Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 590: Dancing with a sword in front of Guan Gong

The referee saw that the two were ready and immediately announced the start of today's game.

"The quarterfinals, the singles match between Linyuan University and Innovation University, Li Qingzhou vs. Li Kai, officially begins."

After the words fell, the two summoned their pets at the same time.

Li Qingzhou chose to summon Ping An, the five-tailed black fox.

The opponent is Innovation University, which is good at control, and many pets have mental control skills.

According to the information collected by Jiang Tan, Li Kai has two pets with mental control skills, so he can't be careless.

The summoning array in front of Li Kai slowly emerged, and then a pet crawled out of the array.

It has thick limbs and a long tail.

[Name: Green Water Dragon Lizard]

[Attribute: Water]

[Level: Gold Level 9]

[Qualification: Platinum]

[Skills: Water Wall, Water Flow Control, Deep Sea Stealth, Paralysis Venom, Mental Deterrence]

[Weakness: Earth]

[Evolution Path: 2]

[Introduction: Green Water Dragon Lizard has very strong swimming ability and the ability to adapt to underwater environment. Its body is long and flexible, and its skin is elastic, which can store oxygen, allowing it to breathe underwater for a long time. Its limbs are strong and powerful, and its flippers are wide, so it can swim quickly in the water and climb rock walls. There are tiny teeth in the mouth and snout, which can easily crush stones and catch prey. There are hard thorns on the tail, which can easily pierce prey. It can also secrete a venom with a paralyzing effect, which makes the prey temporarily unable to move, making it easy to catch. Green Water Dragon Lizard also has a strong mental power, and can control the surrounding creatures and environment through thoughts. 】

The ninth-level gold green water dragon lizard is a sub-dragon pet. It has a little dragon blood, so it looks a bit like a flying dragon. However, because it only has a little blood, it does not have the wings of a flying dragon.

But it is also because of this little dragon blood that it is much stronger than pets of other races of the same level. It is born with a mental deterrent, which is the majesty of the dragon race.

Flying dragons are born with dragon power, and green water dragon lizards also have a little mental deterrent, but it is a world of difference compared to dragon power.

"Green water dragon lizard, use mental deterrence."

Li Kai gave the order without hesitation.

He remembered Li Yang's words firmly, focused a little, and used mental deterrence to attack Li Qingzhou unexpectedly.

The green water dragon lizard also understood his idea through the mental connection.

His eyes condensed, and an invisible mental deterrence emanated from him, and that mental deterrence was like a sharp blade pointing straight at Li Qingzhou.

He wanted to use this mental pressure on Li Qingzhou so that he would be crushed by it.

The opponent was a five-tailed black fox of the platinum level. If he fought head-on, he would not win.

There was a natural difference between the gold level and the platinum level. Ten green water dragon lizards could not beat a five-tailed black fox of the platinum level.

So he could only fight. He had only one chance. If the mental deterrence could completely defeat Li Qingzhou, then he could win.

If not, then there would be no chance at all.

The spiritual power of the green water dragon lizard was condensed, like a blade, stabbing straight at Li Qingzhou's forehead.

But when it was still an inch away from Li Qingzhou's head, it stopped abruptly.

It was like stabbing on a steel plate, and it could not move forward at all.

"What is this...?"

Li Kai said in surprise.

He also felt that the spiritual deterrence of the Green Water Dragon Lizard was blocked, but there was nothing in front of Li Qingzhou, but it was like an invisible barrier that protected him, and the spiritual deterrence could not move forward at all.

"You dare to show off your spiritual deterrence in front of me, Ping An, let him see what real spiritual deterrence is!"

The five tails of the five-tailed black fox spread out like a fan, and a strong spiritual pressure emanated from his body, like a mountain and a sea. The entire arena was shrouded in a strong spiritual pressure.

Li Kai's heart tightened.

He felt his legs trembling violently, as if a huge mountain was pressing on him, and his body was about to fall down under the weight.

The Green Water Dragon Lizard was crawling on the ground, as if it had seen an extremely fearful object.

If the spiritual deterrence of the Green Water Dragon Lizard is a glass of water, then the spiritual deterrence of Ping An is a surging river.

There is no comparison between the two.


Li Kai finally couldn't bear it and knelt on the ground.

As he fell, the game officially ended.

The referee immediately announced the result of the game, "Linyuan University vs. Innovation University, the first singles match, Linyuan University Li Qingzhou won."

As the referee's voice fell, the entire audience burst into warm cheers and discussions.

"What is this game to watch? He didn't do anything, and he fell down?"

"Yes, the two of them were standing there, without any movement, how could the person from Innovation University suddenly fall down? Did he have a sudden illness?"

"How could he have a sudden illness? Didn't you see that the pet was a gold-level pet? The physical fitness of a beastmaster with a gold-level pet is several times that of an ordinary person. Not to mention being immune to all poisons and diseases, at least he can resist most diseases. How could he fall ill so easily? And Innovation University is not a fool. How could they send a sick person to fight?"

"Yes, when he was on the court, he looked vigorous and energetic, and I thought he was a master."

"You don't know this, right? Innovation University is good at mind control. Their students and pets have some mind control skills. The green water dragon lizard just competed with the five-tailed black fox in mental power, but it seems to have lost the competition."

"Another comparison of mental power? Why can't I feel it at all?"

"You are too far away, and for those pets with strong mental control abilities, they can do mental control very accurately. Only the arena area is the area of ​​mental confrontation. We are so far away, of course we can't feel it."

Hearing this, the audience suddenly understood.

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