Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 550 Tian Ji's horse race begins

However, Li Qingzhou saw something extraordinary in Mu Yang. How could the Fusang tree that could hold ten suns be an ordinary sapling?

He will eventually grow into a towering tree, connecting heaven and earth and carrying the sun!

Bai Yu flew over and rubbed Mu Yang's trunk with his body.

"Don't worry, Mu Yang, you are very strong, I believe you will win."

Bai Yu comforted Mu Yang like an older brother.

After transforming into a dragon, Li Qingzhou felt that Bai Yu's mind seemed to have grown a lot. This is transformation!

Not only the transformation of the body, but also his mind has been upgraded.

Bai Yu used to be a child, but now he is at least a teenager who can think independently.


Mu Yang tilted his head and looked at Bai Yu.

"Yes, I was also very nervous when I competed in the first match, but I won easily. The armored bull didn't even touch my scales, and I scared it to the ground. You have to have confidence in yourself..."

Bai Yu began to tell Mu Yang about his glorious past again.

From his first battle to the subsequent battles, he described it vividly.

Mu Yang was stunned and gradually became fascinated. He admired Bai Yu even more.

Mu Yang was surprised by the change of Bai Yu's body shape from a crawling snake to a dragon.

Now he heard Bai Yu talk about his past again, and he was even more surprised.

Did Bai Yu experience such a terrible battle?

The mountains collapsed, the sea dried up, and the rocks crumbled!

The world fell into a huge crisis, and Bai Yu was like a flash of lightning that broke through the sky, illuminated the night, and saved the world from water and fire.

He is simply a hero!

Bai Yu exaggerated his battle story, and he was so excited that he danced with joy, as if it was all true.

The other pets sighed and did not expose Bai Yu's little vanity.

Most of what Bai Yu said was true, but the process and opponent of the battle were a bit too strong.

When did they face prehistoric monsters bigger than mountains, and when did they encounter giant octopuses that even the ocean could not hold...

But Mu Yang didn't know these, he was just surprised, envious and admired Bai Yu's description.

At the same time, because of Bai Yu's words, he ignited his confidence in himself.

The other pets can do it, and he believes that he can do it too.

Mu Yang rooted his roots in the soil and stretched upwards vigorously. He wanted to reach the ninth level of silver, and he wanted to upgrade to the gold level so that he could fight like other pets.

Li Qingzhou saw Bai Yu's operation, which ignited Mu Yang's fighting spirit and didn't know what to say.

Bai Yu's exaggerated description seemed to be believed by Mu Yang.

It not only satisfied Bai Yu's vanity, but also ignited Mu Yang's fighting spirit.

It was a win-win situation for them.

Li Qingzhou didn't care. What if the facts were a little different?

At least the current effect was satisfactory.

He let a few pets play around, sat quietly aside, and entered into meditation.

The second day of the competition officially began.

Linyuan University's opponent this time was Changshou University.

Changshou University was considered a medium-sized team in this national competition.

Although it was not as strong as Cangnan Academy, everyone at Linyuan University was still ready.

Their goal this time was to win the championship, and the championship could not tolerate any mistakes. They had to respect every opponent and go all out to have a chance to win the championship.

There were many powerful teams that were defeated and eliminated because they despised their opponents, were too ambitious, and did not do the details well.

It was a pity.

Linyuan University did not want to do such a stupid thing. They would respect every opponent and treat every opponent with caution.

Do what you should do until you win the championship.

Before winning the championship, they were all climbers. Only by climbing up continuously and unremittingly, avoiding all thorns and falling rocks, and knocking down all beasts and monsters that blocked the way, could they reach the top of the mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking the world.

With such a belief, the people of Linyuan University stepped onto the stage of the national competition.

In today's competition, Linyuan University made some minor adjustments, but the general framework remained unchanged.

Li Qingzhou was still the first person to play, and it was still a single-player competition.

However, the second person to play was replaced by Zhuang Muyan from Longling.

Longling was arranged to participate in the team competition.

Lu Yuan is still the finale of the single-player competition.

As for Mu Qing'erqin, he is still the leader of the multi-player competition.

Making such adjustments is also a training and protection for Longling.

In the subsequent competitions, if he encounters a strong opponent, Longling's strength may not be enough to cope with the single-player competition.

No matter how powerful the flying dragon is, it is still suppressed by the level when facing a platinum-level pet.

The team competition is Longling's final destination.

The single-player competition must be the strongest three.

The three people with platinum-level pets!

Changshou University saw Linyuan University's battle plan and smiled at each other.

They had expected such a result, so they sent out the lineup that had been prepared.

Tian Ji horse racing began.

Li Qingzhou still walked towards the ring with a calm expression.

No matter who the opponent is, he is confident of winning.

His expression was indifferent, as calm as water, with a faint smile.

There was a subtle and indescribable majesty on him, which made people feel awed at first sight.

This was the improvement of his temperament after having a platinum-level pet. He could unconsciously exude a powerful aura that was chilling.

The student sent by Changshou University was also a freshman named Lu Fei.

At this time, Lu Fei stood on the ring, looking a little restrained.

He held his hands in front of him, not knowing what to do.

He lowered his head slightly, looking at his toes, looking unsure.

This was the abandoned child that Changshou University was going to give up in this game, and he was also almost the weakest student among the entire Changshou University participating students.

Originally, they also seemed to be like Linyuan University, with several freshmen coming to gain experience.

Lu Fei was one of the freshmen who gained experience.

However, Changshou University was far less powerful than Linyuan University.

Among the freshmen who have gained experience, there are one or two outstanding ones who are also placed in the official competition team. If there are special circumstances, they can take over.

Lu Fei did not expect that he would be pushed up in the first match of the national competition.

Especially after seeing the fight between Li Qingzhou and Fu Zhixiang, he was extremely desperate.

Although he knew that he was a strategic sacrifice of this school competition, there was nothing he could do.

Once on the stage, he must go all out.

Even if he can't win, he must try his best.

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