Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 486 Bubbles coming out, the air of survival

Luo Hongyuan stood on the shore, watching the water splash up and then return to calm.

Soon, some fish and shrimp emerged from the pond.

Luo Hongyuan waited for a while, and only some small fish and shrimp floated up. He did not find the fish that Li Qingzhou had caught before, and he was disappointed.

The pond water slowly became clear again, and looking down, it was all green.

"These fish look good!" someone shouted.

"Yes, you can catch them and make grilled fish." Another person agreed.

They had been chasing for a day and were exhausted. Now seeing the floating fish, they couldn't help but get hungrier.

Luo Hongyuan's bombing solved their food problem.

"Let's catch the fish." Someone suggested.

Luo Hongyuan did not object.

The few people quickly caught all the fish in it, and the water surface returned to calm.

Luo Hongyuan threw the bomb in his hand, and then threw another one into the pond.


The whole ground shook slightly, and the water shot into the air.

"Hua La La."

Then it sprinkled like rain.

The number of fish and shrimps that came out this time was obviously much less than the first time, but Luo Hongyuan still did not get the result he wanted.

His face was gloomy, and he was not in a hurry to throw the remaining bombs in his hand.

It seems that the boy really hid, and the bomb could not reach it.

Luo Hongyan said in a low voice.

The people next to him picked up the fish that had just been blown up, and then quickly made a fire next to him and roasted the fish, and the fragrance was overflowing.

"You stand guard by the pond, and the rest of you rest on the spot."

Luo Hongyuan pointed to a beastmaster and ordered.

The man stood by the pond after hearing this, and the rest of the people sat around the fire and started roasting fish to replenish their physical strength.

Luo Hongyuan also sat down. After sitting down, he was obviously relieved, and the severe headache was slowly subsiding at this time.

He felt that his physical strength was also greatly consumed and urgently needed to be replenished.

The fish was soon roasted.

Luo Hongyuan picked up a grilled fish and ate it slowly, looking towards the pond while eating.

"I will not be a human being if I don't catch him!"

Luo Hongyuan swore in his heart.

Soon everyone finished eating the grilled fish and put out the fire.

The rest of the people stretched and yawned, and after eating and drinking, they went to sleep.

Besides, the sun was setting and night was coming soon.

Obviously, it was unrealistic for everyone to stay by the pond, which would only waste their physical strength and energy.

After a little thought, Luo Hongyuan made arrangements, with two people taking turns to monitor the deep pond 24 hours a day.

The rest of the people went back to the cave at the end of the mountain stream to rest.

Luo Hongyuan was of course one of the people who went to rest. He had a splitting headache at the moment and just wanted to lie down and have a good sleep.

After making arrangements, everyone returned to the cave and found a place to rest.

The distance between the cave and the pond was only a few hundred meters, which was not far away. Once there was an emergency, they could provide support at any time, which was convenient.

In the deep pool.

Li Qingzhou's stomach also growled. He had been running for a whole day and had not eaten anything. He was extremely hungry.

Qingyun was very happy in the pool. He controlled the water flow. When he sucked the water, several fish swam to his mouth and were swallowed by him.

Obviously, he was more adapted and comfortable in this pool than in the air. Moreover, he did not have to worry about food. All the fish in the pool were his prey. He was at the top of the food chain.

Li Qingzhou suffered. It was not a solution to continue to waste time. He could not eat those fish raw like Qingyun. He would starve to death sooner or later.

Qingyun used the water flow to control another carp in front of him, and then sent it to Li Qingzhou, looking at him expectantly.

"Do you want to eat it?"

Qingyun showed his generosity.

Li Qingzhou looked at the carp in front of him and shook his head. He wanted to eat it, but the fish was raw and alive. How could he eat it? As a modern civilized person, he really couldn't do such a thing as eating fish raw.

Seeing that Li Qingzhou didn't eat, Qingyun sucked the carp into his mouth, then chewed it slowly, with a satisfied look on his face. Li Qingzhou swallowed a mouthful of saliva, rubbed his empty stomach, and could only endure the hunger in his stomach.

He looked at a bubble emerging from the pond next to him. The bubble slowly flew upwards, with an empty space in the middle and a wall of water around it.

"Air, bubble!"

Li Qingzhou suddenly had an idea.

"Qingyun, can you drain the water around me and use the water layer to form a ball with air in the middle?"

Qingyun tilted his head and thought about it, then nodded. This little thing can be done.

Soon, a vacuum area formed around Li Qingzhou, with water next to him but no water in the middle.

Li Qingzhou felt suffocated and shook his head quickly.

That's not the case. What he needs is air, oxygen-rich air, not such a vacuum.

He couldn't breathe in the vacuum.

Qingyun saw Li Qingzhou's expression, understood what he meant, and immediately dissolved the bubble.

Li Qingzhou was relieved, because of the Jade Talisman, he could breathe like a fish in the water.

However, there was no air or oxygen underwater, and the space that Qingyun forcibly opened up was just a vacuum space, which could not provide oxygen for Li Qingzhou.

Li Qingzhou looked at the water surface, thought for a while, and then said to Qingyun: "Go to the water surface, use a water ball to wrap a lot of air down, and then send me into the water ball."

Qingyun nodded, then controlled the water flow, condensed into a bubble, and slowly floated upwards.

The bubble soon reached the water surface, and several bubbles emerged together.


The bubble burst, making a crisp sound.

The two night watchmen were startled when they saw bubbles coming out of the pool next to them. They took torches and carefully checked beside them. Seeing that it was just a bubble, they didn't care.

"Hey, this pool of water can also spit bubbles."

"Yes, what can blow such big bubbles."

The other person scratched his head and thought.

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