbly. He looked at a few people and then asked, "I don't know, what are you doing in Yunmeng Mountain?"

Li Qingzhou asked back. It was the other person who had been asking him. Of course, he also wanted to know the other person's information.

I want to know whether it is an enemy who came to see him specially, or a simple passerby who met him by chance.

"Oh, we also came to Yunmeng Mountain to train our beasts and do some surveying on the way." Luo Hongyuan said. He didn't hide it. They were originally here for surveying, and he was telling the truth.

"Yunmeng Mountain is rich in minerals and has many ferocious beasts. It is a genuine gold mountain." Luo Hongyuan continued to say with a smile.

"Have you guys discovered anything valuable?" Li Qingzhou asked.

"Still looking." Luo Hongyuan replied, paused, and continued: "Little brother, how long have you been in Yunmeng Mountain?"

"I just came today." Li Qingzhou replied.

He has actually been here for a week, and he didn't meet anyone in the past few days.

"Oh, today?" Luo Hongyuan pondered for a moment and continued: "Have you been to Yunmeng Mountain before?"

Luo Hongyuan said, looking into Li Qingzhou's eyes, trying to see what he was thinking.

He wanted to confirm Li Qingzhou's previous whereabouts through conversation.

The body-fading spring water they found was lost more than half a month ago. At that time, it was speculated that there should be two people who robbed the body-fading spring water.

However, in the past half month, they have not met anyone in Yunmeng Mountain. Li Qingzhou is the first person he met.

"No." Li Qingzhou shook his head. Of course, he also knew Luo Hongyuan's intentions, and because of the dispute that happened before, he was also alert in his heart and did not tell the truth.

"Oh, is it really the first time?" Luo Hongyuan frowned.

Li Qingzhou spoke sincerely, without a trace of panic, and it didn't look like he was lying.

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