Soon, the day of the finals arrived.

Jiang Tan was in the training room. After giving a few final instructions, he led everyone to the competition arena.

The arena for the final was the same arena as the previous games, but the number of people who came to watch this final was obviously larger than the previous rounds.

And there are many heavyweights.

Liu Fang, the president of Jinghua University, and Yao Daotong, the president of the Jinghua City Beast Masters Association, sat in the front row in a special room, watching the competition on the stage.

"Old Liu, are you confident that Jinghua University can win this year?"

Yao Daotong shook the tea cup in his hand and asked leisurely.

"That's natural."

Liu Fang took a sip of tea and said, "I feel relieved that Wang Kai and Yao Chunyi are here."

"Yao Chunyi and Wang Kai are really good, but this time, Linyuan University seems to have produced several geniuses, especially the young man named Li Qingzhou. In the first few rounds of the competition, he was unstoppable."

Yao Daotong took a sip of tea.

"Indeed, Li Qingzhou is a rare talent. Even I can't figure out how his pet beasts are cultivated and evolved. Do you have any clue?"

Liu Fang fell in love with Yao Daotong.

Li Qingzhou's pet beasts were strange and changeable. Based on some of the characteristics of the pet beasts, he could tell which pet beast they evolved from. However, this evolutionary route and form had never been recorded. of.

"You don't even know, how can I know?"

Yao Daotong shook his head.

Jinghua University is deeply involved in the research of the evolutionary path of pet beasts, and Liu Fang is a leader in this field.

"I have a few ideas that I can try after the game."

Liu Fang shook the tea cup in his hand and said thoughtfully.

Jinghua University has a solid foundation in the field of evolutionary route research. As a leader, Liu Fang has outstanding eyesight and strength. He has developed countless new evolutionary routes.

These pet beasts of Li Qingzhou aroused his strong interest, so he came here specially to watch the battle this time. He wanted to take a closer look, get more information, and then go back to school to try to see if he could reproduce these beasts. Several pet animals.

He could see that once the pet beast here was reproduced, it would further consolidate the position of Jinghua University and truly become the number one.

These pet beasts have great potential and are powerful, and I don’t know what form they will evolve into in the end. Maybe they can break the current limit of pet beast levels in the beast-controlling world and reach a whole new level.

"I wonder what kind of surprises Li Qingzhou will bring us."

Yao Daotong took a sip of tea and looked at the ring.

On the ring, the game officially begins.

The host drove the suspended disk in a circle in the air and said in an passionate tone: "Welcome everyone to come to the national competition finals on time. Let us welcome the last national competition champion - Jinghua University with warm applause. ”

"Kinghua University, Kyohua University!!"

"come on! Come on!!!"

The audience suddenly burst into violent applause and shouts.

Jinghua University is the best school in Jinghua City. This is their home court, and most of the audience are also their fans.

Now that Jinghua University is on the stage, the entire audience is excited. Everyone is cheering and shouting.

The mountains roared and the tsunami was deafening.

After a while, the cheers slowly subsided.

The host nodded with satisfaction and continued to introduce: "Next, let us warmly welcome Linyuan University. They have overcome all obstacles and stood on the highest stage. They have the qualifications to challenge Jinghua University. This game will decide The ownership of the throne.”

"Please welcome Linyuan University with warm applause."

After the host finished speaking, he only received a few sparse voices.

The difference between this reaction and the thunderous cheers just now was too obvious.

Jiang Tan's expression was calm and there was nothing unusual about it, and the rest of the team members also had calm expressions. This situation had been expected by them.

Jiangtan has also vaccinated them early. After all, it is the home ground of Jinghua University. The audience will cheer for Jinghua University and cheer for Jinghua University. As a challenger and an outsider, Linyuan University is not to say encouraged. Even if you are ridiculed or booed, it is normal.

For the audience at the scene, Linyuan University is the enemy, the enemy that hinders their continuity!

It's impossible to be popular.

Old people such as Mu Qing'er and Lu Yuan have experienced the last finals and are naturally familiar with this. On the contrary, newcomers like Long Ling and Li Qingzhou may not be able to adapt.

Jiang Tan looked up and found that Li Qingzhou and Long Ling had calm faces, as if they didn't feel the contrast.

He couldn't help but secretly nod. On this stage of the finals, when facing the powerful enemy Jinghua University, only by being calm can he win.

Being impatient or being provoked by the emotions at the scene is very likely to fall into a disadvantage and lead to defeat.

The referee re-introduced the competition system.

The finals are no different from the previous rounds. There are three single-player matches and one multi-player match. The final points will determine the championship.

Linyuan University rest area.

Jiang Tan took the list in his hand and looked at everyone, "Then our list is finalized now. Do you have any objections?"

In fact, everyone was silent and did not speak.

"Okay, then it's settled." Jiang Tan nodded.

Compared to the previous rounds, the final roster was adjusted.

Mu Qing'er replaced Long Ling and played in the single-player match, while Lu Yuan and Li Qingzhou still played in the single-player match.

In the multiplayer match, Long Ling and Zhuang Muyan led everyone.

Mu Qing'er was stronger than Long Ling, and he had a greater chance of winning the single-player match.

Moreover, Long Ling's flying dragon had evolved to the platinum level, and he could cooperate better with Zhuang Muyan in the multiplayer match.

Of course, Jiang Tan hoped that the first three single-player matches would determine the winner directly, without the need to judge the winner through the final multiplayer match.

Mu Qing'er's face was calm.

She had always played the last game in the multiplayer match, first to cover the team, and second to train Long Ling and Li Qingzhou, so that they could face strong opponents, constantly hone themselves, and forge ahead.

And this arrangement also worked. Long Ling's flying dragon broke through the platinum level, and his own character had grown greatly.

Li Qingzhou was as amazing as ever.

But in the finals, it was a fierce battle. When it came to the bayonet, the idea of ​​training newcomers needed to be abandoned, and the strongest strength had to be used to deal with it.

"Lu Yuan will play in the first game, and your opponent is Liu Hongwei."

Jiang Tan looked at Lu Yuan and said.

"I know."

Lu Yuan nodded calmly.

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