The moment Wang Tong summoned his pet, almost everyone felt the change in the magnetic field on the ring at the same time.

The entire magnetic field seemed to be distorted. Although it was invisible, the feeling lingered in everyone's mind.

The sense of direction was lost, the electronic components failed...

An inexplicable panic rose in everyone's heart.

Li Qingzhou looked up and saw the pet covered with steel.

[Name: Magnetic Beast]

[Attribute: Gold]

[Level: Platinum Level 2]

[Qualification: Diamond]

[Skills: Electromagnetic Pulse, Electromagnetic Shield, Electromagnetic Chain, Electromagnetic Cannon, Magnetic Attack]

[Weakness: Fire]

[Evolution Path: 1]

[Introduction: The Electromagnetic Beast is a giant mechanical beast driven by electromagnetics. Its entire body is covered with high-strength electromagnetic materials, giving it an indestructible defense. This beast has powerful electromagnetic energy and control capabilities, and can exert amazing strength in battle. 】

After summoning the magnetic beast, Wang Tong's mood was obviously much better, and he became more confident. The dark cloud of defeat also dissipated slightly.

Of course, his change of mentality was also the main reason.

After losing consecutively, the victory or defeat did not seem to be so important. He just treated this as his last game and tried his best to show himself, regardless of success or failure.

"Enjoy this game, Lu Yuan."

Wang Tong looked at Lu Yuan with a smile, and never mentioned the issue of combat power.

Regardless of the combat power of the pet beast, at this moment, he just wanted to have a good competition.

"Okay, let's let go and have a good fight, and don't leave any regrets."

Lu Yuan nodded.

The Wind Wolf stretched out its body at his feet, and its eyes were fixed on the magnetic beast in front.


With a wolf howl, the Wind Wolf took action.

This time, Lu Yuan was the first to attack.

The Wind Wolf turned into a gust of wind and pounced on the magnetic beast.

Lu Yuan had no choice but to use the same tactics as the Sky-Splitting Demon Eagle in the first round, dragging the opponent to death.

That tactic can only be used once, and it will be useless the second time.

Wang Tong must be alert in his heart and will not let him use the escape technique to defeat twice.

So this time, he chose to let the Wind Wolf attack first.

The wind transformed by the Wind Wolf blew in front of the Magnetic Beast in an instant, but the Magnetic Beast stood still. His eyes were slightly lit with red light, and then the body of the Wind Wolf retreated uncontrollably, as if it was hit by an invisible resistance, pushing him out.

The Wind Wolf roared repeatedly and stabilized its body in the air.

But before he stopped, an indescribable gravitational force suddenly rose in front of him, pulling it towards the direction of the Magnet Beast.

At this time, the mouth of the Magnet Beast opened slightly, and a gun barrel stretched out.

This is the skill of the Magnet Beast, the electromagnetic gun!

It can fire a powerful electromagnetic cannon from the jet in its mouth. It has great power and will explode into pieces if it touches the target.

The magnetic beast can control magnetic force and can form various attractive and repulsive forces according to the changes in the magnetic field.

As long as it is within the range of influence of the magnetic beast's magnetic field, it can attract or repel everything.

The Swift Wind Wolf in the air danced with its limbs, but it was useless.

In the air, he could not use force, could not exert force, and could not adjust his body shape. He could only watch himself fly towards the magnetic beast.

The Swift Wind Wolf was attracted in the air, which was the living target of the magnetic beast.

The electromagnetic cannon must hit!

This is also the killer move of Wang Tong's magnetic beast.

The magnetic field control, the repulsive force and attractive force generated, plus the electromagnetic cannon, this set, basically no pet can withstand it.

The situation in front of him is very critical.

The Swift Wind Wolf roared twice, and the wind surged on his claws.

Countless winds gathered on his wolf claws, and the two wolf claws waved on the horns.

The huge wolf claw condensed by the wind went straight to the magnetic beast.

Under the attraction of gravity, the speed of the wolf claw flying was countless times faster than usual.

In an instant, the wolf claw condensed by the wind had already grabbed the face of the magnetic beast fiercely.

However, the magnetic beast had no intention of dodging. The electromagnetic cannon was charged, aimed at the wind wolf, and then fired!


An electromagnetic cannon blasted out, and the surrounding air was slightly rippled.

The wind wolf's eyes condensed, and the surrounding wind flowed quickly, surrounding him and forming a barrier.

Skill Wind Shield!

Lu Yuan was slightly surprised. Just now, the whirlwind claw of the wind wolf hit the magnetic beast, and tore several cracks on the body of the magnetic beast.

Although the metal of the magnetic beast's body is hard, it will still be injured under the full force of the wind wolf.

However, Wang Tong chose this kind of injury-for-injury fighting method, which really surprised him.

Because according to their investigation, Precision University will not use this kind of fighting style. They will only fight against each other based on the combat power data, and will not allow themselves to fall behind and use this tactic that damages their pets.

After all, mechanical pets are very expensive. Once damaged, they need to spend a lot of money to repair, which is not worth the loss.

"Bang bang bang--"

The electromagnetic cannon and the wind wolf collided with each other, making a huge explosion.

A ball of green wind slowly emerged in the smoke, and then the wind wolf rushed out of the smoke. His hair was burnt black and smoke was emitting from his body. Obviously, the electromagnetic cannon caused some damage to him.


The Wind Wolf roared, looking extremely angry, then got on all fours and started running around the Magnetic Beast.

Running like the wind, in an instant, green shadows appeared around the Magnetic Beast.

The green shadows formed a circle and enveloped the Magnetic Beast.

This was the remaining shadow of the Wind Wolf running at full speed, and it was difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake.

It was almost impossible to lock his position at this speed.

Wang Tong's face was calm.

As long as the Wind Wolf was still within the range of the Magnetic Beast's magnetic force, it would be affected by the gravitational force or repulsive force generated no matter which direction it attacked from.

As long as it was in the magnetic field, the Magnetic Beast was almost omnipotent.

'Swoosh! ! ! '

Two sharp sounds of breaking through the air came.

Whirlwind claws!

The huge wolf claws made of wind were repelled by the repulsive force the moment they appeared, flying slower and slower, and finally slowly disintegrated.

However, the Wind Wolf did not give up, and kept running, releasing whirlwind claws from all directions.

Countless winds surged, and countless wolf claws condensed in the air, but without exception, they would be shattered by the repulsive force as soon as they approached the magnetic beast, and could not get close to it at all.

‘Squeak, squeak, squeak—’

The sound of wolf claws grinding on the ground sounded, and the fast-running Wind Wolf suddenly stopped, leaned down, and looked at the magnetic beast with fierce eyes.

At this moment, the eyes of the magnetic beast turned red, and the surrounding repulsive force turned into gravity. A strong gravity pulled the Wind Wolf and rushed towards the magnetic beast.

The Wind Wolf was shocked, and pressed its claws tightly on the ground, grinding several sharp claw marks on the ring.

The sound of grinding glass sounded on the ring.

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