Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 580 Ten Days in the Sky

the other side.

Chen Weiyi stepped down from the stage in despair. He never expected that his pet beast, the Blazing Beast, would be killed instantly. You must know that the Blazing Beast exploded with strength, comparable to a volcanic eruption, but he lost, and was killed. Instant kill.

This was unacceptable to him.

Chen Weiyi clenched his fists, and because of the extra force, his nails dug directly into his palms, and he didn't even notice.

Liu Biao looked at Chen Weiyi, frowned, and asked: "Chen Weiyi, what are you doing? You can lose to a small freshman? You are the president of the Jida University Battle Club, such an important game You actually lost the game to me?"

A sharp rebuke.

Chen Weiyi just lowered his head and said nothing.

This is the case in Yakuza University. If you win, it's everything. If you lose, you'll be the scapegoat.

Regardless of your status, as long as you lose, your past achievements will be erased.

Therefore, if you want to maintain your status in Yida University, you must continue to win, even if you have to do whatever it takes to win.

Shen Hongliang and Wang Shanling were covered with bandages, and their eyes were filled with gloating.

They lost and were despised by the people at Jida University, but now their strongest player, team leader Chen Weiyi, also lost, so what else can they be blamed for?

If the strongest person on your side loses, it proves that their skills are really inferior to others, and it is reasonable for them to lose.

The two felt the pressure on their bodies and immediately relaxed, and all the pressure was transferred to Chen Weiyi.

Chen Weiyi took a long breath, then raised his head, "I will go all out in the next game and win it back."

He also felt everyone's surprised looks.

Chen Weiyi, who was undefeated at Jida University, competed in the national competition but lost.

If he wanted to maintain his position as president of the Duel War Club and continue to gain a foothold in Yakuza University, he had to win it back.

"Linyuan University, Li Qingzhou."

Chen Weiyi narrowed his eyes and vowed to give him a good look in the next scene.

Chen Weiyi's eyes were cold and his face was twisted, filled with resentment for this defeat.

He was in the Jidao University and had never lost a game during his school days. Even in the national competition, he had not lost against the top players. But today, he was suppressed by a freshman, and he was killed instantly. This made him feel like he couldn't lose face.

He looked extremely embarrassed.

Chen Weiyi took a breath to calm down his mood.

In the last game, I was just restrained. That big fish could summon a huge amount of water, and water defeated fire, so I lost.

But in the next game, I don't believe he still has a water pet beast.

Chen Weiyi comforted himself in his heart. He also knew about Li Qingzhou's pet beasts. In addition to this fish, there was also a five-tailed black fox and a transparent cloud monkey.

One look at those two pet beasts and it was impossible to summon water flow.

If he could really summon water flow, it would not be as huge and vast as the one Ling Youkun summoned just now, leaving him unable to parry and completely restrain him.

As long as it is not a water beast, he is not afraid and can attack without restraint.

His second pet beast is called the Crimson Fire Red Lotus Beast. Its control over fire is second to none of the Blazing Beast. Moreover, every fire attack will leave a red lotus mark on the opponent's body. This red lotus mark represents Burning with endless fire, endless heat.

The opponent must be burned.

Just as I was thinking about it, the 10-minute break was coming.

Chen Weiyi turned around and walked towards the ring, regardless of the complicated looks from other students at Jida University.

He gritted his teeth and said, "We must win this time!"

Li Qingzhou came on stage with a relaxed expression.

Because of the strength shown in the first game, other people have complete trust in him, without any worries or concerns. In their hearts, Li Qingzhou can already compete for the title of the strongest player in this session, and Chen Weiyi of Jidao University will not be his opponent.

In the arena.

Chen Weiyi and Li Qingzhou stood opposite each other.

Seeing that both men were ready, the referee announced the start of the contest.

"Linyuan University vs. Jida University, a single match, the second round of Game 2 has officially begun."

Chen Weiyi looked at Li Qingzhou coldly and said: "Boy, I asked you to plan the last game. Your big fish is really magical. It is actually a pet that can summon sea water. However, you don't have a water pet." Come on!"

"Indeed no more." Li Qingzhou nodded, with neither joy nor sadness on his face.

Taiping, Ping An and Bai Yu are not water beasts, so what Chen Weiyi said is indeed right.


Chen Weiyi laughed loudly, "Then what are you going to use to fight me? In the last battle, your spirit wandering Kun suppressed my Blazing Beast with water. Now that there is no water pet beast, let me see what you are going to use to fight me."

"Red Fire Red Lotus Beast, come out!"

Chen Weiyi roared, and the summoning circle appeared in front of him. After the platinum golden color flowed, a beast shaped like a deer and with flames burning on its body like a lotus suddenly appeared.

[Name: Red Fire Red Lotus Beast]

[Attribute: Fire]

[Level: Platinum Level 3]

[Qualification: Diamond]

[Skills: Fire Wall, Fire Ball, Fire Rain, Red Lotus Sense, Temperature Concentration]

[Weakness: Water]

[Evolution routes: 2]

[Introduction: The Red Fire Lotus Beast has powerful fire attributes and lotus characteristics. It is burly, muscular, covered with a thick hard shell, and exudes a fiery breath. Its body is similar to a standing stag, emitting a fiery flame. It can spray high-temperature flames and burn all enemies. Its flame attack not only has powerful destructive power, but can also cause burns to the enemy. ]

This is a platinum level 3 Red Fire Lotus Beast. The flames on its body do not seem to be burning vigorously, but the temperature inside is extremely high. His feet just stepped lightly on the ring, and the ring was branded with the shape of a lotus. It can be seen that the temperature on his body is so high that even the marble ring cannot withstand the burning of the flames.

The Red Fire Lotus Beast raised his head and exhaled gently, and a wave of heat suddenly rose into the air.


It was as if 10 suns were hanging in the sky at the same time, and the strong heat was sprinkled, and the heat was unbearable.

All the audience were fanning with their hands and sticking out their tongues to dissipate heat.

"It's so hot, what do I see? There are 10 suns in the sky!!"

"10 suns in the sky, is this the end of the world? What the hell is going on?"

"Don't be nervous, that's the breath of the Red Fire Lotus Beast. Didn't you see the Red Fire Lotus Beast exhale just now?"

"One breath can create 10 suns, this is too magical."

"It's not 10 suns, look carefully, what are those suns?"

All the audience looked up at the sky after hearing this.

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