Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 612 The third punch will be very heavy

"It's interesting. They all say you are a genius. Now I confirm that you are indeed a genius. I can't figure out the evolutionary route."

Fang Ziqiang laughed at himself.

Although he is also a genius at Kamikaze Academy, he is only a genius in combat.

The innovation and design of evolutionary routes are tasks that belong to scientific research talents, and he cannot do it.

Fang Ziqiang reached out and clenched his fist, and then said, "Be careful, I'm going to attack."

The words just fell.

His figure suddenly disappeared on the ring, and the next second, a black figure appeared out of thin air in front of Taiping.

The figure was tall and its shadow shrouded Taiping like an ancient demon.

One punch.

"So fast."

The referee exclaimed.

Fang Ziqiang's sudden action was so fast that even the referee didn't even react. He was already in front of Tongming Yunhou Taiping, dozens of meters away.

And this body type contrast is really oppressive.

Taiping is only half a meter tall, while Fang Ziqiang is nearly two meters tall.

Combined with the Hercules Ape, he has an extremely powerful aura.

This punch was like a mountain collapsing, it was unstoppable.

Taiping took his time and raised his hand to punch Todoroki.

His fist was only the size of a pebble at first, but it doubled in size with every step forward. By the time it collided with Fang Ziqiang's fist, it was already the size of a basketball.


The fists collided, and a terrifying shock wave spread out in all directions.

All the flags on the stage were blown by the strong wind and made a roar.

The referee subconsciously covered his face with his hands, and then exclaimed: "Tongming Cloud Monkey caught Fang Ziqiang's punch. It can be seen that Tongming Cloud Monkey used a fist as big as a basketball to completely block Fang Ziqiang. The player punched him. What will Fang Ziqiang do next?”

The referee will provide commentary in due course.

Fang Ziqiang and Taiping were separated at the first touch.

He turned his head and looked at his fist. The joints were red. With this punch, he felt as if he had hit a piece of steel. And it was not ordinary steel, but the kind of steel that had been refined and made extremely solid.

"This is the first punch, now I'm going to throw the second punch!"

Fang Ziqiang looked at Li Qingzhou and said calmly.

He pulled his right leg back, turned slightly to the side, swung his right fist back, and then punched out fiercely!

At the same time as he punched out, Fang Ziqiang's body flew towards Taiping like an arrow from the string.

This punch is fast, accurate and hard!

If the first punch was like a mountain collapsing, then this punch is like an unstoppable sword that can penetrate everything.

Taiping beat his chest with both hands and let out a violent roar.

His eyes froze, and then his body slowly expanded.

He raised his fist back, and then punched forward violently, colliding with Fang Ziqiang's fist.

Facing Fang Ziqiang's extremely powerful offensive, Taiping did not choose to give in, but directly chose to fight head-on.

He is not afraid of anyone who competes in strength.


Fists bumped together.

The impact of this punch was even more powerful than the previous one.

A gust of wind instantly whipped up in the ring, and the round platform under the referee's feet shook violently. He had to hold on to the handrails to prevent himself from falling.

In the center of the ring, Fang Ziqiang looked at a transparent cloud monkey that was the same height as him. Their fists collided and they were evenly matched.

Fang Ziqiang jumped back a step.

The right fist is opened and clenched.

He increased the force of this punch by 50%, but there was still no reaction at all.

The Transparent Cloud Monkey seemed to be made of steel, standing in place without moving a step.


Fang Ziqiang looked at the transparent cloud monkey with a smile, and then at Li Qingzhou, "Your transparent cloud monkey is not only very powerful, but also has good defense, like steel."

"Peace is much harder than steel."

Li Qingzhou said calmly.


Taiping roared loudly, signaling to come again.

It had been a long time since he had punched so happily.

He liked the power and attack of his opponent's fists.

"Be careful, this is my third punch, and it is also my strongest punch. I haven't used my full strength in the previous rounds."

"This punch will be very heavy!"

Fang Ziqiang took a deep breath, his chest bulged, and then he concentrated all his strength on his right hand and punched out.

The air was squeezed, making a sharp sound, and countless air explosions sounded in the ring.

This punch seemed to be no longer a fist, but a meteorite hitting at high speed, which seemed to be able to destroy everything.


The referee on the round stage took a deep breath, "Fang Ziqiang's punch was so powerful. I wonder how Li Qingzhou and his Transparent Cloud Monkey will respond."

"We have seen before that the platinum pet beast would be shattered like porcelain under this punch. Can this transparent cloud monkey withstand this punch?"

While he was speaking, Taiping was already on defense. His eyes narrowed slightly, his body leaned back slightly, and then he punched forward fiercely.

The air was compressed in bursts, making a series of bursts.

When the fist is punched out, the doubling skill has been used.

Every inch the fist advances, it expands.

In the blink of an eye, it was like a big rock.

Fang Ziqiang, who had been smashing down like a meteorite, was like a small pebble hitting a large rock in front of this huge fist.


The explosion sounded!

The entire ring shook, and smoke and dust rose up.

A black shadow flew out from the smoke and dust, it was Fang Ziqiang!!

He was flying backwards at a very fast speed, and he barely stopped when he flew to the edge of the ring.

Two deep marks plowed by his feet appeared on the ring.

Taiping stood still, his fist slowly shrank, and then returned to normal.

Before the fists collided, his multiplication skill had been quietly used, and his fist expanded, larger than Fang Ziqiang's entire body, and all the strength of his body was concentrated on one punch. In this punch competition, Taiping only took a few steps back, while Fang Ziqiang almost fell off the ring.

"Three punches, this is the third punch!"

"Tongming Yunhou held on, and was not defeated by three punches! Instead, it was Fang Ziqiang who almost fell off the ring!"

The referee exclaimed.

The audience nearby cheered again.

"Come on, Li Qingzhou."

"The Tongming Cloud Monkey is strong!"

"I don't think it was the Tongming Cloud Monkey that withstood Fang Ziqiang's three punches, but Fang Ziqiang withstood the three punches of the Tongming Cloud Monkey!"

Yao Chunyi's face changed slightly. The battle between Fang Ziqiang and Li Qingzhou made him a little frightened. In a pure strength contest, no one in Evolution University could be their opponent.

Fang Ziqiang's third punch was indeed very strong. All his strength was concentrated on one punch, which could even collapse mountains. It can be seen from this punch that he used all his strength, which was more fierce and powerful than the punches in the previous rounds.

But what surprised Yao Chunyi even more was that Li Qingzhou's Tongming Cloud Monkey actually withstood it, and not only withstood it, but also knocked Fang Ziqiang out.

"With its own strong power, plus multiplication, and a... defensive skill, can the triple superposition repel Fang Ziqiang?"

Yao Chunyi secretly exclaimed.

"Wang Kai, maybe these two will be one of your biggest opponents."

"Don't compare me with them. When I was in school, I was as good at beating Fangzi as beating a dog!"

Wang Kai said with disdain.

Yao Chunyi frowned slightly. This Wang Kai is good at everything. He has strong talent and ability. The only weakness is that he is too arrogant and doesn't care about anyone.

If I can't suppress him a little bit now, maybe no one in the whole Jinghua University can control him.

Yao Chunyi can't help but feel a little melancholy in his heart. After graduation, how will the Jinghua University Battle Club develop?

According to Wang Kai's temper, it is estimated that no one can control him in the future.

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