"It has no effect at all!!"

Chen Zhichao looked shocked.

He deliberately released the mental deterrence at this time and shot a cold arrow to catch the enemy by surprise.

The Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle's physical and mental strength had been consumed at this time, so it should be easier to be hit?

Why is it useless?

"It's useless. The Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle has seen much greater mental deterrence than this!" Lu Yuan said calmly.

"Mental deterrence is useless, I can still win!" Chen Zhichao's face returned to calm.


A black shadow flashed by, and the transformed tiger beast instantly appeared in front of the Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle and slapped it hard.

The Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle quickly flapped its wings and flew upwards, instantly increasing its altitude.

The transformed tiger beast missed the attack, but was not discouraged. It flapped its wings and followed closely.

At this moment, the wings of the transformed tiger beast trembled slightly, like a cramp.

This movement was extremely small.

But Lu Yuan keenly caught it.

The behavior of cramps rarely occurs for high-level pets.

Platinum-level pets are already pets that have embarked on an extraordinary path. If they still cramp, it would be really shocking news.

But now, Lu Yuan saw that the wings of the modified tiger beast cramped. Although it was only a short moment, he did cramp.

And cramping means that the wings of the modified tiger beast are out of coordination.

"Hold him, Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle, as long as this game drags on, we can win."

Lu Yuan immediately informed Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle of his discovery with his spiritual consciousness.


Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle cried twice and flew to a higher sky.

The wings of the modified tiger beast moved, and followed closely behind, like two black meteors entangled together, rising alternately in a spiral shape.

Only two black figures were seen entangled in the air, and ordinary spectators could not see the situation clearly.

But for the beastmaster, they can see it clearly, whether it is a hundred meters or a thousand meters high, their eyes are equally sharp.

The cramping of the wings of the modified tiger beast was just the beginning. Then the tail, claws, and even the gills on the neck and the tortoise shell on the body were twisted and cramped to varying degrees.

It was like a mechanical failure. You gave him an order and he wanted to execute it, but he couldn't execute it completely because of the failure.

The modified tiger beast is in this state now.

The Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle saw the opportunity and slapped it with its claws. The modified tiger beast immediately retracted its body into the tortoise shell.

But this time, the tortoise was different from the past. The leopard tail seemed to be out of control and still stood upright outside.

The Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle certainly would not miss this opportunity. With a swipe of its claws, the tiger tail was instantly covered in blood.

The modified tiger beast felt pain, wailed, and immediately got out of the tortoise shell.

This was his first injury.

Since the battle, with the defense of the tortoise shell, basically nothing could break his defense, but now the modified tiger beast found that his tail was injured.

There were several bloody cuts on the tail.

At this time, Chen Zhichao also found that something was wrong.

His modified tiger beast seemed to have been affected by some special influence all of a sudden. Its body was somewhat out of control, and each part seemed to have developed consciousness, just like the three-headed venomous snake, each of which was on its own.

In fact, this phenomenon is also called rejection in biology.

It is not one's own organ, so of course one's own body will have rejection.

The organs imposed on the body are different from the organs one originally has, but because the modified tiger beast is powerful, the previous minor rejections can be ignored and suppressed.

But as the battle progressed, the physical strength of the modified tiger beast was consumed, and the continuous attacks of the Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle made the body of the modified tiger beast gradually fatigued.

So various phenomena that were not usually seen began to emerge.

The wings cramped, the tail was out of control, and even the tortoise shell was slightly loose.

Chen Zhichao was anxious, but he was powerless.

When this phenomenon occurred, he, as a beastmaster, really had no way to deal with it.

He could only go back and improve the laboratory to see if he could reduce this rejection phenomenon to a minimum.

In fact, there is a simplest way to deal with this situation, which is to keep the pet's physical energy always at full state, but this is okay at ordinary times. As long as the physical energy is sufficient, it can control the various organs in the body and avoid rejection.

It is okay at ordinary times, but once a battle occurs, especially a life-and-death battle, how can the physical energy not be consumed?

And this rejection phenomenon occurs in a life-and-death battle, it is fatal.

In a duel between masters, any negligence is a fatal flaw.

Chen Zhichao understands this, but he is really powerless. He can only pray in his heart that he can defeat the Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle before the transformed tiger beast collapses.

"Attack with all your strength and defeat him!"

Chen Zhichao gave the order.

Accepting his order, the transformed tiger beast immediately understood and attacked with all its strength.

The tiger's mouth opened, and a sound wave as substantial as substance swept forward.

The Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle was hit directly, and its whole body trembled.

However, the Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle was not to be outdone, and its wings danced, and countless wind blades fell like raindrops.

The transformed tiger beast and the Sky-Splitting Demonic Eagle were entangled in the air, flapping their wings and falling to the ground from the air.

But at the critical moment of the wrestling match, the wings of the modified tiger beast cramped again. The wings that were originally dancing and keeping the body balanced suddenly stiffened and could not move, just like two big cushions tied to the back. You want to swing them, but you find that they can't move at all.

Losing control of the wings, the body of the modified tiger beast fell like a meteorite.

He kept struggling, trying to adjust his position, but he couldn't.

The Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle grabbed down with both claws, pressed directly on the body of the modified tiger beast, and smashed him down with all its strength.


The huge body of the modified tiger beast smashed on the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The dust dispersed, and a big pit appeared on the ring. The modified tiger beast was sunken in the big pit and was stuck and unable to move.

The tortoise shell was indeed hard, protecting the impact of falling to the ground.

But at this moment, the modified tiger beast was like a turtle that was turned over, completely stuck, and unable to turn over by its own ability.

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