Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 595: The Method of Innovation

The rest time passed quickly.

The second match came as scheduled.

Yang Chaofan summoned his second pet.

This is a butterfly with five-color patterns on its body. It is huge, larger than the average eagle, and its appearance is also a bit strange. It looks like a butterfly, but if you look closely, it has characteristics that do not belong to a butterfly.

Its body is strong, not like an insect at all, but like a huge python. Its feet are not ordinary butterfly feet, but sharp claws like eagle claws.

Even his eyes are like the eyes of dragonflies and bees, a kind of composite eyes flashing with countless strange lights.

[Name: Transformed Wind Gold Butterfly]

[Attribute: Gold]

[Level: Platinum Level 1]

[Qualification: Diamond]

[Skills: Wind Dance, Crystal Powder Spread, Poison Needle Sting, Wind Shield, Crystallized Body, Wind Healing]

[Weakness: Fire]

[Evolutionary Path: 1]

[Introduction: A very unique butterfly that combines the characteristics of many creatures and can use the abilities of many creatures. They usually live on the edge of the forest or on the grassland and like to fly in the sun. 】

"This modified wind gold butterfly is also the work of Innovation University."

Jiang Tan took a look at the butterfly and murmured.

Innovation University will apply for patents for its own evolutionary routes every year. A large part of the existing evolutionary route patents in the existing Xia country are from Innovation University.

Some are useful, some are useless.

"The butterfly looks very strange, and I don't know how strong it is." Lu Yuan said in a deep voice.

On the stage.

Long Ling looked at the modified wind gold butterfly, but he didn't dare to be careless at all.

The national competition does not allow any carelessness.

This strange butterfly also attracted the attention of the onlookers nearby.

"Is this a butterfly? Why does it feel like a hybrid hodgepodge?"

"It looks like a butterfly, but the parts of its body are different from those of normal butterflies."

"Maybe it's really a hybrid butterfly."

In this world, the reproductive isolation between fierce beasts has also been broken, and many animals can hybridize with each other, thus giving birth to fierce beasts that combine the characteristics of both parents.

Some of these fierce beasts are very strong, and some are very weak.

Once, there was a good person who hybridized tiger and lion pets and got a fierce beast called the powerful lion tiger beast, but this fierce beast is weaker than tiger and lion beasts.

They just look huge and majestic, but they are actually weak guys with poor physical fitness and athletic ability.

This is an example of failure.

Of course, there are also truly successful examples, such as some people hybridized the tree of life with the fraud vine, and finally got a fraud tree, which can heal and attack, which is very magical.

Jidao University and Innovation University are completely different universities.

Jidao University emphasizes attack, and will attack at all costs. Even if it will hurt the beastmaster and the beast, they will use their attack to the extreme. They are like a sword, and they take a different approach.

Innovation University was born for experiments. They constantly innovate, constantly create new pets, and new evolutionary routes. Although there are many setbacks and failures on this road, they have also paid a great price, but the results are also gratifying.

The Shadow Meteor Cat and the Transformed Wind Butterfly in the last game were successful cases. Although Yang Chaofan lost, the atmosphere at Innovation University was not very depressing. Everyone was holding notebooks, recording the data of the game, analyzing the strength of the pets from all aspects and angles and the directions for improvement.

Even Li Kai, who lost before, was staring at the situation on the field.

The information in their hands will eventually be summarized in the hands of the Evolutionary Route Research Laboratory of Innovation University to provide them with practical materials. Li Yang's pen has never stopped, constantly writing, the advantages and disadvantages of the Shadow Meteor Cat and the Transformed Wind Butterfly, the various states of their abilities when fighting against the flying dragon, are recorded one by one.

When Yang Chaofan came down, Li Yang just nodded to him lightly, without too much criticism.

Although they have lost two games, Li Yang's face is calm.

"The next match will be against Lu Yuan from Linyuan University. His two platinum-level pets are both wind-type, one is the Wind Wolf and the other is the Sky-Splitting Eagle. They are both very powerful. Chen Zhichao, you play in the next match!"


Chen Zhichao was wearing a sports suit, with clear muscle contours on his body. He looked very strong and liked fitness.

He was also a junior student like Yang Chaofan. He was selected as a member of the Evolutionary Route Research Laboratory when he was studying at Innovation University.

When he was notified of the news, he handed his pet to the laboratory without any hesitation.

Although the probability of success in the evolutionary route and evolutionary material research at Innovation University is only 1%, fortunately, one of his pets succeeded, and two of the three pets died.

But this successful pet also allowed him to easily enter the platinum level, and then he re-contracted another platinum-level pet with the help of the laboratory.

Now with two platinum pets in hand, he is the strongest single player in the entire Innovation University national competition team.

"Try hard. If we can win this game, we still have a chance to beat Linyuan University and go to a higher stage to test more products, do more experiments, and collect more data."

Li Yang patted Chen Zhichao on the shoulder.

Chen Zhichao nodded.

He also knew this. For their Innovation University, the national competition is to collect materials and information, but if there is a chance of promotion and a higher stage ahead, they will definitely want to fight.

Young people have ambitions, who doesn't want to reach the top?

"Teacher, I will do my best. I haven't tested the strength of these two pets yet. Now let's see how powerful they will be when they go all out."

Chen Zhichao said with expectation.

"Come on!"

The students of Innovation University shouted cheers at the same time.

Chen Zhichao simply waved his hand and walked onto the stage.

Linyuan University side.

Jiang Tan flipped through the information in his hand and gave Lu Yuan a final exhortation.

"Lu Yuan, your next opponent is Chen Zhichao. Chen Zhichao is the strongest player in the Innovation University National Team Competition. He has two platinum-level pets. He had not made a move before Innovation University advanced to the quarterfinals. Maybe the previous opponent was too weak and didn't want to expose his trump card. You have to be extra careful this time."

"I know."

Lu Yuan nodded, showing full confidence.

In fact, Jiang Tan didn't know much about Innovation University and Chen Zhichao, because Chen Zhichao hadn't played in the previous rounds, and their pets often mutated. Maybe last year's pet was like this, but it was completely different next year.

This is the terrible thing about Innovation University. They are constantly innovating, constantly innovating in ways that people don't expect.

"I will beat him."

Lu Yuan said, and walked onto the stage.

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